Even knowing that Jesus is the Messiah, when I see five thousand or ten thousand people without food, I still think, “What should we do? We have no money.” It’s not that I lack faith, but the circumstances I see make it difficult to act in faith.
Faith is trusting in what Jesus does, no matter the situation.
Today, Jesus fed the people until they were full. He provided abundantly. That is who He always is.
And He never wastes leftover food. Likewise, He will never discard us. He treasures us as His children.
After the miracle of the five loaves and two fish, He performed an even greater one—He was crucified. He told us to eat His flesh as bread. Jesus did not come just to give us the five loaves and two fish; He came to give Himself to us.
Excerpt from the sermon by Pastor Lee, Feb 17, 2025.
John 6:1-15