Remember that Jesus, on His part, was not entrusting Himself to them. Church workers entrust and rely solely on God. They trust only in Him. To rely and to trust are essentially the same. If one relies on or trusts in people, things can go wrong because of them. When things go wrong, it hinders the work of saving souls. The reason Jesus became human and proclaimed the gospel was to save people. The reason He did not entrust Himself to people was also to save them.
Also, He did not need anyone to testify about mankind, for He Himself knew what was in mankind. This means He was not swayed by anyone’s words. Even if someone supported Him or tried to empower Him, He did not rely on that person.
Jesus fully understood the hearts of people, so their words could not be a perfect testimony. On the other hand, He calls us to receive the Holy Spirit and become His witnesses. In that case, He desires our testimony, because the Holy Spirit given to us testifies about Jesus. Before receiving the Holy Spirit, the effectiveness of our testimony is limited. This is why He told us to receive the Holy Spirit. Therefore, to the disciples who received the Holy Spirit, He commanded, "Be My witnesses," but to those without the Holy Spirit, He did not require their testimony.
The Bible teaches us the knowledge of God and also the knowledge of people. The more we know God, the more we understand people. Jesus desires people of the Holy Spirit and values their testimony.
Excerpt from the sermon by Pastor Lee, Jan 22, 2025.
John 2:23-25