리데나: Retainer seal 또는 Oil seal 또는 O-Ring
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정비현장에서는 Ratainer(리테이너)를 리데나로 부르고 있다.
1. (변호사 등에게 필요할 때 일을 해 주도록 하기 위해 지불하는) 의뢰 비용
2. 부재 시 할인 집세(방·아파트 등을 나중에 자기가 필요할 때 또 사용하기 위해 부재 기간에 조금씩 지불하는 집세)
3. 치아 교정 장치, 보존장치, 유지장치
1. 의뢰비용, 착수금
an amount of money that you pay to someone (such as a lawyer) to make sure that you will have that person's services when you need them
2. 유지 장치
a device that you put in your mouth to keep your teeth in the correct position especially after you have had braces
3.하인 old-fashioned
a servant in a wealthy home
deposit, (변호사 등에게 지불하는) retainer
의학 retainer
보정장치 保定裝置
유지장치 維持裝置
The agency will pay you a monthly retainer.
그 기관에서 당신께 매월 상담료를 지불할 겁니다.
It's uncomfortable for me to eat fruit because of my fixed retainer.
고정식 유지 장치 때문에 과일 먹기가 불편하네요.
A faithful retainer will not serve two masters.
충신은 두 임금을 섬기지 않는다
아직 보정 장치 끼고 계세요?
"Are you still wearing the retainer?"
유지 장치 끼고 발음하는 건 어렵다.
It's hard to pronounce words with a retainer.
noun [ C ]
LAW specialized
an amount of money that you pay to someone so as to be sure that that person can work for you when you need them to
a servant who has usually been with the same family for a long time:
a faithful old retainer
noun [ C ]
an amount of money that you pay to someone in advance so that the person will work for you when needed:
He was on a $150,000 retainer from Lloyd's of London.
A retainer is also a device that holds something in place.
A retainer that you wear in your mouth helps to straighten your teeth.
청소기 연장 주름 튜브(호스)