DAY 003
It seems that ~
~인 것처럼 보여요. / ~인 것 같아요.
어떤 행동이나 상태에 대해 추측하거나 불확실한 단정을 나타낼 때 쓰는 패턴이에요.
맨 앞의 it은 가주어이니 해석하지 않아도 됩니다.
that 뒤에는 '주어+동사' 형태가 오는데,
It seems like + 주어 + 동사, 형태로도 많이 쓰죠.
It seems that she is tired.
그녀는 피곤한 것처럼 보여.
It seems that he likes me.
그가 날 좋아하는 것 같아.
It seems that they are busy today.
그들은 오늘 바쁜 것처럼 보여요.
It seems that you need some rest.
당신은 휴식이 좀 필요한 것처럼 보여요.
It seems that it's going to rain soon.
곧 비가 올 것 같아요.
첫댓글 Yunny
1. It seems that fall is just around the corner.
2. It seems like a good idea.
=Sounds like a good idea.
3. It seems that you didn't read a book.
4. It seems that you are so tired. How about going outside and getting some fresh air?
5. It seems like a wrong choice. Should we reconsider?
1. 가을이 코앞으로 다가온 것 같아요.
2. 좋은 생각인 것 같아요.
3. 책을 읽지 않은 것 같네요.
4. 너무 피곤한 것처럼 보여. 밖에 나가서 신선한 바람을 쐬는 것은 어때?
5. 잘못된 선택인 것 같아요. 다시 생각해봐야 할까요?
It seems that they are busy next week.
It seems that she likes me.
It seems that she is fat.
It seems that he is kind.
It seems that it's going to snow soon.
1. It seems that we have three options.
2. It seems to me that you've scraped together quite an awesome one.
3. looks like rain.
4. There seems to be a problem.
5. It seems like it's only been 30 minutes since I ate dinner. I feel hungry again.
1. 우리에겐 3가지 선택이 있는거 같네..
2. 내가 보기엔 꽤 멋진걸 모은거 모은거 같은데..
3. 비올거 같네..
4. 문제가 있는것 같네..
5. 저녁 먹은지 30분 밖에 안된거 같은데.. 또 배고프네.. 쩝.
Next year will be our 25th wedding anniversary.
It seems like yesterday.
It seems like she has a talent for languages.
It seems like it is still summer.
It seems like he has a lot of money.
He seems so naive.