Hey, I am Seung min Yang
and very much interested in pursuing the English Education degree
at Yonsei Graduate School. I am currently attending at Dalhousie Univ.
which is in Canada and planning upon majoring in psychology.
First of all, I would like to ask your pardon for my intrusion to this website.
Although I am not one of the new students or graduates, my inquisite mind led me to join this website and to write this post. The curiousity that occured to me was about how to get information on entering the Yonsei Graduate School. I could not find any adeqate information for me on the university website thus, I am trying to find them by asking one of you members.
Secondly, I would appreciate very much if you let me join this website. I promise you that I will be moderate as a prospective student when acting in this Cafe. Please let me join it.
Thank you very much.