1201. I've ---- this for two days. 나는 이것을 이틀간 계속 쓰고 있다.
(A) been writing (B) writing
Car prices have been increasing far faster than the rate of inflation. It's because of all the new technology they're putting into them.
: 차량 가격은 인플레이션율보다 훨씬 빠르게 상승해 왔어. 그건 다 자동차 회사들이 자동차에 쏟아붓고 있는 신기술 때문이야.
How long have you been working here?
: 여기서 얼마나 일하고 있는 중입니까?
In that time we have been growing steadily, and offering varied and unique programs for both children and adults.
: 그 동안 저희 학교는 꾸준히 성장해 왔으며 어린이와 성인을 위한 다채롭고 독특한 프로그램을 제공해 왔습니다.
To protect increasingly scarce native grasslands from development, local governments have been buying them from their owners, or offering tax incentives to leave them as pristine wildlife habitats.
: 점점 사라지고 있는 원주민의 목초지가 개발되는 것을 막기 위해서 지방 자치 단체들은 목초지를 소유주들로부터 매입하거나, 원래의 야생 생물 서식지로 보존하도록 하기 위해 세금 감면 혜택을 제공해 왔다.
1202. Our boss ---- ever work extra hours. 우리 상사는 거의 야근을 하지 않는다.
(A) near (B) hardly
almost not:
My parents divorced when I was six, and I hardly knew my father.
The children were so excited they could hardly speak.
I can hardly believe it.
Hardly anyone (=almost no one) writes to me these days.
Dad ate hardly anything (=almost nothing).
There was hardly any (=very little) traffic.
She lives in Spain, so we hardly ever (=almost never) see her.
1203. I spent a considerable amount of time ---- the problem. 이 문제에 상당한 시간을 소비했다.
(A) in (B) on
about a particular subject:
Do you have any books on India?
You can get information on local services by calling this number.
an international conference on global warming
1204. This special program ---- a week of free Japanese lesson. 이 특별한 프로그램은 일주일간의 무료 일어 강좌를 포함하고 있다.
(A) derives (B) includes
word choice
include, consist of, comprise, be composed of, be made up of
If you want to mention all the parts that something has in it, use consist of, comprise, be composed of, or be made up of
• The Romance family of languages consists of French, Spanish, Italian, and several other languages.
• The house comprises two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room.
• The jury was composed of nine whites, one Hispanic, and two Asian Americans.
• an organization made up of 600,000 small business owners
1205. collect ---- insurance companies 보험회사로부터 수집하다
(A) of (B) from
1206. He said he would rather write a report than ---- a presentation in front of everyone. 그는 모든 사람 앞에서 발표를 하느니 보고서를 쓰겠다고 했다.
(A) to make (B) make
would rather/would sooner ... than used to say that you prefer one thing to another:
I'd rather drive than go by train.
She said she'd rather die than live in the city.
I would rather be poor than get money by dishonest means.
: 부정한 수단으로 돈을 버는 것보다는 도리어 가난한 게 낫다
I would rather fail than cheat.
: 낙제를 할지언정 컨닝은 안 한다
I would rather die than surrender.
: 항복할 바에야 차라리 죽겠다
1207. I'm looking forward to ---- from you. 당신의 연락을 듣기를 기다릴게요.
(A) hear (B) hearing
look forward to something [phrasal verb]
to be excited and pleased about something that is going to happen:
I'm really looking forward to our vacation.
look forward to doing something
My mother says she's looking forward to meeting you.
We are eager to begin production, and look forward to seeing the videos on the market.
: 저희는 비디오 제작에 들어가 제품이 시판되기를 간절히 고대하고 있습니다.
I appreciate your offer to help me with this matter and look forward to talking with you at your earliest convenience.
: 이 건을 도와 주시겠다고 하신 데 대해 감사드리며, 조속한 시일 내에 만날 뵐 수 있기를 바랍니다.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
: 곧 좋은 소식 있기를 고대합니다.
1208. Identification cards must be ---- upon entering the building. 건물에 들어가자마자 신분증이 제출해야 한다
(A) examined (B) presented
Beginning April 15, a card must be presented when materials are requested.
: 그러나 4월 15일부터는 도서관 자료 열람 시 카드 제출이 의무화됩니다.
A diverse range of ideas, theories and opinions on management of public expenditures will be presented from representatives of developed nations in Asia, Europe and North America.
: 공공 부문 지출 관리에 관한 다양한 아이디어, 이론, 의견들을 아시아와 유럽 및 북아메리카의 선진국 참석자들로부터 듣게 될 것입니다.
To enter the main building, the card must be presented to the member of the security detail on duty.
: 본관에 들어가려면 근무중인 보안 전문 요원에게 카드를 제시해야 합니다.
Tomorrow's seminar will be presented by the author of the book entitled Twentieth Century Commerce.
: 내일 세미나에게서는 '20세기 무역'이라는 책의 저자가 내용을 발표할 예정이다.
1209. ---- those who were running for president, ~ 대통령선거에 출마하려는 사람을 제외하고, ~하다
(A) to (B) out of
1210. an ---- parking area 지붕이 달린 주차장
(A) enclosed (B) encircled
[usually passive]to surround something, especially with a fence or wall, in order to make it separate:
The pool area is enclosed by a six-foot wall.
an enclosed area
1211. This computer is really easy ---- use. 이 컴퓨터는 아주 쓰기 쉽다.
(A) on (B) to
not difficult to do, and not needing much effort [≠ difficult, hard]:
The test was easy.
Finishing the task will not be easy.
There must be an easier way to do that.
easy to do something
It's a great car, and very easy to drive.
instructions that are easy to follow
It would have been easy for the team to lose the game.
make it easier (to do something)
The software makes it easier to download music.
Having you here does make things a lot easier for me.
1212. The boss's ---- treatment of people made his co-workers anger. 사장의 불공평한 대접이 사원들을 화나게 하였다.
(A) unfair (B) unfairness
not right or fair, especially because not everyone has an equal opportunity [= unjust]:
an unfair advantage
laws aimed at preventing unfair competition
Many employers have recognized that age discrimination is unfair.
She won £20,000 for unfair dismissal (=being illegally made to leave your job).
1213. Mr. McMerlin has recently created his fashion brand, ---- will be launched next week. 맥멀린씨는 최근 그의 패션 프랜드를 만들었고 다음 주에 시장에 내보낼 것이다.
(A) which (B) whom
I began to read the book, which was very exciting.
: 그 책을 읽기 시작했는데 그것은 손에 땀을 쥐게 했다.
As a result of the Uniform Time Act, which became effective in 1967, the United States began to bserve Daylight Saving Time(DST), which is achieved by advancing clocks by one hour.
: 1967년에 발효된 "동일시간제 시행령"의 결과, 미국은 한 시간씩 시계를 앞당겨 놓음으로써 일광 절약시간(DST)을 준수하기 시작했다.
We are waiving the enrance fees for the duration of registration, which runs until the end of August.
: 우리는 8월 말까지 계속되는 등록 기간 중에는 입회비를 받지 않을 것이다.
1214. We are really appreciative ---- your support. 성원에 대단히 감사 드립니다.
(A) in (B) of
1215. Her desk was covered ---- all kinds of papers. 그녀의 책상은 온갖 종류의 서류로 덮여있었다.
(A) by (B) with
Snow covered the highway.=The highway was covered with snow.
: 간선 도로는 눈으로 덮였다.
The sky is covered all over with dark clouds.
: 하늘 일면에 먹구름이 덮여 있다
More than one-thirds of the Earth's land surface was covered with deserts.
: 지구 육지표면의 1/3 이상이 사막으로 덮여 있다.
1216. There are extra credit ---- . 여분의 신용카드가 있다.
(A) card (B) cards
1217. show the clerk three forms of ---- 점원에게 3개의 신분증명서를 보이다
(A) identification (B) identity
ID official papers or cards, such as your passport, that prove who you are:
Do you have any identification?
form/proof of identification
Bring some form of identification, preferably a passport.
fingerprinting as a means of identification.
1218. The manufacturer refused to ---- ~. 그 제조업자는 ~을 교체하기를 거절했다.
(A) replace (B) replacing
[intransitive] to say firmly that you will not do something that someone has asked you to do:
She asked him to leave, but he refused.
refuse to do something
I absolutely refuse to take part in anything illegal.
flatly refuse/refuse point-blank (to do something) (=refuse immediately and directly without giving a reason)
Mom flatly refused to go back into the hospital.
When he offered all that money, I could hardly refuse (=could not refuse), could I?
1219. His lecture on foreign affairs was ---- interesting. 외교문제에 대한 그의 강의는 아주 흥미로웠다.
(A) many (B) very
[+ adjective/adverb] used to emphasize an adjective, adverb, or phrase:
It feels very cold today.
The fishing industry is very important to the area.
The traffic's moving very slowly this morning.
problems that are very similar to mine
I feel a lot better - thank you very much.
I'm very, very (=used for emphasis) pleased you can come.
It's very kind of you to help.
My sister and I were married on the very same (=exactly the same) day.
1220. You ---- write a report for that. 그것에 대한 리포트는 쓰지 않아도 된다.
(A) don’t have to (B) have not to
1221. I ---- with the present working conditions. 나는 현재의 근무 조건에 실망했다.
(A) frustrated (B) am frustrated
feeling annoyed, upset, and impatient, because you cannot control or change a situation, or achieve something:
He gets frustrated when people don't understand what he's trying to say.
frustrated with/at
She had become increasingly frustrated with her life.
1222. Please ---- your reservation. 예약을 확인하세요.
(A) confirm (B) conference
to tell someone that a possible arrangement, date, or situation is now definite or official:
Could you confirm the dates we discussed?
Smith was confirmed as the club's new manager yesterday.
confirm a booking/reservation/appointment
I am writing to confirm a booking for a single room for the night of 6 June.
1223. ---- to a better result 더 좋은 결과를 이루어내다
(A) contribute (B) attribute
[intransitive] to help to make something happen:
Stress is a contributing factor in many illnesses.
contribute to
Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year in the US.
contribute substantially/significantly/greatly etc to something
Enya's success has contributed substantially to the current interest in Celtic music.
1224. Because of his forgetfulness, Joe keeps almost everything ----. 조는 그의 건망증 때문에 거의 모든 것을 적어놓는다.
(A) in writing (B) writing
in writing if you get something in writing, it is official proof of an agreement, promise etc:
Could you put that in writing, please?
1225. stay open ---- during the month of December 12월달 동안 늦게까지 열려 있다
(A) late (B) much
1226. I ---- to take a risk. 나는 위험을 감수할 의향이 있다.
(A) am (B) am willing
[not before noun] prepared to do something, or having no reason to not want to do it
willing to do something
How much are they willing to pay?
quite/perfectly willing
I told them I was perfectly willing to help.
1227. The ---- driver drives 10,000 miles a year. 일반적인 운전자는 일년에 10,000 마일을 간다.
(A) typical (B) strict
having the usual features or qualities of a particular group or thing:
typical British weather
typical of
This painting is typical of his work.
This advertisement is a typical example of their marketing strategy.
1228. in search ---- work 일을 찾고 있는
(A) for (B) of
Nineteenth-century explorers traveled to distant lands in search of ancient cities.
: 19세기 탐험가들은 고대 도시들을 발굴하려고 먼 대륙까지 찾아갔다.
Riding the Rails 90s Style During the Great Depression, thousands of unemployed men hopped on freight trains and rode the railroads in search of work.
: 90년대식 선로 여행 대공황 당시 수천 명의 실업자들이 일자리를 찾아 화물차를 타고 선로를 달렸다.
1229. JJ Co. has the world's ---- plant. JJ사는 세계에서 가장 큰 공장을 가지고 있다.
(A) most large (B) largest
January's increase was the largest month-to-month increase since April 1999, and February's was the second largest.
: 1월 증가액은 1999년 4월 이후 가장 큰 폭의 월별 증가세를 나타낸 것이며, 2월 증가액은 그 다음으로 많았다.
The price cut was the largest since 1993, when the company was on the verge of bankruptcy.
: 가격 인하 폭은 회사가 파산 직전이었을 때인 1993년 이래 최대 규모였다.
The Labor Department also projects that real wages will climb two percent this year, the largest annual increase in a decade.
: 노동부는 또한 올해 실질 임금 상승률이 2%에 이를 것으로 예측하고 있는데 이는 지난 10년 동안 가장 큰 폭으로 오른 것입니다.
1230. He finally got permission to use the ---- equipped laboratory. 드디어 그는 모든 것이 갖추어진 실험실을 쓸 수 있다는 허락을 받았다.
(A) better (B) fully
The restaurant is fully booked this evening.
Elisa has not fully recovered from the incident.
I am fully aware of your problems.
The changes in policy are fully described in the review.
I fully accept that what he says is true.
This concept is discussed more fully in Chapter 9.
퀴즈 문제 출처 : 한승훈 - 써니 토익 , 토익자료실
예문 출처 : Naver Dictionary
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online