다음과 같은 내용에 관심있으신 분, 혹은 유통하시는분, 수출가능하신분은 연락주시기 바랍니다..
Sub: Dealership / Distributorship - Various Laboratory Equipment and Scientific Glassware.
We introduce ourselves as manufacturers and exporters of various types of Laboratory Equipment and Scientific Glassware with specialisation in cryo / low / high temperature systems / furnaces / ovens / chambers / cabinets etc;
M/S.Technico Laboratory Products was established in1984, with an aim to serve the Institutions and Industries with quality laboratory products. Starting with simple equipment’s, with the experience gained over 19 yr.’s , now we are undertaking almost any custom-built requirements of special design to suit customer’s application in both laboratory equipment and as well as scientific glassware. Equipped with the required infrastructure like lathe and glass-blowing accessories, welding, plate-bending, powder coating chamber, polishing machine etc; and supported by well a trained technical production team we have gained our customer’s confidence with increasing orders.
We are registered under Small Scale Industries and National SmalI Industries Corporation, and have made supplies to a large number of Industries - government & private, defense, technical institutions, colleges and atomic power plants etc; all over India. With a further aim to expend our activities, we are in the process of increasing our export market and setting-up our all-India / overseas dealership network. To give quality to our approach, we are in the process of getting our ISO Certification ( Registration No.C 91/1500 ) and also building a new complex for increasing our production capacity to meet our growing demand.
Our products includes :
All types of Furnaces-Lab. / cylindrical / High Temp.
Ovens – Lab / Walk-in / Tray Dryers
Incubators - Lab./ Shaking / BOD / Bacteriological
Pulverizers ( Both Indigenous and Imported )
Vibratory Cup Mill ( Both Indigenous and Imported )
Jaw Crushers, Mixers- Paddle/Turbo ( Both Indigenous and Imported )
Plastic/ Polymer testing Instruments etc; ( Both Indigenous and Imported )
Infra-Red Radiation Pyrometers – Portable and On-line Types (Imported )
Furnace and Heating Systems