- Yielding or containing plenty; affording ample supply: a copious harvest. See Synonyms at plentiful.
- Large in quantity; abundant: copious rainfall.
- Abounding in matter, thoughts, or words; wordy: “I found our speech copious without order, and energetic without rules” (Samuel Johnson).
adj 1: large in number or quantity (especially of discourse); "she took copious notes"; "extensive press coverage"; "a subject of voluminous legislation" [syn: extensive, voluminous]
2: affording an abundant supply; "had ample food for the party"; "copious provisions"; "food is plentiful"; "a plenteous grape harvest"; "a rich supply" [syn: ample, plenteous, plentiful, rich]
Synonyms: plentiful, abundant, ample, copious, plenteous
These adjectives mean being fully as much as one needs or desires:
a plentiful supply;
the artist's abundant talent;
ample space; copious provisions;
a plenteous crop of wheat.
Antonyms: scant
첫댓글 copious 1. 풍부한. 막대한
코피~가 풍부하게 많이 나오는 모습을 연상 ㅡ.ㅡㅋ
굿 샷^^;