Published on Nov 7, 2013
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MUSIC : “Never Mess With Sunday” by Yppah
- Ison Causes an X2 Solar Flare.: BP Earthwatch (2013.Oct.31th)
- Giants and Monotheism + Comet ISON !!! : Andrew Collins : 108morris108 (2013.Oct.16th)
- Perplexed ISON Observers + “The Trinity” Mayan Alignment with ISON + VENUS : DAHBOO77 (Nov.3.2013)
- New ISON Images Oct-12-2013 : “The Red Dragon” : BP Earthwatch (2013.Oct.12th)
- SunSpot 1875 is Earth Facing/Ison,Fukushima Updates : BPEarthwatch : Oct.22.2013
- Comet Strikes Sun/Now a Chance of X-Flares : BPEarthWatch (2013.Oct.11th)
- ISON and Monatomic Gold : BPEarthWatch (Youtube ID)_2013.Sep.16th
- The Winged Disc and ISON : BPea)rthwatch (2013.Oct.10th
- 전문가들도 혼란스러워하는 아이손 + 마야 달력의 진정한 종료일에 지구-아이손-금성간의 “트리니티현상” 발생 예정 !!! : DAHBOO77 (2013년 11월 2-3일)
- 아이손혜성, 태양 X 플레어를 뿜어내게 하다?? : BP Earthwatch (2013년 10월 29일-30일))
- “엄청큰 굉음을 들었어요!!” + 태양계 안에 있는 4개의 혜성 !! : MrMBB333 (2013년 10월 26일)
- “날개달린 디스크/윙디스크”와 아이손혜성 : BP Earthwatch (2013년 10월 10일)
- 10월 12일 새로운 아이손 이미지 : “레드드래곤” (이상현상 발견) : BP Earthwatch (2013년 10월 12일)
- 뉴 멕시코 “불덩어리/운석” 한 밤 중을 대낮처럼 훤히 밝히다 !! : MrMBB333 (2013년 10월 11일)
- 최근 태양에 충돌한 혜성(10일)로 인해 거대한 X 플레어급 CME 방출 위험 : BP Earthwatch (2013년 10월 11일)
Consciousness/Plasma Reboot
그럼…이렇게 잠깐 동안 “확 폭발하는 X급CME”는…
어떤 “성질/특성”들을 가지고 있을까요???이들은…아마…
아..저기 보이네요..어제 밤 X 3.3 입니다 !!
5일 밤 22:00 시에 발생한 CME죠?아무튼 이런 지속시간 짧은, ”단타 X 급 CME”들은
우리 지구 대기권을 “오버차지(Overcharge)” 하게되며,
그리고 이를 바로 “자기장 코바늘 현상/패턴”(Magnetic Crochet)
…이라고 부른다고 합니다…이게 어떤 현상이냐 하면….
좀 드문 현상이라고 하는데요…
굉장히 파워풀한 CME가 아주 짧게 지속될 때만 일어난다고 합니다….
아무튼 이번 X급은 화면을 멈추지 않으면 굉장히 포착하기가 어렵습니다…자..그럼 가장 최근 데이터를 좀 살펴볼까요?
이렇게 아직도 “베타-감마-델타” 상태입니다…
그리고 지난 3일 동안 주욱 급성장했죠…
거의 30%나 크게 자랐습니다 !!아무튼 다시 그….
“자기장 코바늘 현상 (Magnetic Crochet)”으로 돌아가면….
이번 X 플레어가 이런 현상을 자아냈다고 하죠…플레어의 강한 방사능에너지가 지구 상층대기권을 급 “이온화(ionization)”시키고,
이로인해 “자기장 코바늘 현상”이 나타나게 된다…고 나와있죠?그리고 이 설명은 과거사례를 바탕으로 한 설명인데요…
“자기장코바늘현상은….우리 머리 위 60-100km 위에 있는 지구 상층대기권 자기장필드에
“전류로 인한 어떤 교란/방해가 오는 현상이다.”여러분도 화면을 멈춰가면서 주욱
읽어보시기 바랍니다….“이런 현상을 통해 전류가 좀 더 자유롭게 흐를 수 있고…
이런 전류들의 “자기장적인 요소”들이 지구 자기장필드에 “점프/부스트”를 주는 것과 같습니다”.. !!!!“그리고 플레어가 죽어가면서,
지구 상층권은 곧바로 원복상태로 돌아오게 되는 것이다”..라고 나오네요…..하지만 지금 우리가 처한 상황은….
이런 “코바늘 현상”이 지구대기권을 강타했고….
게다가 원래 X 플레어가 발생할 때 주의해야 될 점은….
이들이 지구 대기권을…뭐랄까..훨씬 더 “전도성 높게” 만든다고 해야될까요?그 뜻은 곧…지구에…
“블랙아웃/파워아웃 현상이 쉽게 일어날 수 있는 환경”이 조성됐다는 뜻 입니다..!!!게다가 이 SDO 이미지들 좀 보세요 !!
오늘 오후 사진들인데요…한 번 좀 보세요..죄다 한 쪽으로 치우져지거나 망가져있죠?
새 이미지들은 거의 다 이렇게 비뚤어져있고…
아니면 이미지들이 겹친/오버레이된 사진들도 있네요..-
-위 영상 중에서, BPEarthWatch
I personally suspect that…..
The various “disaster scenarios” people predict around and of the upcoming ISON….
“The Global Powergrid Failure”,
“World Wide Blackouts”,
“Mass Electrical/Plasma Event”,
“Deadly Tsunami & Earthquakes”….
To me,
All of these “biblical sized Earth reactions” only reflect, even partially, the half of the one complete picture.
I suspect that these fearful scenarios may just be the “physical reaction” part of this complex electrical giant, called ISON.
just so conveniently marking the era of “the great time of change” that,
most of our ancient cultures seem to have repeatedly emphasized and cherished for generations.
In short,
these may all be “viable/possible scenarios” and we should all keep close eyes to the skies for the next coming months.
Although, our mainstream media is doing what they do best by diverting all of our attention and energy,
towards mindless yet powerfully additive “junk food for the soul” – mindless Reality Shows, Game Shows, Sports Events, and Global News….
Terrorist Threats, Disease Threat, Cancer Threat, Car Accident Threat, Homocidal Mania Threat….
And all the other propaganda and reassurance campaign of this “Great Fear of Our Society”…..
But as the recent Electric Universe theory explains….
if “there are no islands in universe” and the whole world is filled with “electro-magnetic plasma”..,
(pls see : The Electric Universe—The Essential Role of Plasma : Thunderbolt Project.Info (2013.Oct.16th))
We Easterners can easily interpret this “mysterious universe filling plasma” as…..
the mysterious yet divine “Chi” energy or the “Ether” energy that most of our ancient cultures had been worshiping for centuries.
How come we are almost always focusing only on the “physical side” everything?
Couldn’t events in the universe have an impact on the “non-physical side” of our lives?
What about above X flare event with “Magnetic Crochet Effect”??
It surely sounds like it had a clear impact on “the overall plasma environment of the Earth”….
Then why couldn’t it have had an impact on “the overall plasma environment of all life on Earth, including HUMANITY”??
Thus on “the overall plasma environment of human thoughts/mind/soul/consciousness” as well ????
(pls see : Giants and Monotheism + Comet ISON !!! : Andrew Collins : 108morris108 (2013.Oct.16th))
Sure !!
Why not connect those dots?
It seems incredibly viable, even to this less than amateurish, untrained eyes, or at least to my personal “Law of One” principle?
(Pls see :
I believe “a universal truth” literally should be “universal/synonymous” in all matters of….
culture, language, custom, tradition, race, religion, traditions, beliefs, dimensions, etc….
So according to this principle,
“The Electric Universe Theory” and most areas of modern “Quantum Physics” are….
heck of a lot more in tuned and synced with many ancient teachings and beliefs around the world,
thus more globally “in synced” with the “whole universe and the history of Earth” than….. say….
“overly materialistic modern conventional physics/science”, for instance.
As a human being,
I do not have to worship anything that I don’t want, ,including “Factology” (the worship of “facts and data”),
which in my eyes…are just as “brainwashing”, “one-sided”, “blinding”, and “Dangerous”,
as any other “strategical/religious mind frames” that had been force-fed into the minds and souls of humanitythroughout centuries.
I am nobody.
And I certainly am no scientist,
Nor an astrophysicist,
Nor an advanced mathematician.
So I don’t have to prove anything to no one, at least never officially anyways.
And this may give me “no literary power” in one hand,
but at the same time it gives me the kind of “overwhelming freedom” that the so called, “experts of today” can never dream to have.
The freedom to explore both the facts and the imaginations of this world anyway I want !!
Both the body and the consciousness/soul of humanity,
Both the fiction and the non-fiction elements in life,
Both the language and the spirit of men,
Both the feminine and the masculine side of everything !
Dalai Lama once said to a quantum physician,
“How could scientific theory be “objective”,
when you first set out a “subjective hypothesis” then follow up with extensive experiments until you prove that hypothesis “right”??
I personally would like to add to that sentiment that, if I may:
“Plus, how could any scientific theory be “objective”,
when usually “subjective/opinionated hypothesis”, then, have to go through numerous exhaustive panels of “other expert subjective opinions”,
from various “objective/mainstream expert communities of the world”,
only to be “accepted, credited, and finally certified as “the bona-fide objective fact/theory of our time”,
that we now are all allowed to “subjectively” abide by ???
….something just doesn’t add up here.
All these boundaries, rules, categorizations, differentiation, compartmentalization…are clever and even beautiful at times.
But we must “never let the art become our master, but be our slave” !!!
Not unlike our imaginary national borders,
We must never forget that all these “borders and boundaries” are mere illusions that we humans artificially “CREATED“,
in noble attempts to try to make sense out of this complex, yet breath-takingly beautiful world.
My soul has always and…probably will always believe,
that there are “no real categorizations, borders, nor boundaries“…
in Truth,
in Education,
in Love,
in Knowledge,
in Emotion,
in Happiness,
in Tears,
in Pain,
in Sorrow…
in Mankind…
in LIFE.