Part 1
1. C) A man is using a tool.
2. D) One of the men is holding a door open.
3. B) One of women is placing a box on top of a cabinet.
4. C) Some merchandise is on a display table.
5. A) They are passing an outdoor seating area.
6. A) A canal flows between some buildings.
Part 2
7. C) Olga did
8. A) By tomorrow afternoon
9. B) Very productive
10. B) No, I'm working that day.
11. B) In the sales spreadsheet
12. C) There's a map online.
13. A) After, I think
14. B) Yes, on the fifth floor
15. B) Okay, I'll email you some ideas.
16. A) Because it's being serviced right now
17. B) The one near my house
18. C) The customer requested delivery.
19. B) Olivier is scheduled to do it.
20. B) Absolutely, just give me a few minutes
21. A) Actually, it's right across the hall.
22. A) Traffic is bad on the Washington Parkway.
23. C) It's best to do it right away.
24. B) We had some unexpected expenses this quarter.
25. A) The gardening center should still be open.
26. A) My supervisor will be back shortly.
27. A) I heard there will be 50 more people.
28. C) It's undergoing renovations.
29. C) Let me transfer you to the housekeeping Department
30. C) There will be several benefits.
31. A) There was a recent policy change.
Part 3
32. D) catering
33. C) equipment needed repair
34. B) 고객에게 연락하기
35. C) job interview
36. B) demonstrate skills
37. A) parking permit
38. C) 음료(tea)
39. A) convention
40. B) make travel plans
41. C) construction workers
42. D) 오래되었다 (vary old)
43. C) speak supervisor
44. B) 영업사원
45. D) deliver items
46. B) 문서 검토하기 (review)
47. A) logo 변경
48. C) 다른 부서 연락(contacting ~)
49. D) 매니저 사무실로 가기
50. A) an artist
51. D) 출판업
52. B) 마감일 정하기 (timeline)
53. C) team building
54. A) 견적서 제출 (cost estimate)
55. B) to defend a suggestion
56. C) increased competition
57. D) 고객으로부터 아이디어 받기 (get ideas )
58. B) luggage
59. C) to confirm appointment
60. B) text message did not reply
61. D) allow extra travel time
62. D) Western line
63. B) visit prehistoric site
64. C) 투어 등록하기
65. C) auto repair shop
66. B) SD
67. B) extended warranty
68. C) website not working
69. B) change 등록
70. D) Eun Mi Jeong
Part 4
71. B) store manager
72. A) order incomplete
73. C) price discount
74. A) water bottle
75. B) easy to clean
76. A) limited-edition release
77. D) hotel
78. A) pool
79. B) making a recommendation
80. A) renovation complete
81. D) interactive activities
82. B) free admission for childer
83. B) IT
84. C) cord's length short
85. A) 다른 conference room 이용
86. C) law firm
87. B) 제안이 고려되고 있다.
88. C) update document
89. A) highway construction project
90. D) noise
91. A) ask questions
92. A) sales presentation
93. B) 의료시설
94. D) no changes to the slide
95. A) potential investors
96. A) location
97. B) 10 month
98. A) musical performance
99. C) expecting larger audience
100. C) courtyart
Part 5
101. B) his
102. C) neatly
103. C) care
104. D) in
105. D) notable
106. A) proposal
107. B) frequently
108. A) comply
109. D) critical
110. A) costs
111. C) trust
112. B) processed
113. B) continually
114. C) within
115. A) Reminders
116. C) recruiting
117. D) who
118. D) will focus
119. A) extra
120. B) often
121. A) only
122. B) profitability
123. A) was designed
124. B) so that
125. D) halfway
126. A) motivated
127. C) should arrive
128. C) whether
129. A) most
130. B) plus
Part 6
131. A) records
132. A) are offering
133. C) excluding
134. B) Simply use the code HAPPY to receive your discount.
135. D) attendance
136. A) After graduation, he trained as a volunteered firefighter.
137. C) In reality
138. A) safer
139. B) hotels
140. A) now
141. D) than
142. A) This offer is valid through April 15.
143. D) at which
144. C) Best of all
145. D) assigned
146. C) On that event day, the artist will bring all the necessary painting supplies.
Part 7
147. D) It receives flights every day.
148. B) According to the time of year, change ~ schedule
149. D) To notify her that a transaction is recorded
150. B) Allow customers to check their deposit online
151. B) committed ~ provide ~ complete and accurate recording
152. C) Receive summaries of long transcripts/recording
153. D) To report a new operating system program
154. D) She realized that Mr. K~~'s computer is outdated. (← No, really)
155. B) To promote special program
156. A) It has multiple locations.
157. C) [3] (You can also find a list of agr appropriate books.)
158. D) finding web designers를 찾는데 어렵다
159. B) It completes work quickly.
160. C) Book a hotel room
161. A) [1] (The current website is outdated and provides minimal information.)
162. C) The start date
163. B) It supports a wide range of tasks.
164. D) Treat other participants with respect
165. D) To inform corporate restructuring
166. C) Mr. Lacey
167. D) A senior level meeting will be held.
168. C) It is most in-depth study.
169. C) Most of them experienced delayed buses problem
170. D) They can be tracked using a mobile phone app.
171. B) providing more seating
172. D) a performance date 상의 중
173. B) attending a conference
174. B) The new songs are ready to show in public. (← But we’ve put a lot of work into these songs.)
175. A) Share some information online
176. D) To encourage ~ to visit a store
177. B) Custom tailor
178. C) In person or online
179. A) Beef teriyaki
180. C) Made a purchases at ~ Tidings
181. A) Respond to request
182. D) Manager at sales department
183. B) Protecting company information
184. C) Travel policies
185. C) 26-27 page
186. A) A certificate
187. C) has (= holds)
188. B) It can be done in Riverdale
189. B) Repair person
190. D) Leaving an item at the store
191. A) To inform ~ update a colleague
192. C) Interacting with the public
193. B) accept ~ flexibility in ~ work schedule
194. D) applied ~ through Boyer Recruitment Website
195. C) Meet the new hires
196. B) start (= launch)
197. C) On April 19
198. D) Confer with colleagues
199. A) Agronomy Team
200. B) Blue Sea Invigorator ~ better results