Typical Examination Questions-가정용 Wiring 여기서의 시험은 오픈북입니다 캐너디언 코드북은 개인이 구입해 공부할 수 있으며 시험당일은 주체측에서 제공함
Section 1 (True or False)
Allow 2 points for each correct answer and subtract 2 points for each incorrect answer.
1. A CSA enclosure 3R may be used indoors where subject to drops of falling liquid due to heavy condensation...
2. A standard duplex receptacle may be installed in a bathroom provided it is GFCI protected............................
3. The neutral must be bonded to the meter base in every case without exception............................................
4. The plug outlet on the bathroom light fixture is acceptable to the code for the bathroom plug...........................
5. A diesel fuel pump at a service station is considered less hazardous than a gasoline fuel pump.....................
1. T Rule 2-400(2)
2. T Rule 26-700(13)
3. F Rule 10-516 re. to services only. Meters in subfeeders in an apart. build. are not service equipt..Rule 10-204(1)(d)
prohibits neutral bonding in these bases. See also Rule 10-516(3) re. grounding devices.
4. F Rule 26-702(22)
5. F Rule20-002(1) refers. to "other similar volatile flammable liquids"
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