The Way Of The Spiritual Leader - 296 Chapter 5 - Ministering and Giving Guidance to the Members Section 2 - Subject and Object, Cain and Abel 2. Cain and Abel
3) Who is Abel and who is Cain - 2
In deciding upon the brotherly order among the members of the Unification Church, one who joined first stands in the Abel but is at the same time also Cain, and one who joined later is in the position of Cain but is also Abel simultaneously. (24-348)
Centering on the Cain-Abel problem . . . You might say, "I am the regional leader, area leader or district leader sent by the headquarters, so you should listen to me." But, this is not how it is.
This is God's side and that is Satan's side, so would Satan's side listen to you? He won't. To make him listen to you, you must put in three times more effort. When you put in three times more effort, then a third of that will return.
Why is this? Since the number of completion arrived at after passing through the formation and growth stage belongs to God, so in order to save Cain in the course of restoration today, we are to put in three time the effort to take one.
This is how it is. However, ignorant of this Principle, you just order people and do not know how to receive orders. This attitude is wrong.
This is not how the principles of Cain and Abel are. Abel is supposed to shed blood and tears . . . The difference is that he is shedding tears to open the way through which Cain can survive.
This is where the precious thing, the foundation of victory is. You are the same. How much did all of you fulfill the responsibility of Abel for the sake of the members? Sacrificing for the sake of that one life . . .
You must reflect and answer to yourself the question, "How much you have exerted yourself to raise the life of one person considering it as the ultimate goal of your life?" (70-149) |