오전,오후를 통틀어 올해 중앙대 어휘문제는 역대 최고의 난이도였다.
기존에는 거의 기출어휘 위주로 출제되는 것이 관행(?)이었는데 올해에는 어려운 어휘들이 대거 쏟아져서
많은 혼란을 일으키고 체감난이도를 높인 것 같다. 아래 stultify, drab, kudos는 보카바이블을 포함한
어느 어휘교재에도 나오지 않는 단어들이었다. 그리고 문장완성으로 대체해 풀 수도 없는 문제여서
결국 운이 좌우하는 그런 문제였던 것으로 평가된다.
동의어 문제는 약 6문제, 문장완성은 13문제 총 19문제 정도가 어휘문제로 분류될 수 있겠다.
거의 50%에 달하는 문제가 어휘실력을 바탕으로 푸는 문제여서 다음 중앙대 시험을 준비하는 수험생들은
보다 어휘력 향상에 노력을 기울여야겠다.
(1~6) 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 부분과 가장 가까운 의미를 지닌 것을고르시오.(각 2점)
1. It's obvious that the cat has a penchant for sunny windows and tuna tidbits. He always leaps from the kitchen windowsill and runs into his dish when he smells fish.
1) discipline 2) definite liking 3) lack of appreciation 4) abhorrence
<정답> 2)
penchant [F1431: 2006년 공무원 9급 기출]
2. Many songbirds in temperate zones reveal a drab plumage during the winter.
1) variegated 2) enticing 3) colorless 4) distinct
<정답> 3) drab를 모르면 문맥상으로도 전혀 풀 수 없는 문제이다. 문장속에서 어떠한 정보도 제공하지
않기 때문이다. 순수 동의어 문제이나 단어 또한 몹시 어려운 어휘여서 찍지 않고 푼 수험생은 드물것으로 보인다.
drab 단조로운, 칙칙한
3. I couldn't wait to leave the dinner because of the vacuous conversation at the table.
1) vehement 2) immaculate 3) sycophantic 4) unintelligent
<정답> 4)
vacuous [D4411, F1524]
4. The band exhumed some old English music hall songs and delighted modern audiences with them.
1) disrupted 2) rendered 3) excavated 4) composed
<정답> 3)
exhume [F2613] = excavate [H17]
exhume(발굴하다)를 render(연주하다) 로 비약해서 문장을 해석하고 답을 선택한 수험생이 의외로 많았다.
동의어 문제의 풀이요령은 절대 그 단어가 원래 가진 뜻을 넘어서서는 안된다.
또한 복원게시판의 논쟁에서 excavate가 발굴하다(즉. 땅을 파내서 유물을 발굴하다) 뜻 밖에 없다면서
exhume과 동의어는 될 수 없다고 하는데 언어는 살아있는 생명체와 같다. 무한히 그 뜻을 불려나가고
비슷한 상황에 뜻을 확장해 나간다. 우리말에도 발굴하다는 땅을 파서 유물 등을 발굴하다 의미 외에도
신인가수를 발굴하다로 쓰기도 한다. 그럼 그 신인가수를 땅을 파내서 끄집어내는 것이 아닌것은 초등생 이상이면
누구도 다 안다. 영어도 마찬가지이다. 그들도 "예전의 노래를 발굴해낸다"에 exhume이나 excavate를 쓴다.
제발 사고방식의 유연함을 가지기 바란다.
5. Both speakers reached their audience by talking in a down-to-earth manner, strongly expressing their opinions.
1) realistic 2) vulgar 3) frivolous 4) secular
<정답> 1)
down-to-earth [F1234:기출어휘]
6. Sheila has a habit of making definite, opinionated statements that tend to stultify conversation.
1) firmly reinforce 2) provide entertainment for
3) effectively 4) have an inhibiting effect on
stultify 바보처럼 보이게 하다; (정신 이상으로) 법률상 무능력하다고 주장하다
(13~19) 다음 빈 칸에 가장 적합한 단어를 고르시오.(각 2점)
13. Ephemeral wetlands are characterized by their tendency to completely dry out most summers, only to become ____________ again the following fall, winter, or spring.
1) inundated 2) situated 3) truncated 4) supplanted
<정답> 1) inundate [표제어 3022]
14. We are, for instance, instructed never to admit fault following automobile accidents, since this may put us in a(n) _____________ legal position.
1) advertent 2) precarious 3) presumptuous 4) restive
<정답> 2) precarious [표제어 3552]
15. The broccoli soup at restaurant was __________. I've never tasted anything so good.
1) sublime 2) comparable 3) incompatible 4) repugnant
<정답> 1) sublime [D4132]
16. Unlike her first novel, which received __________ for its originality, her second effort was widely criticized as uninventive and predictable.
1) odium 2) sloth 3) fiasco 4) kudos
<정답> 4) kudos <구어> 영광, 영예, 명예; 찬사, 칭찬
17. The little girl was quite a(n) _________. She walked boldly into the roomful of strange adults and struck up a friendly conversation.
1) altruist 2) extrovert 3) dilettante 4) novice
<정답> 2) extrovert [표제어2134]
18. Unlike his calmer, more easygoing colleagues, the senator was _________ , ready to quarrel at the slightest provocation.
1) slovenly 2) benign 3) irascible 4) placid
<정답> 3) irascible [H23]
19. While I have carefully saved money to buy the piano I have always wanted, my friend Sean has ___________ his earnings on thousands of lottery tickets.
1) stockpiled 2) subjugated 3) augmented 4) squandered
<정답> 4) squander [D1714]
(20~26) 다음 빈칸에 가장 적합한 단어 또는 어구를 고르시오.(각 3점)
20. Combining enormous physical strengh with manifest intelligence, Neanderthals appeared to be supremely well adapted. Nevertheless, around 35,000 years ago, they vanished from the face of the earth. The question of what became of the Neanderthals still ________ paleontologist, and is perhaps the most talked-about issue in human origins research today.
1) consummates 2) mollifies 3) elucidates 4) baffles
<정답> 4) baffle [F1621]
21. Current restrictions on immigration are impossible to justify as they victimize those fleeing persecution and oppression in their own countries. In theory the U. K. is open to genuine refugees, but the immigration criteria are so concerned to ___________ economic migrants claiming political refugee status that it is made very difficult and humiliating for those in real danger.
1) weed out 2) bring up 3) comply with 4) bear out
<정답> 1) weed out [기출필수표현 I-43]
22. Nuclear families of the preindustrial era were bound to a set of social obligations that made the nuclear family subordinate to the wishes of the large family. This extended family system began to _________ with the advent of the Industrial Revolution. Aspirations for greater personal freedom and changing economic conditions produced a slow movement toward more independent nuclear families.
1) unravel 2) assimilate 3) emerge 4) thrive
<정답> 1) unravel [D1632]
23. The shipworm can grow almost a meter. The shell of the shipworm is small, and covers only a part of the animal. Shipworms digest the cellulose of wood and cause great damage to submerged wood structures such as docks. They are a particular __________ to wooden ships and piers, boring into wood below the waterline.
1) keeper 2) precursor 3) menace 4) bona fides
<정답> 3) menace [표제어 3245, F1845, F3245]
24. The volcanic areas of southern Guatemala contain some of the nation's richest soils. However, the northern parts of this region are particularly subject to erosion encouraged by steep slopes and senseless deforestation. Within the Sierra region, heavier rainfall combined with thinner soils on the steep slopes and the ___________ destruction of forests have led to widespread erosion.
1) wanton 2) prudent 3) negligible 4) creditable
<정답> wanton [H44]
25. For centuries, humans have unfairy viewed the great white shark as the quintessence of evil, a remorseless killer that goes after humans out of sheer malevolence. The sight of its dorsal fin slicing through the water sends shivers down the spine. Especially, in the last several years, __________ of the white shark has increased through a variety of movies in which sharks play havoc with humans.
1) recourse 2) calumny 3) levity 4) predilection
<정답> 2)
calumny [F3144]
오전 문제 전체보기 -> 중앙대[오전B형] 편입영어문제 및 정답[출처:종로편입]
1. Although its economy is in disarray, Russia will weather the crisis.
1) get over 2) suffer from 3) go into 4) depend on
<정답> 1)
weather (곤란을 뚫고 나가다) = get over (극복하다) [I-14]
2. The bucolic settings of John Constable's paintings seem to lure viewers into inviting landscape to wander a winding lane or perch on a fence.
1) gorgeous 2) elaborate 3) bold 4) rural
<정답> 4)
bucolic [H07] = rural [F4354]
3. Before leaving for their new posts, the diplomats were told about the deferential treatment they could expect from foreign leaders.
1) condescending 2) facile 3) informal 4) respectful
<정답> 4)
deferential [표제어 1335] = respectful (동의어 그대로 출제)
4. Phenomenal changes took place in nearly every facet of ship design and operation.
1) vigorous 2) dolorous 3) remarkable 4) decorative
<정답> 3)
5. The committee should peruse the recommendation process and check for problems with the appointment.
1) determine 2) scrutinize 3) negotiate 4) confirm
peruse [F0135] = scrutinize [표제어 3933]
6. Their efforts panned out because they set up their business in an area with a lot of pedestrians.
1) became famous 2) grew stronger 3) were successful 4) were stopped
<정답> 3)
pan out (유용하게 만들어내다, 잘 되다) = be successful
[13~19] 다음 빈 칸에 가장 적합한 단어를 고르시오. (각 2점)
13. The professor's inept lecture gradually __________ a subject that had been crystal clear to us before.
1) obfuscated 2) explicated 3) assuaged 4) consolidated
<정답> 1)
obfuscate [D1833, F3414]
14. The supervisor suspected that her new employee might __________, so when he called in sick three days in a row, she demanded he bring a note from his doctor.
1) disperse 2) concede 3) dilute 4) malinger
<정답> 4)
malinger [F3225]
15. Mr. Chandler's ostentatious tastes were clearly displayed when he was made president of the company, as the promotion caused him to __________ his new prosperity with even more vigor.
1) forgo 2) impugn 3) undermine 4) flaunt
<정답> 4)
flaunt [D2255]
16. Apologies are powerful. They resolve conflict without violence, repair __________ between nations, and restore equilibrium to personal relationship.
1) alimony 2) schisms 3) encomium 4) sequences
<정답> 2)
schism [H35]
17. Demeter was a(n) __________ goddess in her own right. Without her attention and blessing, winter could not come to an end, and the sun could not warm the earth.
1) formidable 2) extemporaneous 3) viscous 4) tractable
<정답> 1)
formidable [표제어 2325]
18. The wholesale price of cotton clothing has fallen considerably in the last year. Thus, although the __________ price of cotton apparel at stores has not yet fallen, it will inevitably fall.
1) default 2) retail 3) rebate 4) receipt
<정답> 2)
retail [F1942]
19. The river's beauty turned out to be __________. What had looked like churning rapids from a distance was, on closer inspection, some sort of foamy industrial waste.
1) sporadic 2) prevailing 3) specious 4) infinite
<정답> 3)
specious [D3443, D4035, F3443]
[20~26] 다음 빈 칸에 가장 적합한 단어 또는 문장을 고르시오. (각3점)
21. Lotteries provide the hope of success for many people, but in practice the chances of winning are extremely low. It is statistically sensible to avoid buying a ticket until Friday, as until then your chance of winning is less than your chance of being run over by a car before Sunday's draw. Governments which promote such activity are taking advantage of the __________ of their citizens.
1) insight 2) gullibility 3) sagacity 4) altruism
<정답> 2)
gullibility [표제어 2455]
22. So-called prophetic dreams in ancient Middle Eastern cultures were often used to help the sick. In classical Greece, dreams became directly identified with the healing process; ailing people came to dream in special temples where priests and priestesses advised about their ostensible __________ benefits.
1) curative 2) impertinent 3) debilitating 4) morbid
<정답> 1)
curative [F3635]
23. The oxygen supply in the Earth's atmosphere is a result of photosynthesis by green plants. Plants require all the essential ingredients of photosynthesis to build the vital compounds and structures. Water is one of the critical elements, because cell enlargement is a result of internal water pressure extending the walls. This explains why in periods of __________ plants tend to have smaller leaves.
1) hail 2) deluge 3) avalanche 4) drought
<정답> 4)
drought [F1752]
24. Today, sheep ranchers use llamas to guard their flocks and find llamas to be extremely protective of their charges. The llama will interpose itself between the flock and a threatening coyote or dog; its aggressive posture usually __________ the attacker sufficiently so that it backs off. If it doesn't, the llama will charge. While this usually drives the predator away, occasionally the llama becomes the victim.
1) disconcerts 2) ensconces 3) disinters 4) constructs
<정답> 1)
disconsert [H14,D1021]
25. During the second half of the twentieth century the world's population has doubled from two-and-a-half billion to five billion. During this period rapacious timber barons have axed great tropical rain forests essential to the planet's health at the rate of thirty acres a minutes. At the same time, books like Al Gore's Earth in the Balance and Jonathan Schell's The Fate of the Earth warned of the dangers of continued __________ of the planet.
1) propinquity 2) enormity 3) despoliation 4) disparity
<정답> 3)
despoliation [D4045]
26. The first successful human kidney transplant operations were carried out in the 1950s; then in 1967, Dr. Christiaan Barnard, a South African surgeon, startled the world by performing the first human heart transplant. But despite the headlines, organ transplants then were rare and generally unsuccessful. The most __________ problem, rejection by the recipient's immune system, eventually yielded to powerful new drugs. Today successful organ transplants are common, with more than twenty thousand performed each year in the United States.
1) disassociated 2) tractable 3) respiratory 4) refractory
<정답> 4)
refractory [F2335, F3735]
오후 문제 전체보기 -> 중앙대[오후A형] 편입영어문제 및 정답[출처:유니넷]
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22.25...-_- 길게 생각하면 틀리는구나ㅎㅎ 담엔 뒤도 돌아보지말고 찍어야지ㅠㅠ
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