The Old Testament's attitude toward the Law and the New Testament's attitude toward the Old Testament Law have changed. The reason is Jesus. Jesus kept all the laws and died on the cross for those who could not keep the Law and were condemned to die for their sins. Thus, He fulfilled the Law.
Therefore, those who believe in Jesus fulfill the Law. After that, living by faith means seeking God’s kingdom and righteousness.
When Jesus healed on the Sabbath (performed work), the Jews began to persecute Him, claiming He had broken the Sabbath law. In response, Jesus said, "My Father is working until now, and I Myself am working."
Even on the Sabbath, God works. On the Lord’s Day, Jesus works, and God the Father works. He is doing the work of salvation -saving us, saving me.
Excerpt from the sermon by Pastor Lee, Feb 10, 2025.
John 5:9-18