출처: 웰컴영어-토익 토플 편입 영어회화 미드 공무원 텝스 수능 원문보기 글쓴이: 처키
Work-Life Balance
일과 삶의 균형
Korea Should No Longer Be Land of Forced Workaholics
한국은 더 이상 억지로 일만 하는 사람들의 나라여서는 안 된다
``Study hard, work hard” has long been Koreans’ catch phrase to make their small, resource-poor country the world’s 14th-largest economy.
``열심히 공부하고 열심히 일하라”는 말은 작고 자원 없는 나라를 세계 14위의 경제대국으로 만들기 위한 한국인들의 오랜 표어였다.
catch phrase: a well-known and frequently used phrase or slogan, especially one associated with a particular celebrity. (남의 주의를 끄는) 기발한 문구[경구(警句)], 캐치프레이즈; 표어, 슬로건. (또는 cátch-phràse)
1. Why did Korea pick up catch phrase “Study hard, work hard” in the past?
The only problem with this time-old growth paradigm is it can neither last forever nor work well any longer in a post-industrialized Korea.
이 낡은 성장 모형의 유일한 문제는 이것이 영원히 계속될 수도 없고 또 탈 산업화한 한국에서 더 이상 잘 작동하기도 어렵다는 점이다.
paradigm [p
2. Why should we change our growth focusing paradigm?
According to an OECD report, Koreans work for an average of 2,316 hours a year, 30 percent more than the average 1,768 hours put in by the 30-member club of the world’s richest countries, and far longer than runner-up Hungary’s 1,986 hours.
OECD의 보고서에 따르면 한국인들은 일년에 평균 2,316시간을 일하는데 이 는 세계에서 가장 부유한 30개 국가로 이루어진 이 집단의 평균 근로시간인 1,768시간보다 30퍼센트가 많은 것이고 2위인 헝가리의 1,986 시간보다도 한참 길다.
runner-up [-
3. How much time do Korean work related to OECD report?
Unfortunately, Koreans’ level of satisfaction with their jobs hits the bottom level among OECD members, and their labor productivity stands at a mere 65 percent of the industrial countries’ average. It is small surprise then the government has recently decided to move toward reducing the nation’s notoriously long working hours.
불행하게도 한국인들의 직업 만족도는 OECD회원국들 중 바닥이고 노동 생산성도 선진국 평균의 고작 65퍼센트에 머물고 있다. 그렇다면 정부가 우리나라의 악명 높을 만큼 긴 노동시간을 줄이는 쪽으로 나아가기로 결정한 것도 별로 놀랄 일이 아니다.
notoriously [nout
4. Why should Korean have a bad reputation on level of satisfaction with jobs and labor productivity?
Regrettably, however, major business associations have already voiced their opposition to the shorter workweek, citing ``enormous burdens” in labor costs, as shown in a report by the Federation of Korean industries, a chaebol 1) lobby.
그러나 유감스럽게도 주요 경제단체들은 인건비의 ``엄청난 부담”을 이유로 들며 단축된 근로시간에 이미 반대를 표명하고 있는데 이는 재벌 로비 단체인 전국경제인연합회의 보고서에도 나타나 있다.
burden [b
5. Why has FKI, the Federation of Korean industries, shown the opposition to the shorter workweek?
The FKI, for instance, is opposed to the government’s move to introduce ``substitute holiday” system, which calls for allowing replacement day-offs when national holidays fall on Sundays. But the difference of 548 hours between Korea’s and OECD’s working hours means Koreans work 69 eight-hour days more than their counterparts in other industrial countries. While many of these family-controlled conglomerates are awash with idle cash, should they worry about labor costs caused by allowing a few more days-off a year?
예를 들어 전경련은 국경일이 일요일에 걸리면 대신 다른 휴일을 허용하도록 요구하는 ``대체 휴일제”를 도입하려는 정부의 움직임에 반대하고 있다. 그러나 한국과 OECD 근로시간의 차이인 548시간은 한국 국민들이 다른 선진국 국민들보다 하루 8시간씩 69일을 더 일한다는 뜻이다. 이 재벌 중 다수가 갈 곳이 없는 현금으로 넘쳐나는 판에 1년에 며칠 더 놀려줌으로써 발생하는 인건비를 걱정해야 하겠는가?
substitute [s
awash [
6. Why is the FKI’s opposition to the substitute holiday introduced by the government useless in the point of causing labor cost?
What the domestic businesses, large or small, should know is productivity _ or creativity in more modern terms _ comes from not longer but shorter workweek. We doubt whether the Korean firms have ever thought why Google 2) lets its employees do whatever they want to do during 20 percent of their annual working hours.
크던 작던 한국 기업들이 알아야 할 것은 생산성 혹은 보다 근대적 의미에서 창의성은 일을 오래하는 것이 아니라 적게 하는 데서 나온다는 사실이다. 어째서 구글사가 종업원들에게 연간 노동시간의 20퍼센트 동안은 자기들이 하고 싶은 일을 아무것이나 하도록 허용하는지 그 이유를 한국기업들이 한번이라도 생각해보았을지 의심이다.
productivity [pr
creativity [kr
7. Why does Google let its workers do their personal things during 20 percent of their annual working hours?
The government’s initial steps for cutting working hours are not very hopeful, either. Officials were right to think about job sharing as a means of increasing job openings and curbing the high unemployment rate. But the first thing they did was to slash the starting pay for government employees and state enterprise workers as well as replacing two full-time workers with three part-timers.
정부가 노동시간을 줄이기 위해 취한 초기 조치들도 과히 희망적이지 않기는 매한가지이다. 당국자들이 일자리 나누기를 새 일자리를 만들고 높은 실업률을 줄이는 수단으로 생각한 것은 옳았다. 그러나 그들이 최초로 한 일은 공무원과 국영기업 직원들의 초임을 깎고 두 개의 정규직 일자리를 세 개의 비 정규직 일자리로 대체한 것이다.
curb [k
slash [sl
8. Why are the government’s steps for cutting working hours not unreasonable?
The Lee Myung-bak administration’s labor policy-makers should know job sharing works only when they pay equal wages to the same kind _ and amount _ of labor, as confirmed by successful examples of foreign countries and businesses, including the Netherlands and automaker, Volkswagen. Nor does the Lee administration’s motivation for reducing working hours seem ``pure.” The officials were right when they cited the need for balancing work and life as the reason for a shorter workweek, but wrong when they decided to complete its preparation before the nation hosts the G-20 summit in November 3), which they regard as an event to ``decisively upgrade the nation’s global prestige.”
이명박 정부의 노동정책 입안자들은 동일한 종류와 동일한 분량의 노동에는 동일한 임금을 줄 때 만이 일자리 나누기가 성공한다는 것을 알아야 하며 이는 네덜란드와 폭스바겐 자동차 회사 같은 해외 국가와 기업들이 확인한 바 있다. 이정부가 근로시간을 줄이는 동기 역시 ``순수”하지만은 않은 듯 하다. 당국자들이 일과 삶의 균형을 꾀하는 것을 짧아진 근로시간의 이유로 든 것은 맞는 말이었지만 그들이 ``우리나라의 세계적 위신을 결정적으로 높이는” 행사로 간주하고 있는 G-20 정상회담의 개최 이전에 그 준비를 완료하겠다는 것은 틀린 일이다.
Volkswagen [v
decisively [dis
prestige [prest
9. Why should Lee Myung-bak administration’s labor policy-makers not hurry up for reducing working hours?
Changing the nation’s labor paradigm is a long-term issue that can greatly affect the work and life of all Koreans, and not the one that should be worked out in haste to show to foreign guests. Unless the new system works to expand social safety networks and leads to a more employment-friendly labor environment, it could only end up as aggravating both the work and lives of Koreans.
우리나라의 노동 모형을 바꾸는 것은 모든 한국 국민들의 일과 삶에 지대한 영향을 미치는 장기적 문제이지 외국 손님들에게 과시하기 위해 서둘러 마련해야 할 일이 아니다. 새로운 제도가 사회 안전망을 확대하고 보다 고용 친화적인 노동 환경으로 연결되지 않는다면 이것은 한국 국민들의 일과 삶 두 가지 모두를 더욱 악화시키고 말 수가 있다.
aggravating [
end up: 종료하다, 끝나다; 결국[마침내, 끝내] …이 되다[with, in, as].
1) Chaebol (alternatively Jaebol, Jaebeol; Korean pronunciation: [tɕɛːbəl]) refers to a South Korean form of business conglomerate. They are powerful global multinationals owning numerous international enterprises. The Korean word means "business family" or "monopoly" and is often used the way "conglomerate" is used in English. There are several dozen large Korean family-controlled corporate groups which fall under this definition. Through aggressive governmental support and finance, some have become well-known international brand names, such as Samsung, Hyundai and LG. Although the chaebol are powerful independent entities, they sometimes work with the government as a guide to their policies, particularly in the areas of future direction and innovation.
The chaebol has also played a significant role in South Korean politics. In 1988 a member of a chaebol family, Chong Mong-jun, president of Hyundai Heavy Industries, successfully ran for the National Assembly. Other business leaders also were chosen to be members of the National Assembly through proportional representation. Since 2000, Hyundai has played a role in the thawing of North Korean and South Korean relations.
2) Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG, FWB: GGQ1) is a multinational public cloud computing and Internet search technologies corporation. Google hosts and develops a number of Internet-based services and products, and generates profit primarily from advertising through its AdWords program.[2][4] The company was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while the two were attending Stanford University as Ph.D. candidates. It was first incorporated as a privately held company on September 4, 1998, with its initial public offering to follow on August 19, 2004. The company's stated mission from the outset was "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful",[5] and the company's unofficial slogan – coined by Google engineer Paul Buchheit – is Don't be evil.[6][7] In 2006, the company moved to their current headquarters in Mountain View, California.
Google runs over one million servers in data centers around the world,[8] and processes over one billion search requests[9] and twenty petabytes of user-generated data every day.[10][11][12] Google's rapid growth since its incorporation has triggered a chain of products, acquisitions and partnerships beyond the company's core search engine. The company offers online productivity software, such as its Gmail e-mail software, and social networking tools, including Orkut and, more recently, Google Buzz. Google's products extend to the desktop as well, with applications such as the web browser Google Chrome, the Picasa photo organization and editing software, and the Google Talk instant messaging application. More notably, Google created the Android mobile phone operating system, used on a number of HTC phones such as the Nexus One and Droid Eris. Because of its popularity and numerous products, Alexa lists Google as the Internet's most visited website.[13] Google is also Fortune Magazine's fourth best place to work,[14] and BrandZ's most powerful brand in the world.[15] However, the company has also faced criticism over issues relating to the privacy of personal information, copyright, and censorship.
3) The Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (known as the G-20 and also the G20 or Group of Twenty) is a group of finance ministers and central bank governors from 20 economies: 19 countries plus the European Union. Recently summits meeting at level of Heads of state have been introduced. The current chair country of the G-20 for 2010 is South Korea.[3]
Collectively, the G-20 economies comprise 85%[4] of global gross national product, 80% of world trade (including EU intra-trade) and two-thirds of the world population.[2]
The G-20 is a forum for cooperation and consultation on matters pertaining to the international financial system. It studies, reviews, and promotes discussion among key industrial and emerging market countries of policy issues pertaining to the promotion of international financial stability, and seeks to address issues that go beyond the responsibilities of any one organization.
With the G-20 growing in stature since the 2008 Washington summit, its leaders announced on September 25, 2009, that the group will replace the G8 as the main economic council of wealthy nations.[5]
Heads of states of G-20 members meet biannually at the G-20 Summit. The 2010 G-20 Summits are scheduled to be held in Toronto on June 26–27 and Seoul on November 11–12.
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