미국 비자(visa)
1. 개요
⑴ 영주권 : 박사만 따면 미국 영주권을 딸 수 있는 절차가 있음
⑵ 시민권 : 일정 기간 근무 등 시민권 취득 요건이 정형화 돼 있음
2. domestic
○ U.S. citizen
○ AM : amnesty recipient
○ AP : approved petitioner for immigrant visa
○ AS : asylee
○ DC : dual citizenship
○ PR : permanent resident, including specific status of domestic student unknown
○ RF : refugee
3. international
○ A1 : diplomatic. foreign government official or employee, family and servants
○ A2 : other foreign government official or employee and members of immediate family
○ A3 : diplomatic staff
○ B1 : temporary visitor for business
○ B2 : visitor, pleasure, prospective student B-2 temporary visitor for pleasure
○ C1 : alien in transit
○ C2 : alien in transit to UN headquarters
○ C3 : foreign government official or staff in transit
○ C4 : transit without visa
○ D1 : crewman (ship or aircraft crew)
○ E1 : treaty trader, spouse and children
○ E2 : treaty investor, spouse and children
○ EC : long-term foriegn investors in the CNMI (Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands)
○ E3 : specialty occupation workers, nationals of the Commonwealth of Australia
○ F1 : academic students and students in language training programs
○ 이와 관련하여 미국에서 Post-Doc으로 최대 3년간 있을 수 있음
○ F-1 비자로 일을 하는 것은 불법
○ F2 : family of F1 student
○ 미국에서 학업이나 일을 할 수 있는 기회가 주어지는 것은 아님
○ F3 : commuter student (valid in Registrant files only)
○ G1 : princiapal representative of foreign government to international organization and family
○ G2 : other representative of foreign government to international organization and family
○ G3 : representative on non-recognized foreign government to international organization and family
○ G4 : international organization officer and family
○ H1 : temporary worker of distinguished merit and ability
○ H1B : 학사학위 이상 전문직종 종사자가 받을 수 있는 대표적인 미국 취업 비자. 할당량이 있어서 추첨을 해야 함
○ H2 : temporary worker performing agricultural or other services unavailable in U.S.
○ H3 : ailen trainee
○ H4 : dependent spouse or child of H1, H2, or H3
○ HP : humanitarian parole temporary parole into the U.S.
○ I : representative of foreign information media or family
○ J1 : exchange visitorial international student
○ 연구원용 비자로 관광비자가 아님
○ 미 국무성 발행 비자
○ J2 : spouse and children of exchange visitor-student
○ 거주 기간은 수혜자의 J-1 비자 기간과 동일하며, 체재기간 연장은 불가능
○ 배우자가 있는 경우 합법적으로 미국에서 학업이나 일을 할 수 있는 기회가 보장
○ K1 : fiancé of fiancée of U.S. citizen
○ K2 : child of fiancé of fiancée of U.S. citizen
○ K3 : spouse of U.S. citizen who is the beneficiary of I-130 petition field in I.S. (LIFE Act)
○ K4 : child of alien entitled to K3 classification (LIFE Act)
○ L1 : intra-company transferee (executive, managerial and specialized personnel)
○ L2 : spouse and children of intra-company transferee
○ M1 : student of vocational or nonacademic institution, not in language training program
○ NATO 1-7 : representatives, staff, family, expert employees & civilians accompanying NATO members
○ N8 : parent of special immigrant
○ N9 : child of special immigrant
○ OT : other visa type, including specific status of international student unknown
○ O1 : alien with extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business or athletics
○ 미국 정부가 과학, 예술, 스포츠 등 특수 분야의 인재에게만 내주는 비자
○ 6개월만에 영주권 신청을 할 수 있음
○ O2 : attendant accompanying and assiting O1
○ O3 : spouse or child of O1 or O2
○ P1 : individual or team athletes
○ P2 : artist or entertainer entering the U.S. to perform under a reciprocal exchange program
○ P3 : artist or entertainer entering the U.S. to perform under a program that is culturally unique
○ P4 : spouse and child of P1, P2, or P3
○ Q1 : international cultural exchange program
○ Q2 : Irish Peace Process Cultural and Training Program (Walsh visa)
○ Q3 : spouse or child of Q2
○ R1 : religious occupations
○ R2 : spouse or child of R1
○ S5 : aliens supplying critical information relating to organized crime "informant"
○ S6 : aliens supplying critical information relating to terrorism "informant"
○ TN : trade visa for Canadians and Mexicans (NAFTA professional)
○ TD : spouse or child accompanying TN
○ T1 : victim of severe form of trafficking in persons
○ T2 : spouse of a victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons
○ T3 : child of victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons
○ T4 : parent of a T1 (if T1 victim is under 21 years of age)
○ T5 : unmarried sibling under age 18 of T1 under 21 years of age
○ T6 : adult of minor child of a derivative beneficiary of a T1
○ U1 : victim of certain criminal activity
○ U2 : spouse of U1
○ U3 : child of U1
○ U4 : parent of U1 (if U1 victim is under 21 years of age)
○ U5 : unmarried sibling under age of 18 of U1 under 21 years of age
○ V1 : spouse of LPR with pending I-130 filed prior to 12/21/2000
○ V2 : child of LPR with pending I-130 filed prior to 12/21/2000
○ V3 : derivative child of V1 or V2
4. 신청 방법 (신청자 ↔︎ 출입국 관리당국)
⑴ 방법 1. 대사관에서 인터뷰 후 발급 : 인터뷰하고 +1 ~ +5일에 발급되는 듯
① 학생비자보다 국립국제교육원 영문재정 보증서가 있으면 비자를 쉽게 받을 수 있음
⑵ 방법 2. 인터뷰 면제 서류 제출로 긴급신청 후 예약 날짜 발급
① 미국 비자 긴급 요청을 하는 경우 인터뷰 면제가 되지 않음
⑶ 방법 3. 여행 비자(traveling visa)
① 대행사 : https://cibtvisas.com/ (미국인을 위한 웹사이트)
⑷ 방법 4. ESTA : 비자 면제 프로그램 (단기 무비자 입국 프로그램, visa waiver program)
① 개요
○ 미국 정부가 개발한 온라인 신청 시스템
○ 간단한 여행 허가 신청 후 승인이 되면 입국을 할 수 있음
○ 대한민국 등 일부 국가들만 미국을 관광이나 출장, 경유 목적으로 입국 시 비자를 신청하지 않아도 됨
② 신청
○ 1~3일 이내에 나오는 경우가 대부분이지만 5일 정도까지 걸리기도 함
○ 신청할 때 여권을 스캔한 뒤 업로드하여야 함
○ 신청 가이드
③ 발급
○ 허가 여부를 이메일로 통지받으면 ESTA 홈페이지에서 관계 서류 출력 가능
○ 허가일로부터 2년 뒤에 만료됨