안녕하세요~ 미라지나이트 입니다.
7월말 (혹은 8월초) 입고 예정인 트럼페터 7월 신제품들 입니다.
1/35 Static Armor
1.01507 German Sd.Kfz.7 Mittlere Zugkraftwagen 8t Late Version \48,000
;요새 트럼페터가 강하게 밀고 있는 8톤 하프트럭의 후기형 입니다. 트럼페터 8톤 하프는 정말 명작입니다. 드래곤 제품이 7만원 후반에 팔리고 있는 상황이다보니 트럼페터만 신났네요..가격도 조금 떨어졌네요.. (수입상에 불매운동한다고 하도 겁줘놔서 그런지..)
Item Code: TF
Item No.: 01507
Bar Code: 9580208015071
Item Name: German Sd.Kfz.7 Mittlere Zugkraftwagen 8t Late Version
Scale: 1:35 Static Armor
Model Brief: Length: 196mm Width: 68.5mm Height: 78.2mm
Total Part: 758pcs
Metal Part: Brass wire
Photo Etched Part: 2 frets
Film Part: die-cut film sheet
Total Sprues: 1pcs., 3 rubber tyres and canvas cover
Paint Scheme: Markings are provided for vehicles in dark yellow scheme
Qty./Ctn.: 24pcs.
Box Size: 41x26x7.8cm
MEAS.: 84x49x54cm
More Features :
- New tooled slide-moulded one-piece late KM m11 type mudguard
- Both sides panels and top panel of the engine hood can be open to show the
full detailed engine
- Detailed radiator cover w/ filer cap.
- The front radiator grille rendered in fine detail
- One small die-cut clear film sheet for the windscreen
- The windscreen can be assembled open/closed
- Slide moulded one piece canvas cover for driver room
- Upper and lower steps are made from photo-etched parts w/non-slip tread pattern
- Photo-etched flange around sprocket wheel center
-Late type sprocket wheels w/ multiple delicate parts
-Leat springs w/ fine detail
-The front suspension and steering designed to work
-The road wheels have excellent detail the different pattern of the inside and outside
wheels captured nicely
-A row of rifle clips is provided for behind the front seat in very finely moulded
-Fully detailed engine
-Accurately designed transmission
-The gearbox is slide moulded w/authentic detail
-The winch rendered in fine detail
- The carriage planks are wood grain moulded to mimic the feature on real vehicle
- Realistic multiple-directional slide Be-copper moulded canvas cover accurately shaped
- Tool box w/interior detail
-3 rubber late type tyres with excellent thread pattern
-120 individual track links in light Khaki plastic on 6 sprues
-The photo-etched fret included, contains foot-board,
-1 length of thread for the tow cables
2. 01524 German 2cm Flakvierling 38 auf Selbstfahrlafette (Sd.Kfz.7/1 Late Version) \52,000
; 8톤 하프트럭 후기형 등장과 함께 예고 되었던 바리에이션 제품이 바로 대공차량 입니다. 후기형 자체에 20밀리 포 4개를 메단 타입입니다.
Item Code: TF
Item No.: 01524
Bar Code: 9580208015248
Item Name: German 2cm Flakvierling 38 auf Selbstfahrlafette (Sd.Kfz.7/1 Late Version)
Scale: 1:35 Static Armor
Model Brief: Length: 312.5mm Width: 69mm Height: 107mm
Total Part: 859pcs
Metal Part: Brass wire
Photo Etched Part: 5 frets
Total Sprues: 20 pcs., 3 rubber tyres and armored cab
Paint Scheme: Markings are provided for vehicles in dark yellow with red
brown and green camouflage scheme
Qty./Ctn.: 24pcs.
Box Size: 41x26x7.8cm
MEAS.: 84x49x54cm
More Features :
- New tooled slide-moulded one-piece late type KM m11 mudguard
- Both sides panels and top panel of the engine hood can be open to show the
full detailed engine
- Detailed radiator cover w/ filer cap.
- The front radiator grille rendered in fine detail
- Wedge-shaped plate to protect the radiator mimic the feature on real vehicle
- Platform w/ non-slip pattern
- Upper and lower steps are made from photo-etched parts w/non-slip tread pattern
- Newly tooled multi-directional slide moulded armored cab w/opened doors
- Photo-etched flange around sprocket wheel center
- Late type sprocket wheels w/ multiple delicate parts
- Leaf springs w/ fine detail
- The front suspension and steering designed to work
- The road wheels have excellent detail the different pattern of the inside and
outside wheels captured nicely Interior
- Fully detailed engine
- Accurately designed transmission
- The gearbox is slide moulded w/authentic detail
- The winch rendered in fine detail
- The seats are Be-copper moulded to mimic the feature on real vehicle
- Tool box w/interior detail
- Photo-etched mesh for folding sides of rear platform.
- Hull sides can be folded down for better crew access.
- Side armor plates can be assembled at different angles for travel or combat.
- Brand new mounted 2cm Flakvierling rendered in fine detail
- Slide-molded one-piece gun barrel w/ hollow muzzle.
- Photo-etched Flak shield
- Gun can traverse 360 degrees.
- Gun can be freely posed at different angles.
- Special trailer Sd.Anh 52 for 2cm Flak.
-3 late type rubber tyres with excellent thread pattern
-120 individual track links in light grey plastic on 6 sprues
- The photo-etched fret included, contains foot-board, light mount
- Photo-etched mesh.
- Photo-etched shield
-1 length of thread for the tow cables
3. 01525 German 3.7cm Flak 37 auf Selbstfahrlafette (Sd.Kfz.7/2 Early Version) \52,000
역시 후기형 차체에 37밀리 대공포를 단 후기형 타입 무섭게 내는구만요~~
Item Code: TF
Item No.: 01525
Bar Code: 9580208015255
Item Name: German 3.7cm Flak 37 auf Selbstfahrlafette (Sd.Kfz.7/2 Early Version)
Scale: 1:35 Static Armor
Model Brief: Length: 312.5mm Width: 68.7mm Height: 89mm
Total Part: 856pcs
Metal Part: Brass wire
Photo Etched Part: 4 frets
Total Sprues: 21pcs., 3 rubber tyres
Paint Scheme: Markings are provided for vehicles in dark yellow with red
brown and green camouflage scheme
Qty./Ctn.: 24pcs.
Box Size: 41x26x7.8cm
MEAS.: 84x49x54cm
More Features :
- New tooled slide-moulded one-piece early type mudguard
- Both sides panels and top panel of the engine hood can be open to show the
full detailed engine
- Detailed radiator cover w/filer cap.
- The front radiator grille rendered in fine detail
- One small clear sprue for the windscreen
- The windscreen can be assembled open/closed
- Slide moulded one piece platform w/ non-slip pattern
- Upper and lower steps are made from photo-etched parts w/non-slip tread pattern
- Newly tooled headlight w/ clear shade
- Platform w/ non-slip pattern
-Sprocket wheels w/ multiple delicate parts
- Photo-etched flange around sprocket wheel center
- Leaf springs w/ fine detail
-The front suspension and steering designed to work
-The road wheels have excellent detail the different pattern of the inside and
outside wheels captured nicely
- A row of rifle clips is provided for behind the front seat in very finely moulded
- Fully detailed engine
- Accurately designed transmission
- The gearbox is slide moulded w/authentic detail
- The winch rendered in fine detail
- The seats are Be-copper moulded to mimic the feature on real vehicle
- Photo-etched mesh for folding sides of rear platform.
- Hull sides can be folded down for better crew access.
- Side armor plates can be assembled at different angles for travel or combat.
- Brand new mounted 3.7cm Flak rendered in fine detail
- Slide-molded one-piece gun barrel w/ hollow muzzle.
- Gun can traverse 360 degrees.
- Gun can be freely posed at different angles.
- Special trailer Sd.Anh 52 for 3.7cm Flak.
-3 rubber tyres with excellent thread pattern
-112 individual track links in light Khaki plastic on 7 sprues
-The photo-etched fret included, contains foot-board, light mount.
- Photo-etched Flak shield
- Photo-etched mesh.
-1 length of thread for the tow cables
4.02313 German 17cm Kanone 18 Heavy Gun \55,000
;2차 대전당시 독일군이 가잘 널리 운영했던 170밀리 화포입니다.
Item Code: GP
Item No.: 02313
Bar Code: 9580208023137
Item Name: German 17cm Kanone 18 Heavy Gun
Scale 1:35 Static Armor
Model Brief: Length: 423.87mm Width: 82.1mm Height: 83.16mm
Total Part: 401pcs
Metal Part: two spring and brass tube
Photo Etched Part: 1pc.
Total Sprues: 13 sprues and barrel carriage plus four rubber tyres
Paint Scheme: German army in field grey camouflage
Qty./Ctn.: 24pcs.
Box Size: 41x26x5.8cm
MEAS. 72.5x42.1x53.8cm
More Features :
The 17cm Kanone 18 was introduced after the start of the war to supplement
the 21cm Morser 18. The 17cm gun proved to be an excellent weapon and in
1942 it replaced the Morser 18 on the production line. Captured K 18's were
used by the Allies on several occasions during 1942 in North Africa and again
during 1944 in Europe when British and American forces exceeded the limits
of thier supply line. Like the 15cm K18 the 17cm gun also had to be broken into
two loads for transport, however this was considered to be more acceptable in
a weapon of this size. The carriage is designed for high speed travel and has a
rotating platform which allows the gun to rotate 360'. Due to the design of this
platform a single person can rotate the gun.
About the model
> 2 directional slided-molded barrel carriage with beautiful detail
> Gun can elevate to different angles.
> Gun's Luffing actuating made from brass tube
> Gun breech-mechanism is newly designed.
> Hand wheels reproduced in detail.
> Either firing position or travel position can be selected for assembly.
> Rotating platform included
- AERO 류 -
1:32 Static Aircraft
5. 02281 English Electric (BAC) Lightning F.2A/F.6 \138,000
; 이넘의 라이트닝은 지겹게도 빼네요.. 이번에는 방공요격타입을 재현.. 특히 이번에는 메탈제 랜딩기어를 넣어주었다고 하네요.. 인형도 좀 넣어주면 안되나..?
Item Code: SK
Item No.: 02281
Bar Code: 9580208022819
Item Name: English Electric (BAC) Lightning F.2A/F.6
Scale: 1:32 Static Aircraft
Model Brief: Length: 524.6mm Wingspan: 334mm
Total Part: 192pcs
Metal Part: Die-Cast gear struts
Film Part: Photo-film for instrument panel
Total Sprues: 13 sprues and three tyres
Paint Scheme:
1) Lightning F.2A, XN781/B, No.19 Squadron, Royal Air Force, 1975.
2) Lightning F.6, XR726/K, No.5 Squadron, Royal Air Force, 1979.
Qty./Ctn.: 6pcs.
Box Size: 50x32x10cm
MEAS.: 62x53.1x34cm
More Features :
-Left and right fuselage rendered in fine detail
- Separate parts for ventral pack, so the F.2A version or F.6 Version can be selected.
- Separate parts for air intakes and nozzle
-Landing gear w/ zin-alloy metal struts or plastic are optional
-Rubber tires
-Two x Red Top missile w/ clear nose parts
1:72 Static Aircraft
6. 01656 Tu-22M3 Backfire C Strategic bomber \108,000
;일전에 소개해드린 백파이 폭격기의 후기형 타입입니다. 현존하는 최고 결정판 제품으로 폭격기 매니아라면 꼭 구메해두시길 바랍니다.
Item Code: WX
Item No.: 01656
Bar Code: 9580208016566
Item Name: Tu-22M3 Backfire C Strategic bomber
Scale: 1:72 Static Aircraft
Model Brief: Length: 591.8mm Width: 475.7mm
Total Part: 398pcs
Total Sprues: 15pcs., upper fuselage, lower fuselage and one nose cone
Paint Scheme: Russian Air Force “Red 36”. Ukrainian Air Force “Red 57”.
Qty./Ctn.: 8pcs.
Box Size: 54x34x7cm
MEAS.: 58.1x55x36cm
More Features :
Summary: An exquisite representation of the real thing, built from top-quality
injection molded polystyrene parts with a high level of detail and accuracy.
- 2-directional slide moulded upper and lower fuselages
- Nose cone made from multi-directional slide moulded
1:350 Static Warship
05313 German cruiser Prinz Eugen 1945 \104,000
;아카데미에서 그라프쉬페 발매를 앞두고 있는가운데 트럼페터에서도 그라프쉬페와 씽벽을 이루던 중순양함 Prinz Eugen 에 출시된다고 합니다. 갑자기 메이커들마다 2차대전 독일전함들에 불이 붙었군요..
tem Code: DG
Item No.: 05313
Bar Code: 9580208053134
Item Name: German cruiser Prinz Eugen 1945
Scale 1:350 Static Warship
Model Brief: Length: 607.5mm Beam: 65.8mm
Total Part: 595pcs
Photo Etched Part: 3 frets
Total Sprues: 16 sprues, upper hull, lower hull, waterline, deck
Paint Scheme: Prinz Eugen in 1945
Qty./Ctn.: 12pcs.
Box Size: 65x22.5x7cm
MEAS.: 66.8x45x48cm
More Features :
-One-piece slide-molded upper hull
-Lower hull made from two-directional slide molds
-Sponsons are represented on lower hull by slide-mold technology
-Deck wood pattern finely rendered
-Either waterline or full-hull version can be assembled
-4-directional slide-molded 20.3cm (8") SK.C/34 main gun turrets with delicate detail
-3-directional slide-molded 10.5cm (4.1") L/65 C/33 secondary gun turrets with delicate detail
- Realistically detailed 20.3cm gun barrels are slide moulded with hollow ends
-Contain 26 clear parts for 2 a/c of Ar.196 A-5.
-Contains display stand and engraved name plate
Photo-Etched parts
- The handrail and various mast antenna made from photo-etched parts
- 2 frets (191X74mm) brass for handrail parts and 130X60mm brass fret for mast parts
Bonus kit
23 parts for S-100 class Schnellboot on one sprue.
1:700 Static Warship
05760 U.S.S. South Dakota BB-57 \30,000
;일본군의 70여대의 가미카제를 상대로 3시간 동안 치열한 전투를 치루고도 살아남은 전설의 미해군 구축함 U.S.S. South Dakota BB-57 호를 모형화 했습니다.
Item Code: SH
Item No.: 05760
Bar Code: 9580208057606
Item Name: U.S.S. South Dakota BB-57
Scale: 1:700 Static Warship
Model Brief: Length: 297.1mm Width: 48.04mm Height: 82.69mm
Total Part: 371pcs
Total Sprues: 10 sprues, upper hull, lower hull, deck, waterline plate and stand
Paint Scheme: BB-57 USS South Dakota wearing MS 21 Navy Blue Camouflage
in 1945.
Qty./Ctn.: 48pcs.
Box Size: 39.5x14x6cm
MEAS.: 75x41.2x58.1cm
More Features :
-One-piece slide-molded upper hull
-Lower hull made from two-directional slide molds
-Sponsons are represented on lower hull by slide-mold technology
-Deck wood pattern finely rendered
-Either waterline or full-hull version can be assembled
-multi-directional slide-molded 16-inch /45 caliber gun turrets with delicate detail
-Slide-molded 5-inch /38 caliber gun turrets with delicate detail
-Contain 10 clear parts on 1 sprue for 2 a/c of Soc seagull seaplane.
-Contains display stand and engraved name plate
제품은 7월말이나 8월초 에 들어올 예정이라고 하네요... 가격이 좀 내리긴 했어도 여전히 부담스런 가격이 많네요..
들어오는대로 리뷰해 올리겠습니다~~
미라지콤프방 별도 운영 비밀방에서는 금일부터 최고로 저렴하게 공구중입니다~~ 빨리 가보시길 바랍니다~~
첫댓글 현용 밀리물이 뜸해서 다행입니다^^2차대전 독일군 없었으면 모형업체를 뭘먹고살았을까라는 생각이드네요^^
그러게요... 이번에 T-62 가 들어오나 싶었는데.. 다행히 없네요.. 그것까지 들어왔다간 정말 파산입니다. 하비보스 지른게 타격이 큽니다..

트럼페터에 AFV 신제품들이 눈에 확 들어오네요... 가격올린건 그렇다 치고 왜 인형 몇개를 않넣어줄까요... 지르려다 급 참았답니다.
인형은 따로 발매한답니다.
이번달은 이미 파산이니 패스해야겠습니다!!! 지름병의 새로운 증상을 알아낸듯합니다...파산상황일때는 지름병이 잠잠해지는군요....(결론은 파산할때까지 질러야 ...........ㅠㅠ)
이거 나팔수는 대공장갑차가 대체 몇 개가 나오는건지.. 아예 시리즈로 이어가는군요.
드래곤 제품이 견제타로 나왔지만 품질도 거기서 거긴대다가 79000원 이란 미친 가격때문에 이번에는 트럼페터가 승승장구 할듯 합니다.
땡기는것이 없네요..그노무 열차는 언제쯤 나올라나요 ㅋ
8월쯤..? 그전에 T-62 가 나와야 할텐데
드디어 사우스다코타가 나오는군요 스케일다운해서 나온제품일게 뻔하지만 그래도 그게 어딥니까 하세가와의 오래전 제품보다는 훨씬 좋겠죠