회 사 명 : 한국다우케미칼 (대표:김완제)
업 종 : 석유, 화학, 고무 자 본 금 : 입력안함
규 모 : 외국계기업 사 원 수 : 입력안함
본사소재 : 강남구 삼성동 159-9 도심공항타워 20층 지도보기
기업정보 자세히 보기 ㅣ 기업신용정보(유료)
사진으로 보는 기업정보
이 채용공고를 스크랩 친구에게 전달 인쇄
채용구분 학력 경력 전공 어학 연령
정규직 고등학교 졸이상 신입,1~3년 미입력 영어 무관
모집직종 : 물류 > 물류관리
설치·수리·정비 > 전기기기
모집인원 : 0 명 | 현재까지의 지원자수 : ** 명
급 여 : 회사내규
상세 모집요강
Dow is a diversified chemical company that harnesses the power of science and technology to improve living daily. The Company offers a broad range of innovative products and services to customers in more than 175 countries, helping them to provide everything from fresh water, food and pharmaceuticals to paints, packaging and personal care products. Built on a commitment to its principles of sustainability, Dow has annual sales of $46 billion and employs 42,000 people worldwide. References to “Dow” or the “Company” mean The Dow Chemical Company and its consolidated subsidiaries unless otherwise expressly noted. More information about Dow can be found at www.dow.com.
Dow is a diversified chemical company that harnesses the power of science and technology to improve living daily. The Company offers a broad range of innovative products and services to customers in more than 175 countries, helping them to provide everything from fresh water, food and pharmaceut...
업무내용 및 상세자격요건
* 업무내용
- 물류업무 및 공무부의 계전업무 담당
- 근무지 : 여수
The purpose of this role is to provide the day-to-day logistics support and expertise in arranging transport, managing logistics issues and resolving expectations that occur in the transaction of shipment orders and also provide electricity related support in maintenance team.
Meeting business requirements on on-time delivery and low-cost to serve transportation to final destination is key in this role. The activities in this role also include operation related roles, such as site logistic activities and some part of maintenance support.
Primary responsibilities include:
- ensure timely shipments by Logistics Service Provider from origin
- pro-actively and re-actively resolve logistics issues
- identify potential risks of additional logistics costs and initiate action
- coordinate return of product
- lead follow up on Quality Message
- handle small claims procedure
- work with site logistics team & maintenence team
* 자격요건
- 물류 및 생산관련 업무 경험자
- 계전관련 자격증 소지자
- 위드, 엑셀등의 MS office 사용 가능자
- High school education
Experiences that would be an advantage for this role:
- understanding of supply chain, logistics work processes
- knowledge of products, transportation equipment and regulations
- broaden knowledge on operation
- electricity related license or certificate preferred
- good computer skills (MS word and excel)
Working Condition:
- teamwork with plant operation team is essential
- balancing priorities under time pressure is key
- understanding of customer requirements and logistics service capabilities is key
제출서류 및 전형방법
* 전형방법
1. 서류전형
2. 면접전형
면접은 서류전형 합격자에게 개별 통보
* 온라인지원방법
회사 홈페이지를 방문하시어 지원해 주시기 바랍니다.
1) http://www.dow.com/careers/index.htm 의 페이지에서 왼쪽 메뉴의 Careers in Asia Pacific 선택
2) Job search (직업검색)의 Location 항목에서 "Korea, Republic of -All" 선택 후, search 버튼 클릭
3) Job list에서 "Planning Technician" 을 클릭 후, "Apply online" 버튼을 클릭한 후 지원
근무지역 : 전라남도 > 여수시
복리후생 : 주5일근무
휴가 : 년월차, 보건휴가, 경조사휴가, 창립일휴무
보험 : 국민연금, 의료보험, 산재보험, 고용보험
기타복리후생사항 : 식대지원, 주택자금, 유치원 학비지원, 초등학교 학비지원, 중학교 학비지원, 고등학교 학비지원, 대학교 학비지원, 자기개발비 지원
회사 동호회 활동 지원
출장 보험 자동 가입