영어예배로 드리는 부활절
이지영 선교사/필리핕 GMS, 영어주일학교연구소 소장
기독교인으로서 신앙의 핵심은 ‘예수그리스도의 부활’이다. 이 사건과 직결된 교회 절기는 부활절이다. 부활절 절기교육은 부활신앙을 회복하며, 믿음을 다지게 함에 의의를 갖는다고 볼 수 있다. 부활절을 앞두고 어떻게 하면 아이들에게 의미 있고 특별하게 예배를 드릴 수 있을지 고민하게 된다.
이번 부활절은 우리 아이들이 성장하여 땅 끝까지 이르러 예수님의 제자로 복음을 증거하는 기독교인이 되길 소망하며 영어로 드려보면 어떨까? 영어부서라면 모두 영어로 드릴 수 있겠지만, 일반부서의 경우는 찬양이나 요절을 영어로 배워보는 시간을 갖는 것도 영어주일학교를 시작하는 좋은 계기가 될 수 있다.
이번 호에서는 영어예배 순서를 소개하고, 이에 따른 찬양과 설교를 안내하고자 한다. 이어 아이들과 교사가 함께 준비할 수 있는 간단한 영어연극, 영어로 진행하는 만들기와 요리활동을 소개한다.
1. 부활절 예배
Opening Song Into My Heart Together
Opening Prayer Presider
Hymnal Nothing but the blood of Jesus Together
Prayer Prayer's name
Scripture Reading Matthew 28:6 Together
Sermon Jesus is Alive Preacher
Praise Song Alive, Alive Together
Offering A Gift to You Together
Offering Prayer Prayer's name
The Lord's Prayer Together
1) Opening Prayer
Jesus, You have overcome death. We want to remember Your resurrection and to worship you. Help us to worship You with thanks. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen
2) Nothing but the Blood of Jesus
3) Prayer
Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your only Son to us. Thank you that Jesus paid the punishment for our sins by dying on the cross. And thank you that He rose again from the death. I believe that Jesus is our savior. We will tell to others that Jesus is alive. We praise You. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
4) Reading Bible
He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. -Matthew 28:6(NIV)
5) Sermon: Jesus is Alive
Jesus is Alive
Memory Verse
We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
Romans 6:4
(클릭) ta-ra! This is a big gift. What do you feel when you receive a big gift? Maybe you will be happy. Today message will be a big gift for you. Because it is a wonderful good news for you.
Jesus died on the cross and buried in a tomb. Three days later, on Sunday morning, Mary went to Jesus' tomb. She saw that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance.
When she entered the tomb, it was empty. They were crying. Then they saw the two men with white robes. They were angels. One angel asked,"Why are you crying?" Mary answered. "Someone stole the body of Jesus." The angel replied,"He is not here, for He has risen, as he said!"
Mary and other women went to disciples and told the good news. They said. "Jesus has risen! He's alive!"
Jesus appeared to many people. Jesus walked and ate with them. And Jesus said. "Peace be with you."
Jesus showed them His nail-scarred hands and feet. They said, "Jesus was truly alive. He had risen from the grave."
And Jesus said, "Go and tell your friends the good news."
Jesus defeated the death and lived. God gives eternal life to whom believe in Jesus. God's promise is the largest gift and the best news for us.
Mary and disciples told this good news to others. Today, we hear about the news that Jesus is alive. Whoever believes in Jesus will be saved. Now, what shall we do?
Let's rejoice Jesus is alive. Let's tell this good news to our family and friends who don't know this.
Let's read it together. Yes, Jesus is alive. And He loves us very much. That is what we celebrate today. Let's pray.
Dear Lord, We learn that Jesus is alive.
Help us to believe that Jesus has risen and to tell this Good news to others.
In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
6) Alive, Alive (악보)
2. Activities
1) English Skit: He is Risen
Characters: Woman 1, 2, 3, 4, Angel1, 2
(Four women walking to the garden and the tomb.)
1st woman: I am sad
여자1: 나는 슬퍼.
2nd Woman: Jesus was killed.
여자2: 예수님이 돌아가셨어.
3rd Woman: Jesus was so good and kind.
여자3: 예수님은 너무 좋고 착하셨어.
4th Woman: I cannot understand
여자4: 나는 이해할 수 없어.
1st Woman: Let's go to his tomb.
여자1: 예수님 무덤으로 가보자.
2nd Woman: Who can move the stone?
여자2: 누가 그 돌을 옮길 수 있을까?
3rd Woman: Maybe all of us together can move it.
여자3: 아마 우리 모두가 함께해도 그것을 움직일 수 없을 거야.
4th Woman: It is heavy, but we have to try.
여자4: 그것은 무거워. 하지만 우리는 해봐야해.
1st Woman: Look! The stone had been moved.
여자1: 봐! 그 돌이 옮겨졌어.
2nd Woman: But who rolled it away?
여자2: 그런데 누가 그것을 옮겼지?
3rd Woman: Oh no, I bet someone has taken his body.
여자3: 오 안돼. 누군가 그의 몸을 훔쳐간 것이 분명해
4th Woman: What will we do, let’s hurry.
여자4: 우리는 무엇을 해야지, 어서 서두르자.
(At this point the women hurry a little faster towards the tomb.)
(여기서 여자들은 약간 빨리 무덤을 향해 서둘러간다.)
(Two Angels sitting or standing at the tomb.)
(두 천사가 무덤에 앉아있거나 서 있는다)
1st Woman: Hey, where is Jesus?
여자1: 이봐요, 예수님은 어디 있죠?
2nd Woman: What did you do with Him?
여자2; 당신들은 그에게 어떻게 한 거죠?
3rd Woman: Who are you?
여자3: 당신들은 누구세요?
Angel: I'm an angel. Jesus is not here, He has risen. Jesus lives.
천사: 나는 천사요. 예수님은 여기 계시지 않아요. 그는 살아나셨소. 그는 살아나셨소.
lst Woman: You are sure?
여자1: 확실해요?
Angel: Yes I am sure - look in the tomb, he is not here.
천사: 그래요 확실해요. 무덤 안을 보세요. 그는 여기 있지 않소.
2nd Woman: He isn’t here he has risen - lets go tell the disciples.
여자2: 그는 여기 계시지 않아요. 그는 부활하셨어요. 어서 가서 제자들에게 말합시다.
3rd Woman: He’s alive, He’s alive.
여자3: 그는 다시 사셨어요, 그는 다시 사셨어요.
4th Woman: He’s alive, it’s true.
여자4: 그는 다시 사셨어요. 그것은 사실이에요.
(Read poem)
(시를 읽는다)
Easter by: Rachael Hartley
E is for Easter, coming again soon.
부활절의 E, 곧 옵니다.
A is for angels near the tomb,
무덤 근처 천사들의 A
S is for stone which was rolled away
굴러간 돌의 S
T is for tomb found empty that day.
그날 비어진 무덤의 T
E is for early morning, the women are glad
이른 아침의 E, 여자들은 기뻐했죠.
R is for the risen Lord, no need to be sad.
다시사신 주의 R, 슬퍼할 필요가 없죠.
2) Making 'Jesus is Alive' book
Materials: Template, Scissors, colored pencils
1. Fold in half the template.
2. Fold the template in lines
3. Open the template and fold in half, and cut out the line.
4. Open the template again and hold up the cross.
5. Trace the sentences.
6. Write the title and name.
page 1. Jesus had the last supper.
page 2. Soldier took Jesus.
page 3. Jesus died on the cross.
page 4. After 3 days, Jesus is alive.
3) Bible Cooking: Nacho Canape
Ingredients: Nacho chips, camembert cheese, dried grapes, sweet corn, sliced ham, sliced cucumber
1. Prepare a nacho chip
2. Our heart became black. Blank means sin.
3. Put some dried grapes on the nacho chip.
4. Jesus died on the cross. The blood of Jesus makes us clean.
5. Put some sliced ham on the nacho chip.
6. When we believe Jesus, our heart will be clean.
7. Add camembert cheese on the nacho chip.
8. Gold means the Kingdom of God.
9. Put some sweet corn on the nacho chip.
10. Green means new life. Our faith grows every day.
11. Put some sliced cucumber on the nacho chip.
12. Enjoy your snack!
이번 호에 소개된 찬양의 악보, 활동자료와 영어설교 PPT는 영어주일학교 카페의 ‘어린이 영어예배-교사의 벗 연재 자료’게시판에서 확인할 수 있다. (3월호에서 만나요)