Part 1
1. B) A man is walking down a stone path.
2. D) A man is leaning against a railing.
3. B) A vehicle is parked next to a building.
4. A) A man is holding up his phone.
5. C) She is working up at a counter.
6. A) He is setting up a breakfast buffet.
Part 2
7. A) I'll have the pasta.
8. B) The agent at the ticket counter
9. C) Either way’s fine.
10. A) Yes, $15 each
11. C) Every 3 months
12. C) No, it's been postponed an hour.
13. A) Good idea, we have a lot to get through.
14. A) Yes, it's very convenient.
15. B) At the library
16. C) At 3:30 P.M.
17. A) We'll check to see if there's a cheaper rate.
18. B) Because the materials were delayed
19. C) Thanks, I appreciate that.
20. C) The one by Smith's Pharmacy
21. B) Sure, that will be the easiest.
22. C) Actually, not everyone was there.
23. A) Only the print version
24. A) The clients wanted to meet today.
25. B) Oh, that's only 2 km from my house.
26. B) I'll be leaving work before then.
27. B) They're already sold out.
28. A) I'm waiting for information from one more store.
29. B) I'll be out of the office.
30. C) My flight to Japan leaves at 6.
31. C) Check your inbox
Part 3
32. D) entertainment
33. D) volunteer 기회
34. A) 프로그램이 아직 approve 안되었다.
35. B) 남자가 음식을 deliver
36. B) intercom이 망가졌습니다.
37. D) instruction
38. C) business consultant
39. D) offers specialty shop.
40. B) live event를 연다
41. A) rebate 프로그램
42. C) solar 에너지
43. A) hire 직원들
44. A) trade show
45. D) vacuum cleaner
46. A) good communicater
47. B) 치과
48. D) job 경험이 많음.
49. C) document
50. C) video production
51. B) publication
52. B) visit(tour) 시설
53. C) 엔지니어링 회사
54. A) to reject ~ suggestion
55. C) affordable hotel
56. D) technology
57. C) 제품 design 요청
58. D) drawings
59. A) hair salon
60. D) make changes the color
61. C) free cleaning service
62. B) challenging 일정
63. C) $3.75 white cloud
64. A) 은퇴할 예정
65. A) 창문 설치
66. B) address
67. A) 화요일
68. D) 로보틱스(로봇기술)
69. A) latest 트랜드
70. D) Tip 4
Part 4
71. B) 자동차 repair shop
72. D) supplies is missing
73. C) promotional offer
74. A) 오피스 furniture
75. A) donation ~ charity
76. B) 비디오 clip
77. C) fundraising
78. C) some information ~ excluded
79. D) familiar and current strategy
80. A) home appliance
81. C) one time bonus
82. C) work remotely
83. B) hiring policies 변경
84. D) laptop
85. A) document를 얻기 위해서
86. A) 매출 결과
87. D) change ~
88. B) demonstration
89. B) 공원
90. C) 시설 수리(renovate)할거에요
91. A) volunteers 정보
92. B) business owner
93. D) not well known를 설명하기 위해
94. D) sign up for ~
95. A) be being resurfaced
96. B) peach street (우체국 위)
97. C) 버스 일정 update
98. C) 커뮤니티 센터
99. A) 월요일 팟캐스팅
100. D) vender에게 contact하겠다.
Part 5
101. C) and
102. A) information
103. D) promptly
104. B) your
105. A) lead
106. D) to buy
107. D) by
108. C) manufacturing
109. A) complete
110. A) her
111. C) relieved
112. D) significantly
113. C) priority
114. D) cover
115. B) abruptly
116. C) qualified
117. A) that
118. C) composed
119. D) before
120. C) will identify
121. A) unforeseen
122. B) transfers
123. A) near
124. C) briefer
125. B) guarantee
126. D) notably
127. D) unseasonably
128. C) with
129. B) distinguish
130. A) Though
Part 6
131. B) Before long
132. B) Every week, she baked a new variety to deliver to eager takers.
133. A) using
134. D) creations
135. A) prefer
136. A) Its
137. D) All the ingredients are sourced from plants found in the wild.
138. D) item
139. B) offered
140. C) eatery
141. D) But the time has come for something new.
142. A) fast-paced
143. B) several
144. D) Alternatively
145. B) This approach is the one we would recommend.
146. B) whenever
Part 7
147. D) 뮤지션과의 인터뷰
148. C) 최근에 pro 13 구매했다.
149. B) company name이 바뀌었다.
150. C) 4월 동안에는 printed가 이루어질것이다.
151. A) upcoming workshp에 참석할 수 있다.
152. B) 9월 3일
153. C) form에 sign해야 하는것을 remind시키기 위해서
154. C) 5월 1일에 이메일을 보냈다.
155. A) details
156. B) commercial trucking
157. B) how to use ~ informaiton
158. C) patio 설치
159. B) promise
160. A) visualization tool
161. D) many types of surfaces
162. B) all-wheel drive
163. D) package로 사면 discounted가 될 수 있다.
164. D) 웹사이트 방문
165. B) share ~ personalized recommendations
166. A) 이 매장에서 이전에도 구매를 해봤다.
167. D) [4]
168. C) no experience 사람도 배울 수 있다.
169. B) university degree
170. D) instructor
171. B) [2]
172. C) marketing campaign
173. A) graphic 디자이너
174. C) 나의 calendar correct
175. B) in the lobby
176. A) family owned
177. C) customized 제품에 대한 price
178. A) blue
179. D) online place
180. B) previous
181. D) focus on 환경 보호
182. B) banquet hall
183. C) contribution request
184. A) for the first time 제공하는 것이다.
185. A) previously하게 했었던 사람.(이전 담당자)
186. C) regularly하게 바뀐다
187. C) 테크만 gallery
188. A) class tour
189. D) expect telephone call
190. D) watercolor 안됨
191. A) difficult to recycling
192. C) sales presentation을 follow up
193. D) market share이 rising
194. C) two countries에서 가능하다
195. B) test용
196. B) clear direction
197. A) body of water
198. C) across from 00hotel
199. C) 5시 45분
200. D) 최근에 business trip을 끝냈다.