The Conflux Release Championships will not be taking place tomorrow as scheduled because of the continued performance slowdowns we've observed over the last few days. While the system is stable enough that we are confident in continuing normal operations, we believe the unprecedented stress of 1100-1300 opening and submitting sealed decks in a short time frame represents an unacceptable risk. We really want everyone who qualified (and everyone on at the same time) to enjoy the experience, and it would be irresponsible of us to let things continue in the current conditions.
So, to everyone who is qualified, we offer our sincere apologies and a new plan. Here are the three options:
1. Do nothing. You will be qualified for the make-up event next Saturday, March 21 at 10am PDT (note this is one hour later than the originally planned start time).
2. Choose to instead participate in a Sunday event on Sunday, March 22 at 10am PST. To do this, contact
Game Support with a request titled "SUNDAY" - include your Magic Online user name as well.
3. Choose to not participate in next week's make-up events. Players who voluntarily take themselves off the list for any reason will receive 3 Shards of Alara booster packs, 3 Conflux booster packs, and the foil Obelisk of Alara promo card. These booster packs would be unopened and usable in other events. To choose this option, contact
Game Support with a request titled "OPT OUT" - include your Magic Online user name as well.
EDIT: Also, you'll get your packs soon (given reasonable processing time) after you send that request in.
For either option involving Game Support, please select Digital Games > Magic The Gathering Online > Other for your topic.
**NOTE** - We will still run 4 flights as advertised, each with the previously listed prize structure. On Thursday, March 19, we will tally the number of people wishing to play on Sunday. We will then determine exactly how the flights will break out. If there are not enough requests for Sunday to fill a flight, we will post a follow-up announcement saying the Sunday event has been cancelled. In that event, all players requesting a Sunday flight will be assigned to a Saturday one instead. If you requested a Sunday flight, and none will happen, you will have at least another day to choose the opt out option. Those requests will be accepted until Friday at 6pm PDT.
When considering your options, please think about possible conflicts with the MED/ME2 Sealed Deck Event planned for 9am PDT Saturday and the Nix Tix MVW Big Sealed Events planned for 3am, 9am, 3pm, and 9pm (all times PDT).
We believe this solution to be the best for everyone. Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm despite some challenges, your awesome turnout for the Conflux Release Events, and hopefully we'll have a good time next weekend!