출처: 자연 문화 동호회 원문보기 글쓴이: 그날은 다가온다
A grim report issued by General Director Vladimir Popovkin of the Russian Federal Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS) on the “huge meteorite fireball” seen across nearly the entire length of Britain [photo 2nd left] this weekend past warns that this event is but a precursor to an expected hit upon Earth this coming December by a rogue asteroid currently barreling its way towards us.
지난 주 영국의 거의 전역에서 목격된 “거대한 유성 불공”에 대한, 러셔 연방 우주국(ROSCOSMOS)의 블라디미르 포포브킨 국장이 제출한 암울한 보고서는, 이 사건은 현재 우리(지구)를 향해 돌진하고 있는 어떤 악당 소행성에 의해 이번 12월에 지구를 가격할 것으로 예상되는 타격의 前兆에 지나지 않는다고 경고한다.
The rogue asteroid noted in this report is 2012 DA14 having an estimated diameter of about 44 meters and an estimated mass of about 120,000 metric tons. It was discovered last month on 23 February 2012 by the OAM Observatory La Sagra in
The estimated size of 2012 DA14 places it in the same category as the celestial body that, Russian scientists say, exploded over western Siberia in 1908. Though many theories exist concerning the event on Podkamennaya Tunsguska River, the leading explanation is a space body over 50 meters in size blew up in the atmosphere, the blast being at least 1,000 more powerful than the nuclear bomb that destroyed Hiroshima in 1945.
General Director Popovkin in this report disputes NASA’s calculation of a 15 February 2013 “near miss” of our Earth by 2012 DA14 by noting that American scientists failed to account for what is called the Yarkovsky Effect that affects the angular spin rate of asteroids based upon our planets magnetic field that caused an over 5,000 km deviation from calculated models of the aforementioned meteorite fireball seen over Britain.
The Yarkovsky Effect is better described as a force acting on a rotating body in space caused by the anisotropic emission of thermal photons, which carry momentum. It is usually considered in relation to meteoroids or small asteroids (about 10 cm to 10 km in diameter) as its influence is most significant for these bodies and was discovered by Russian civil engineer Ivan Osipovich Yarkovsky (1844?1902).
This report, however, notes that the Yarkovsky Effect can be applied to larger space bodies (meteors, asteroids, comets), including 2012 DA14, should our Earth’s electromagnetic field be severely disrupted due to solar storms caused by our Sun. This is an important distinction to note, this report continues, in making calculations for 2012 DA14 particularly during a time period when our Sun is in Solar Maximum and where just hours ago it unleashed one of the most powerful Earth-directed X-flares of this cycle.
Russian concerns about these types of rogue space bodies were heightened in December 2009 when former ROSCOSMOS General Director Anatoly Perminov warned that preparations were urgently needed to prevent a strike upon our Earth in 2029 or 2036 by the asteroid 99942Apophis and stated: “People's lives are at stake. We should pay several hundred million dollars and build a system that would allow us to prevent a collision, rather than sit and wait for it to happen and kill hundreds of thousands of people.”
Even more critical to note, this report says, and as we had reported on in our 26 February report Mysterious Siberian Blasts Warned Point To Rapid Pole Reversal, a “substantial deviation” in the trajectory of 2012 DA14 causing it to rapidly accelerate towards our Earth could be further caused by our planets weakening magnetic field due to a reversal of our poles and that reports from all over the world are now hearing evidence of.
더더욱 주목해야 할 중대한 점은, 미스터리한 사이비어리어 폭발이 급격한 지축 顚倒를 가리킨다고 경고한 우리의 2.26. 보고서에서 보고했듯이, 2012 DA14의 궤적에서 “상당한 일탈(逸脫)”은(상당히 벗어나게 되면) 그것이 우리 지구를 향해 급격하게 가속하게 하여, 우리 지축의 전도 때문에 우리 행성들의 약해지고 있는 자기장에 의해 더욱 야기될(일탈할) 수 있다고 경고했고, 세계 도처로부터의 보고들이 지금 그런 증거를 듣고 있다고 이 보고서는 말하고 있다.
Interesting to note about these mysterious sounds being heard the world over are that they are now being attributed to “electromagnetic noise emitted from auroras and radiation belts” by
Not being mentioned in this report, of course, are the many ancient writings explaining that in the “end of days” all types of mysterious sounds from the sky (like those being heard now) would occur heralding a time of great destruction and chaos, including the Bibles Book of Revelations warning that the beginning of the end of our age would be sounded by seven angels “blowing their trumpets.”
이 보고서에서 언급되지 않고 있는 것은, 우리 시대의 끝의 시작은 “나팔을 부는” 일곱 천사들에 의해 들려질 것이라는 성경 계시록을 포함하여, “마지막 날들(날들의 마지막)”에 하늘로부터 모든 종류의 미스터리한 소리들(지금 들리고 있는 것과 같은)이 거대한 파괴와 혼돈의 때(시기)를 예고하면서 발생할 것을, 많은 고대 기록들이 설명하고 있음은 물론이다.
Also not being mentioned in this report is 2012 DA14 expected to maybe hit our planet in December of this year, a date that eerily corresponds with the Mayan Calendar [photo bottom left] prediction of an apocalypse due to occur on the 21st day of that month, and which is just over 9 months away.
또한 이 보고서에서 언급되지 않고 있는 것은, 12월 21에 일어날 대재앙의 예고인 마여력[사진 아래 왼쪽]예고와 괴상하게 일치하는 날짜인 금년 12월에 2012 DA14가 우리 행성을 아마도 가격할 것으로 예상된다는 것이고 그 날짜는 단지 9개월 이상 남았을 뿐이다.
Important to note about the Mayan Calendar is that it begins on 11 August 3114 BC and ends on 21 December 2012, a time span of over 5,000 years accurately noting past, and predicting future celestial alignments covering a period of over 26,000 years called the Precession of the Equinoxes. What no one has yet to explain, however, is how, or why, a “backward” civilization like the Mayan’s, who hadn’t even invented a wheel, were able to accomplish such an amazing feat.
마여력에 대해 주목해야 할 중요한 점은, 그것이 BC3114년 8.11에 시작하여 2012.12.21.에 끝나는데, 정확하게 과거를 주목하는 5,000년 이상의 시간 구간이고, 그리고 춘분점세차(春分点歲差)라고 하는 26,000년에 걸쳐 일어나는 미래의 천상(천계)의 정렬을 예고하는 것이다. 그러나 아직까지 아무도 설명하지 않은 것은, 마여문명처럼 바퀴조차 발명하지 않았던 “낙후된” 문명이 그런 놀라운 업적을 어떻게, 왜 이룩할 수 있었느냐 하는 것이다.
Western scientists state that the Mayan’s accuracy lies in their diligent observations of the sky, but fail to explain how a civilization that existed for less than 3,000 years (2,000 BC-900AD) were able to see both into the ancient past, and the far off future, making accurate descriptions of celestial alignments not equaled until modern times. Simple logic would, therefore, dictate that in the absence of an answer to these questions one should at least consider what the Mayan’s themselves said about why they made this calendar and from where they received their information from.
마여력의 정확성은 그들의 부지런한 하늘 관측에 있다고 서양 과학자들은 말하지만, 3000년 이하 동안 존재했던 문명이 어떻게 지나간 古代를 들여다 볼 수 있고, 그리고 미래룰 멀리 볼 수 있어서, 현대까지도 유례가 없는 천체 정렬을 정확하게 묘사할 수 있었는지를 설명하지는 못한다. 그러므로, 이들 의문들에 답이 없는 것에서, 우리는 최소한 그들이 왜 이 캘린더를 만들었는지 그리고 어디에서 그들의 정보를 받았는지에 대해 마여인들 스스로 말한 것을 고려해야 한다는 것은 간단한 논리이다.
According to the Mayan’s, in their own written words, and exactly like the Inca civilization of Peru said of their knowledge too, they told of numerous visiting “gods” that would come and go in flying fire balls from outer space or beneath the sea, the most important being Quetzalcoatl, a tall white skinned, blonde hair, blue eyed humanoid with a beard (depicted as a feathered serpent), was the last of the “gods” to leave the Western Hemisphere who like Jesus, Mohammad, and all the other “gods” taught principles of peace and kindness to this part of the world.
마여인들에 의하면, 그들 자신들이 쓴 언어(글)에서, 그리고 정확히 퍼루의 잉카문명처럼 역시 그들의 지식을 말했는데, 그들은 外界 혹은 바다 밑으로부터 나는 불공을 타고 오고 가는 수많은 방문하는 “神들”을 말했는데, 가장 중요한 존재인 키가 크고 하얀 피부에 갈색 머리카락, 푸른 눈을 가지고 턱수염을 가진 휴머노이드(나래 달린 뱀으로 묘사된) 케찰코아틀이, 세계의 이 부분(지구)에 평화와 친절의 원리를 가르친 예수, 모하메드 그리고 다른 모든“신들” 중에 서반구를 떠난 마지막이었다.
Most importantly about these “gods,” and as it pertains to this report, are that the Mayan’s predicted their “gods” would return on 21 December 2012 thus making 2012 DA14 (perhaps) not an asteroid at all but a transport vehicle from the Pleiades Star System (aka The Seven Sisters) these “celestial beings” told the Mayan and Inca peoples they came from.
이들 “神들”에 관해 가장 중요한 것은, 그리고 이 보고서에 관계된 것은, 마여인들은 그들의 “신들”이 2012.12.21.에 되돌아올 것이어서 2012 DA14는 결코 소행성이 아니라 플레이아데스 항성계(일곱 자매로도 알려진)로부터의 교통 수단(비행체)이라는 것이고 이들 “하늘의(천상의) 존재들”은, 그들이 거기서 왔다고 마여인들과 잉카인들에게 말했다.
To whatever the outcome of these events may be it is not in our knowing, other than to mention the obvious that as our world plunges further into chaos by the day, and as cataclysms and destruction seem to await us at every turn, it would behoove the wisest ones to gain as much knowledge as possible, even if it is from ancient myths and legends. After all, even though the “experts” disparage these ancient myths and legends they have yet to explain why all of sudden around 5,000 years ago every civilization on Earth began building pyramids that even today we are not able to duplicate.
The ancients told us why…our world today just hasn’t listened.
이들 사건들의 결과가 어떻게 될지는 우리가 알 수 없지만, 우리 세상이 도처에서 혼돈 속으로 더욱 빠져 들고, 도처에서 격변과 파괴가 우리를 기다리고 있어서, 가장 현명한 사람들은, 비록 고대의 신화와 전설로부터일지라도 많은 지식을 얻는 것이 필요할 것이다. 결국, “전문가들”이 이들 고대 신화와 전설들을 비난하더라도 그들은, 약 5000년 전에 왜 지구상의 모든 문명들이 갑자기, 오늘날에도 우리가 복제할 수 없는 피러미드를 건축하기 시작했는지를 설명해야 할 것이다.
고대인들이 왜 우리에게 말했는지..... 오늘날 우리들 세계는 귀담아 듣지 않았다.
March 7, 2012 ⓒ EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.