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지난주 BEST회원

카페 게시글
[면접] 면접전형이야기 2일 남았어요.. 영작좀 부탁드릴께요.. 부탁합니다. ㅠㅠ
헤킹아이 추천 0 조회 183 08.07.13 20:26 댓글 1
게시글 본문내용
  • 08.07.16 16:47

    첫댓글 There is a saying that today what I waste in vain was a desirable tomorrow of someone who died yesterday. I realized several things from this phrase; importance of time and effort. People have to keep making an effort for self development because there will be a bright future only for people who prepared. So, I am always trying to have a chance to learn new things and cultivate my ability through subscribing to economic newspapers and studying for certificates Nowadays, I’m studying hardly with saving sleeping time for AFPK test on September. These learning activities can give me a joy
