Among aged people, macular degeneration is usual symptom. Of course, every one does
not meet macular degeneration, but it is not nearly avoidable to the one who has weakness
of liver and heart that is belong to natural weakness.
!. What is macular degeneration?
Macular means the center of screen of image in the eye, degeneration does old.
We cannot avoid the aging, but if the aging is not match to the normal old there
must be some kind of pathogical problems.
However, in Sun Medicine there is best treatment ways for such cases in spite
that there is no ways uin western medicine.
2. The reason of abnormal degeneration in retina
Macular locates in the center area in retina, so there is no reason to be harmful
by outside stimulus but by inside problems. For brief explanation of the pathology, I
put the pathology of atopy on the skin. Basically the pathology is the same as the
one of atopy but the deference is the place of symptom. One is outside skin, the
other is inside skin. Furthermore macular degeneration is the repeated atopy symptom.
During the process of atopy, there can be bleeding, inflamation, swelling, separation
of mucoasal skin, and inflamation spread to more deep skin( = uveitis ).
The important thinf is the symptom is repeating according to the age, so the deformed
deformed cells would be concreted, which is called macular degeneration.
you can understand the pathologiccal process is same as the one of tomato's going bad.
3. How can we treat it?
This is simple. To enrichment of the liver and to get rid of humidity in the eye are just that!
However, you must not forget the meaning of the treatment of eye simptoms is
just the prevention of brain disease. And eye symptoms means a warning for
future sudden brain symptoms.
4. Treatment case in Sun Medicine
There are some cases for eye diseases in this site so you can search and read the cases.
Now I write one more case (7787) hereunder in brief.
1. Personal Information ( 047787 )
H, 0 0 male 62 aged
Address : Kyunggido, South Korea
Appearance : Slim
Occupation : A engineer
2. Chief Complaints
1) Very long times of retinitis, but this time is more serious and so he had to quit
from his company due to the blindness.
2) Of course macular degeneration is going together.
3) Atopy on finger nails and feet nails.
3. Other Symptoms and Signs
1) Oily face
2) He had taken for tablets for athelet's foot for very long times.
Pulse : ordinary
Tongue : deep coated with white
Abdomen : ordinary
4. Diagnosis
Liver weak anf congestive
Heart small but not weak
Spleen small but strong
Lung weak
Kidney ordinary
5. Pathology
Above mentioned in easy comparison
6. Treatment
To get rid of humidity
To improve and to relase liver
7. Results
1st Prescription
To get rid of humidity
1st Result
No changes
2nd Prescription
Increased for enriching blood
2nd Result
The patient said that nothing has changed but the signs been changed.
For example, the tongue has gotten smaller and the coating thinner.
3rd and 4th Prescription
Increased for Ki improvement
3rd and 4th Result
The dark screen of the sight has been changed to get lighter and smaller to be uneven
fro round line.
5th Prescription
Added for purifying blood
5th Result
The change has lasted to the same direction as 3-4th prescriptions.
He surely feels improved energy.
6th Prescription
Similar to that of the 5th
6th Result
Eye doctor : the area of retinitis definitely got smaller than before and
also macular degerneration also got smaller than before to 6 from 10
Patient : the all sight was dark before but now it is smaller to coin and lighter (retinitis)
the staight lines look even but they were looked very curved before.
7th Prescription
Simillar to 6th.
7th Result
He works in his office now and forgot the retirement plan completely.
If you see beyond your fence, there are many splender things and happiness!