Department Store vs. Open Market
Several different ways exist to buy new things. Two main ways are either going to a department store or going to an open market. Each of them has their strengths.
With a department store, you have a better chance of getting professionally made and quality products at a price you understand right away. The items are in the same place no matter what branch of a department store you go to. Each department in the store has its items clearly marked.
You can go with your family in an orderly manner and enjoy one of the joys of the modern world.
If you go to an open market, it might start to rain. There is a lot of pollution that you have to deal with. You have to be careful to take your umbrella. The pollution makes you cough.
An open market has its advantages, however. It is a lot of fun to walk around with your family. You might see some people you know there. It is fun to have an adventure where you look for things you didn´t know you needed.
A department store is cold and impersonal. You are less likely to know the staff. The staff is less likely to know exactly what you want. Thus, you might find yourself actually looking longer at a department store. A department store can be big and complex. You may get lost because you don´t go there that often.
1.Both a department store and an open market have their advantages and disadvantages. A lot depends on what you are looking for in a shopping experience. Which one do you like better?
2. When was the last time that you visited an open market? How was your feeling when you visited there?
3. If you have plenty of money that you can spend all, would you spend it in a department store or an open market? And can you tell us the reason?
4. To the old generations, there woud be many funny memories(추억) that occured in an open market. Please tell us about the memories.
5. As more people want convinent and neat things, more open markets come to crisises. What do you think of this matter? Do you think this is a natural happening? If you don't think like this, are there any solutions that works out this problem?
Department Store
Key Expressions
professionally made and quality products / an orderly manner / one of the joys of the modern world
Points of Argument
1. Department store products are made better.
2. Department stores are more orderly.
3. Department stores are a joy of the modern world.
Open Market
Key Expressions
fun to walk around with your family / some people you know there / fun to have an adventure
Points of Argument
1. Open markets are family experiences.
2. Open markets let you meet people you know.
3. Open markets are fun to walk around.
Male or Female as teacher
Both male and female teachers are good. They each have their own strengths and weaknesses, however. Male teachers are great because they can be a lot of fun. They like to make their classes laugh. They do goofy things. They like to take their classes on adventures. They are like your father.
Male teachers have their downsides, however. They do not smell as nice as female teachers. They are not as beautiful. They can get angry sometimes. Male teachers do not understand children the way that female teachers do.
Female teachers are great. They are so beautiful. They smell so nice! They do lots of sweet things for their classes. They are so good with arts and crafts. They make their classrooms seem like home. You feel like the teacher is your mother.
Yet female teachers are not perfect. They can be very mean. They can hurt your feelings. They are often more strict than male teachers. Since they are like your mom, they know how to be strict. They can make you so upset!
1.Both male and female teachers have advantages. Which one would you rather have in class. Are there any specific reasons?
2.Do you agree with these contents?
Especially,in the second and third paragraph , they have many points of dispute. As our society has changed, there are also manychanges between female and male things. So do you think this matter as the same way with this article or not? Tell your opinions.
3. Do you have any special memories that is concerned with your teacher? No matter how it was good or bad, let's share your story.
4. If you have some memorial teachers, tell us the reasons that you have remembered them since then.
첫댓글 첫번째 학생 여기에 있어욤~
저요!! 저요!! 두번째이옵니다^^ ㅋ
Here! Here! I'm the thirdㅋㅋ But I won't be there this time ㅜㅜ
음~ 이번주 토욜은 펌 번개가 있어서 일찍 끝난다면 갈께요~ 아님 2차라도~ ㅋㅋ 2주간 빠졌는데 굉장히 오랫동안 빠진듯한 느낌... ㅋㅋ
비가와서 펌 못하겠네... 정시 참석....
처음으로 참석합니다~^^ 혼자가는데다 영어는 심하게 초보라서 걱정되네요....ㅠ.ㅠ
걱정마시고 편안하게 오세요...^^초보도 많답니다....
저두 아마.^^
이런!! 너무 저조한 출석률!! 참석하실 분들은 꼬리말 달아주세요^^
참석합니다. ^^
가고싶었는데 일이 생겨서 참석 못할것 같아요ㅜㅜ 모두 즐거운 주말되세요~~^^
올만에 참가요~^^
Here we go~
꼭 가고싶었는데 갑자기 일이 생겨서 못갔어요....죄송..ㅠ.ㅠ 담엔 꼭 갈게요~!!!