Once upon a time a piece of wood was lying in the shop of an old carpenter. He was called Master Antonio, but because his nose was always as red as a rope cherry, everyone called him Master Cherry.
No sooner had Master Cherry set eyes on the piece of wood than his face beamed with delight.
Rubbing his hands together happily, he said, "This has come right in the nick of time. It will just do to make the leg of a little table." With that he picked up a sharp ax to peel off the bark and shape the wood. But as he was about to give it the first blow, he heard a little voice say imploringly, "Do not strike me too hard!" (from The Adventures of Pinocchio)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
The first trace : Experts believe that humans were already domesticating cats in Cyprus about 9,000 years ago. According to them, it was around the development of agriculture that cats began approaching human settlements.
In Ancient trace : More than 4,000 years ago. cats hunted rats that consumed both grain and wheat corps as well as birds. They were, thus, venerated by the Egyptians for whom they were believed to represent a goddess. Statues were built and jewels were carved in their image. Cats were even mummified, and given proper burials.
Cats were brpught to Europe by the Romans. They guarded grain reserves and shielded against rat infestations. (from my apple news in JoongAng Ilbo)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
Imagine good Master Cherry's astonishment! With the ax still raised in his Hand he turned his eyes all around the room trying to discover where the little voice could possibly have come from. but he saw nobody! "It is all my imagination," he said finally, laughing and scratching his wig. And raising the ax, he struck the piece of wood a tremendous blow.
"Oh! Oh! You have hurt me," cried the same faraway little voice. Master Cherry grew dumb. His eyes almost popped out of his head, and he shook all over. When he could speak he stuttered and trembled. (from The Adventures of Pinocchio)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
In nature, there is little competition between dogs and cats. However, each is prepared to attack against any invasion of one's territory by the other. While this is true for any animal, dogs and cats hold a particular aversion against one another.
Because of their popularity as pets, the two are often brought together around people.
During the 18th century, there was lively interest in study of cats, which spawned exhibits and the publication of many books on the subject.
Cats have been regarded as spiritual beings as well as evil animals; thus Korea has one of the lowest propagation rates for cats. (from my apple news in JoongAng Ilbo)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
Practical Reading 3
"Where on earth can that little voice have come from? There's no one here but me. Is ut possible this piece of wood can have learned to cry like a child? I cannot believe it. Yet, might someone be hidden in it? It so, the worse for him. I'll soon settle him." And he seized the piece of wood and threw it against the wall as hard as he could.
He listened for the tiny voice to cry and moan. For two minutes he stood with the wooden leg in his hand-nothing; five minutes-nothing; ten minutes-nothing.
"Oh, I see," he said trying to laugh bravely. "I surely must have imagined I heard the little voice. Well-to work once more!"(from The Adventures of Pinocchio)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
Many of us like to watch animals. You may have a pet dog or cat. At times you may notice that your pet moves its tail differently when it's happy than when it's angry.
After watching your pet for a long tine, you can probably tell a great deal about what each kind of tail movement means.
Some people think an owl wise because of its wide-open eyes. But for a bird its size, the owl has a tiny brain. If you say a person is as wise an owl, you are saying he or she is a bird-brain!
An owl moves its whole head when it looks around. It never moves its eyes from side. Its eyes are very sharp. It can see even small object, such as mice, that are very far away. (from Treasury of Literature)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
Practical Reading 4
"Well, then, neighbor Geppetto," said the carpenter, "what is the favor that you wish of me? "I want a piece of wood to make a marionette. will you give it to me?"
Master Cherry was delighted and he immediately fetched the piece of wood that had frightened him so much. Thanking his friend for being so kind, Geppetto took the fine piece of wood and returned to his house.
Poor Geppetto lived in a small, badly lighted room. for furniture he had only a hard bed, a rickety chair, and a tumble-down table. He had no fire, but on one wall of the room was painted a picture of a fireplace full of burning logs. (from The Adventures of Pinocchio)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
Yellowstone will heal because it is used to fire. In our lives, we normally think in terms of a few years or at most a human lifetime. But the cycles of nature often are longer then that. In 1988, Yellowstone hadn't had huge fires since the early 1700s, although some large ones burned in the 1800s, he forests were ready to burn again.
In areas where lots of rain falls, the dead wood on the forest floor is attacked by fungus and bacteria which break it down. But in dry forests, like those of Yellowstone, most of the dead trees stay where they fall, just like in a fireplace, this wood acts as fuel for fire. (from Treasure of Literature)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
Practical Reading 5
As soon as he reached home, Geppetto took his tools and began to cut and shape the wood into a marionette.
"What shall I name him?" he said to himself. "I think I'll call him pinocchio. It is a name that should bring him luck."
After choosing the name for his marionette, Geppetto set seriously to work making the hair, the fore-head, the eyes.
When the eyes were finished, imagine Geppetto's astonishment when he noticed that they moved and stared at him!
"Ugly wooden eyes, why do you stare so?" asked Geppetto. there was no answer. (from The Adventures of Pinocchio)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
Korea is a water poor country. The United Nation classifies Korea as lacking in water. Though Korea's yearly rainfall of 1,283mm exceeds the global average of 973mm: 70% of the country is mountains and the brunt of the yearly rainfall occurs during the summer.
Therefore, much of the water flows right into the sea. Factoring in high population density, the rainfall per person is merely 12.5% (one-tenth) of the global average.
In one lifetime. a person will consume 60-70tons of water (1 ton= 1000kg), excrete about 33 tons and sweat away 12 tons. Our bodies are made up of about 70% water- 90% ar birth, around 70% at adulthood and about 50% at death. (from my apple news in JoongAng Ilbo)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
Practical Reading 6
After the eyes Geppetto went on and carved the nose. But as he carved, it began to grow. And it grew, and grew until it became so long, it seemed endless. Poor Geppetto kept cutting it, but the more he cut, the longer grew that impertinent nose. In despair he left it alone
Next he made the mouth. The mouth was not even finished when it began to laugh and make fun of him "Stop laughing!" said Geppetto angrily. But he might as well have spoken to the wall, for the mouth only stuck out its tongue at him. And though Geppetto was furious. he went on with his work instead of spoiling it. (from The Adventures of Pinocchio)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
When seawater evaporates, it leaves behind residues of salt. This is the reason why the sea tastes salty. So now you might ask then how did the salt get there in the first place? Sand and rocks contain small deposits of salt.
Rainwater and river water circulate these elements. carrying them into the oceans in which the salt dissolves. Thanks to this process, the sea has collected salt little by little over the past billion years.
1L of seawater contains about 35g of salt. In the case of the Dead Sea, salt concentration is much higher at about 200g of salt per 1L.
Since 97% of the world's water is seawater. merely 3% is fit for human consumption. But is it possible to use all that up? Not at all. 68.7% of all freshwater. (from my apple news in JoongAng Ilbo)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
Practical Reading 7
The hands were scarcely finished when Geppetto felt his wig snatched from his head "You young rascal!" said Geppetto indignantly. "you're not yet finished and you start out by being impudent to your old Papa. Very bad, my son, very bad!"
The legs and feet still had to be made. As soon as they were done, Geppetto felt a sharp kick on th tip of his nose.
"I deserve it!" he said to himself. "I should have thought of it sooner! Now it is too late!"
He took hold of the puppet under the arms and put him on floor to teach him to walk. (from The Adventures of Pinocchio)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
The 7 wonders are among the most marvelous man-made structures, While most was destroyed long ago, the Great Pyramid still remains.
Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza is the last of the 7 Wonders to still exist today. it is also the largest of among Egypt's pyramids. This one is the resulting place of Pharaoh Khufu who reigned over Egypt between 2582 BC and 2551 BC. Measuring 147m in height and weighing 5 million tins. it is as large as 200 tennis court placed together.
Stone Statues, Easter Island in no other place in the world will you find 1000 enormous stone statues scattered about as you do on the small island of easter Island, located in the Pacific Ocean. (from my apple news in JoongAng Ilbo)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
Practical Reading 8
When his legs were limbered up, Pinocchio started walking by himself and ran all round the room. He came to the open door, and with one leap he was out into the street. Away he ran. Geppetto rushed after him but was not able to overtake the speeding pinocchio.
"Catch him! catch him!" Geppetto Kept shouting. But the people in the streets, seeing a wooden puppet running like the wind, stood still to stare and laugh until they cried.
At last, by sheer luck, a policeman hearing the uproar caught the runaway by the nose as Pinocchio tried to scoot through his legs, and returned him to the perspiring Geppetto. (from The Adventures of Pinocchio)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
Hunger, a problem of wealth distribution : Those countries worst affected by hunger are by far the poorest as well. Rich countries buy products from poor nations at ruinously cheap prices. while selling their won merchandise at higher and higher costs. In debt, poor countries can do little to develop their economies, and consequently their people fall victim to poverty and hunger.
Natural disasters : Famines can often be provoked by climatic catastrophes (hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, etc.) or earthquakes, like that which caused the disastrous tsunami of December 2004 in the Indian Ocean reign. In most cases, governments and international organizations find ways to respond quickly and supply provisions and food. (from my apple news in JoongAng Ilbo)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
Practical Reading 9
Pinocchio, on hearing this, threw himself on the ground and would not take another stop. Meanwhile a crowd began to gather around the two. "poor puppet," said one man. "I'm not surprised he doesn't want to ho home! Geppetto, that bad old man, will beat him!"
"Geppetto look like a good man," said another, "but with boys he's a real tyrant. If we leave that poor marionette in his hands he may tear him to pieces!"
It ended in so much being said and done that the policeman at last set Pinocchio free and dragged Geppetto off to prison where he had to stay all night. As he was being led away the poor man sobbed out, "Ungrateful boy! To think how hard I worked to make you a well-behaved marionette!" (from The Adventures of Pinocchio)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
Starving children's limbs are very skinny but their bellies are really huge. It is because they suffer from severe malnutrition. They do not have meat to eat and live on carbohydrates.
When there is a shortage of protein, the body begins breaking down the protein that it is stored in body. It takes proteins from the muscles. which are made of fluid and these proteins.
If the body continues to lose proteins, the blood concentration lowers, which results in fluid flowing out of the cells. In these malnourished children, the fluid collects in their bellies, which make them appear so full. (from my apple news in JoongAng Ilbo)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
Practical Reading 10
After a while, with night coming on, Pinocchio curled up on the floor and went to sleep. It was at day-break when he woke up because someone was knocking at the door.
"Who is there?" he asked.
"It is I, Geppetto," answered the voice. "Open the door at once!" Rubbing his and yawning, Pinocchio let him in.
"Dear papa," said Pinocchio, sniffling as though his heart would break, "how glad I am to see you! I have terrible pains in my stomach and I know I shall die of hunger.
Hearing this, Geppetto, who had been in a towering rage at having had to spend the night in prison because of Pincchio, felt his heart melt with pity for the marionette. (from The Adventures of Pinocchio)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
North Kore cases : In the 1990s, 90% of North Korea's people survived on corn gruel. As the number of hungry people increased, more tried to escape. Relief efforts from South Korea and other countries helped improve the situation.
South Korea : A survey last year found that over 300,000 children go without food during vacation. Currently, these children depend on aid from national social welfare programs and from citizen organizations.
In reality, there are many hungry children in Korea. The problem is that a lot of them do not qualify for government support and cannot receive aid. (from my apple news in JoongAng Ilbo)
What is the summary of this story?
(make a short sketch in Korean)
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