얼마전 회원들과의 파일 공유를 위해서 인터넷을 뒤지던 도중
개인용 서버로 만드는 HTTP FTP Server를 구해서 구축에 성공 하였습니다,
아이디도, 만들고, 나쁘지 않아서 홈페이지를 연순간, 바꿔야 할게 많다고 심각하게 느꼈죠.
그래서, 소스를 뜯어보니 아래와 같이..
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<title>HFS %folder%</title>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" />
<div id=folderlabel>folder</div>
<div id=folder>%folder%</div>
<div id=body>
<div id=footer>
<a href="http://www.rejetto.com/hfs/">HttpFileServer %version%</a>
<br />Servertime: %timestamp%
<br />Uptime: %uptime%
<br />Build-time: %build-time%
body, th { font-family:tahoma, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans; font-weight:normal; font-size:9pt; }
body { margin:0; background-color:#DDF; padding:10px; }
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td img { vertical-align:top }
th, th a, th a:visited { color:#555; font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold; padding-bottom:0; }
#foldercomment { font-size:10pt; color:#888; background:#EEE; padding:3px; border:1px solid #DDD; border-bottom:3px solid #DDD; margin-top:2px; }
#tools { text-align:right; font-size: 8pt; }
#folder, .big { font-size:14pt; font-weight:bold; }
#folderlabel, #folderstats, #footer { font-size: 8pt; }
#body {
border-bottom: 4px solid #BBF;
border-top: 4px solid #BBF;
border-left: 1px dotted #BBF;
border-right: 1px dotted #BBF;
.comment { font-size:7pt; color:#888; background:#EEE; padding:3px; border:1px solid #DDD; margin-top:2px; }
.button { float:right; padding:5px; padding-top:7px; margin:15px; border:2px solid black; background:white; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold; }
.button img { vertical-align:text-bottom; }
.flag { font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; background:white; color:red; text-align:center; border:1px solid red; }
<a href="~login" class=button><img src="/~img27" /> LOGIN</a>
<span class=button><img src="/~img27" /> user: %user%</span>
<a href="~upload" class=button><img src="/~img32" /> UPLOAD</a>
<a class=big href=".."><img src="/~img14" /> UP</a>
<div class=big>No file</div>
<div id=folderstats>%number-folders% folders, %number-files% files - Total: %total-size%</div>
<table cellpadding=5>
<th><a href="?sort=n">Filename</a>
<th><a href="?sort=s">Filesize</a>
<th><a href="?sort=t">Filetime</a>
<th><a href="?sort=d">Hits</a>
<div id=tools>
<a href="~files.lst?recursive">File list</a>
<br><a href="~folder.tar?recursive">Folder archive</a>
<img src='/~img_lock'>
<tr><td>%new% %protected% <a href="%item-url%"><img src="/~img_file" /> %item-name%</a>%comment%<td align=right>%item-size%<td align=right>%item-modified%<td align=right>%item-dl-count%
<tr><td>%new% %protected% <a href="%item-url%"><img src="/~img_folder" /> <b>%item-name%</b></a>%comment%<td align=center><i>folder</i><td align=right>%item-modified%<td align=right>%item-dl-count%
<tr><td>%new% <a href="%item-url%"><img src="/~img_link" /> <b>%item-name%</b></a>%comment%<td colspan=3 align=center><i>link</i>
<div class=comment>%item-comment%</div>
<div id=foldercomment>%item-comment%</div>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<div style="font-family:tahoma, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans; font-size:8pt;">
<a href="http://www.rejetto.com/hfs/">HttpFileServer %version%</a>
<br />%timestamp%
[not found]
<h1>404 - Not found</h1>
<a href="/">go to root</a>
<h1>Server busy</h1>
Please, retry later.
[max contemp downloads]
<h1>Download limit</h1>
On this server there is a limit on the number of <b>simultaneous</b> downloads.
<br />This limit has been reached. Retry later.
This is a protected resource.
<br />Your username/password doesn't match.
This resource is not accessible.
<h1>You are banned.</h1>
<title>HFS %folder%</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<style type="text/css">
<script language="xxjavascript">
var s1, s2;
if (window.parent.progress) s1 = '" target=_parent', s2 = 'CLOSE';
else s1 = '+progress"', s2= 'ADD';
doc-ument.write('<a href="~upload'+s1+' class=button on-Click="if (frm.upbtn.disabled) return false;"><img src="/~img10" /> '+s2+' PROGRESS FRAME</a>');
<a href="." target=_parent class=button><img src="/~img21" /> CANCEL UPLOAD</a>
<div style="margin-top:60px" id=folderlabel>folder</div>
<div id=folder>%folder%</div>
<div id=body>
<form name=frm action="." target=_parent method=post enctype="multipart/form-data" on-Submit="frm.upbtn.disabled=true; return true;">
<input name=upbtn type=submit value="Upload files">
<br />Before uploading you may want to open a <a target=_blank href="/~progress">progress status window</a>.
<div id=footer>
<a href="http://www.rejetto.com/hfs/">HttpFileServer %version%</a>
<br />Servertime: %timestamp%
<br />Uptime: %uptime%
<br />Disk space: %diskfree%
<input name=fileupload%idx% size=70 type=file><br />
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<style type="text/css">
<title>HFS %folder%</title>
<div style="margin-top:60px" id=folderlabel>folder</div>
<div id=folder>%folder%</div>
<div id=body>
<br /><br />
<a href="." target=_parent class=big><img src="/~img14" /> Back to the folder</a>
<div class=footer>
<a href="http://www.rejetto.com/hfs/">HttpFileServer %version%</a>
<br />Servertime: %timestamp%
<br />Uptime: %uptime%
<br />Disk space: %diskfree%
<li><a href='%item-url%'>%item-name%</a>: <b>OK</b> --- %item-size% (Speed %speed% KB/s)
<li>%item-name%: <b>FAILED</b> --- %reason%
<frameset cols=200,*>
<frame name=progress src="/~progress" scrolling=auto marginwidth=0>
<frame src="~upload-no-progress" scrolling=auto>
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="7;URL=/~progress">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>HFS - Progress status</title>
.filename { font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; }
.bytes { font-size:7pt; }
.perc { font-size:14px; vertical-align:middle; }
.out_bar { width:100px; font-size:15px; background:black; border:black 1px solid; margin-right:5px; float:left; }
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#body { margin-left:0; margin-right:0; }
body { padding:2px; }
#graph { border:white outset 2px; }
<div class=big>Progress status</div>
Auto-refresh: 7 seconds
<br /><br /><img src="/~img_graph190x40" id="graph" />
<div id=body>
<div id=footer>Uptime: %uptime%</div>
<div class=big>No file exchange in progress.</div>
<span class=flag> up </span>
<span class=filename>%filename%</span>
<div class=bytes>
%done-bytes% / %total-bytes% bytes
<br />Speed: %speed-kb% KB/s
<div style="margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:20px;">
<div class=out_bar><div class=in_bar style="width:%perc%px"></div></div> <span class=perc>%perc%%</span>
<span class=flag> down </span>
<span class=filename>%filename%</span>
<div class=bytes>
%done-bytes% / %total-bytes% bytes
<br />Speed: %speed-kb% KB/s
<div style="margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:20px;">
<div class=out_bar><div class=in_bar style="width:%perc%px"></div></div> <span class=perc>%perc%%</span>
<span class=flag> NEW </span>
제가 사용하는건 전체 다를 수정할게 아니라서
일부분은 따로 수정을 해놨습니다.
[* 위는 소스 원본입니다]
HTTP FTP Server 공식 홈페이지에 들어가 보면 로그아웃 하는 방법은
브라우저를 닫거나 새로고침 하는 방법이라고 하는데,
계속해서 쿠키나 이런것들이 서버상에 쌓이는걸 막는 방법도 잘 모르겠고 해서,
로그 아웃 방법을 구하고 있습니다.
[로그인 하는 방법도 있는데 로그아웃 못하라는 법은 없잖아요? ^^;;]
이 Html에 로그 아웃을 추가로 붙이고 싶은데 방법이 있을까요?
만약 없다면, HTTP FTP Server에서 조금 설정을 해서 새로고침을 하면
로그인을 새로 하겠금 할수 있는 방법이 있나요?
[추가 : 서버에 로그인을 하면 계속되는 '같은 아이디로 자동 로그인'도 피하고 싶습니다. 해결방법 알려주세요!]