♤ swing : a. 흔들리는, 결정적인, 교대의
♤ wage : v. (전쟁, 투쟁 등을) 수행하다
♤ correspondent : n. (신문, 방송 등의)특파원
♤ stand for : v. ···을 나타내다, 표상(表象)하다, 의미하다; 대리[대표]하다
♤ seek : v. ..을 추구하다, 찾다, 구하다
♤ head-on : ad. 정면으로
♤ vigorous : a. 정력적인, 활발한
♤ NAFTA : n. North American Free Trade Agreement 북미 자유 무역협정
♤ pessimistic : a. 비관적인, 염세적인
♤ protectionist : n. 보호무역론자
♤ czar : n. 황제, 군조, 독재자, 권력자, 지도자
♤ The Commerce Department : n. 상무부
♤ press conference : n. 기자회견
Good evening everyone. We begin tonight with the political battle being waged about economic recovery in the country. The presidential campaigns are deep into disagreement about how to deal with the most important issue. Today, the president made his fifteenth visit to Ohio since he was elected. Ohio voted Republican in 2000, but it is every bit a battleground this time. Here"s our White House correspondent Terry Moran.
President Bush came to Cleveland where many voters are worried and angry about his economic policies.
"Ever since Bush got in, you know, the economy every year is going worse and worse."
Even some of the president"s supporters are concerned about jobs going overseas.
"I"m hearing now that Cadillac is being made in China and where is that going to leave the United States? I like George Bush and what he stands for, but the economy has to really be cared for."
"What are you doing here?"
Mr. Bush toured this Cleveland manufacturing plant, where he sought to meet those concerns head-on. "Ohio"s unemployment rate is higher than the national average. I understand that. I know there are workers here concerned about their jobs going overseas. I share that concern."
Ohio has been especially hard hit by job losses during Mr. Bush"s presidency, losing more than 265,000, more than any state in the nation, including 155,000 manufacturing jobs. Many of those jobs went overseas. But Mr. Bush chose this state to launch a new and vigorous defense of free trade. He said Ohio has benefited from free trade with thousands of jobs and two billion dollars in exports to Mexico since NAFTA was signed. And he sought to paint his opponents as pessimistic protectionists.
One new thing the President had promised to do last Labor Day is name a manufacturing czar to handle that sector of the economy. The Commerce Department had scheduled a press conference to name the person who would handle that job tomorrow morning. But late tonight, Peter, that press conference was cancelled, meaning it"s been more than eight months and no manufacturing czar.