September 23 & September 24, 2015
Opening the IXXI Door
Opening The Abyss
CERN, Mysterious Deaths, Jesuit Rings
The French Minister, The Pope, &
The Planned Crossing Over
by Stephanie Relfe
I got goose bumps as I wrote the above statement. We strongly believe that whatever the oligarchs planned, did not happen, thanks to your prayers and those of other spiritual warriors!
A number of people reported to us that they felt that something mighty happened when they prayed on Sep 23, and many thousands of people saw this article and other similar ones on on the internet.
This reminds of us of a most interesting article by Richard Hoagland about September 11, 2001 and global consciousness. In that article he said that there were very interesting energy changes that happened BEFORE the twin towers got hit. That is, the Illuminati brought down the Twin Towers on a day that was was energetically sensitive to make a vast difference on the collective consciousness of humans on earth.
Here is what Richard Hoagland said back when the Twin Towers got attacked:
“A little reported story surfaced after the attacks, of some astonishing electronic data collected by a research team at Princeton University on something called the “Global Consciousness Project.”
In short, this is a project consisting of 38 random number generators (RNGs) located around the world, communicating their second-by-second random number data via the Internet back to a central computer located at Princeton University.
The team discovered, on checking their data for September 11th, that there was a stunning decrease in randomness –- a literal non-random “spike” in their previously random numbers — beginning a few hours before the tragic events at the WTC and extending several hours after.
This completely world-wide occurrence showed unequivocally that there was indeed a “confluence of events,” or some sort of “spike,” in the background entropic noise of “reality” … a dramatic change that remarkably occurred precisely around the attacks.
The phenomenon is flatly inexplicable by any “conventional” science.
By stark contrast, this extraordinary effect on the RNGs is easily explainable — if not inherent in — the Hyperdimensional Physics Model.
“This startling September 11th data is supported by a completely independent set of Russian experiments, conducted over the past 40 years, which have found equally non-random, repeating cycles in such supposedly “random” processes as radioactive decay.
These two studies, taken together, all but destroy the notion that physical and biochemical processes are simply “probabilistic.”
In fact, the mere existence of such data is a flat refutation of the current reigning view of quantum physics as a strictly “probabilistic, random process.” It does, however, provide startling explanation for a looming problem underlying all of quantum physics -– the baffling violation of the so-called “Bell Inequalities …”
These are the experimentally observed violations of the normal set of quantum mathematical relations that would rule out the ability of distant quantum particles to exert influences on each other at seemingly instantaneous (faster-than-light) rates …”.
The Hyperdimensional Model not only provides an elegant explanation (via a literal higher dimension of space-time) for such otherwise inexplicable faster-than-light communications between fundamental particles — called “quantum entanglement” — it demands that time “windows” exist (for less-susceptible masses above the quantum level) within which this same “hyperspatial communication” also can occur … in cycles-–
When the hyperspatial geometries — dictated by the positions, rotations and momenta of the solar system’s planets — create increasing and decreasing “gating” opportunities on Earth for this instantaneous information transfer of increased coherence between dimensions.
The working model of the Princeton experimenters is that the shocking events of September 11th triggered a massive “tremor in the Force” -– that the major decrease in “randomness” of their random number generators placed around the planet was a direct result of the linked consciousness of billions of people all over the world, reacting to that horror seen on television. We respectfully disagree.
In our model, the dramatic change in the random numbers coming in to Princeton -– beginning four hours ahead of the “event” — was a direct result of a change in spatial parameters around those far-flung generators.
These changing parameters, in turn, were caused by an increase in the “information transfer rate” between dimensions — caused by a particular spatial geometry between Earth and key celestial objects.
It was into this precise “hyperspatial window” that the modern Assassins methodically drove their aircraft –- attempting with military precision (as we have seen) to use the horror and revulsion of the literally billions watching live on television to effect a direct change in the consciousness of humanity around the world … directly assisted by the “Physics.”
Remember what Mustaf al-Amin said about the Assassins: “they take pleasure in stealing the gnosis (life force) from their victims ….” In other words, they use conscious application -– via these critical celestial alignments -– of a “practical Hyperdimensional Magic” literally thousands of years old …
Support for this “Hyperdimensional” interpretation of the Princeton results comes not only from their own long-term RNG data (which reveal many similar “spikes,” going back years -– with NO globally-riveting events entraining a “mass consciousness” within those “windows”), but also from a detailed analysis of the September 11th events themselves, carried out by Dean Radin of the Noetic Sciences Institute.
Radin did a detailed instrument by instrument analysis of all the 38 random number generators deployed by Princeton around the world, seeking to discover if there was any “distance dependence” from New York and Washington in the observed “non-random instrument effects.” What he discovered was absolutely fascinating –- and totally supportive of the Hyperdimensional “celestial window model,” but NOT of a “mass consciousness effect.”
Radin discovered that the effect on the 38 RNGs was NOT uniform around the planet: those generators specifically located in the Western Hemisphere exhibited increased “non-randomness” within the “window,” compared to others in the Eastern Hemisphere; and of those, the ones in North America exhibited still more divergence from strictly random behavior; and of those, the instruments on the East Coast exhibited the most divergence from their expected random behavior.
These effects are NOT characteristic of any other “consciousness experiments” that have been conducted over the last 70 years — ranging from early examinations of precognition, clairvoyance and telepathy in the classic Rhine Experiments at Duke University in the 1930’s, to the remote viewing experiments carried out at SRI for the CIA decades later, to astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s famous clandestine ESP experiment conducted literally half way to the Moon! Uniformly, all positive “consciousness effects” from these experiments have seemed completely unaffected by simple distance factors. Noted one recent review of the field.
“No known energy seems to fit the facts of clairvoyance and telepathy.
Radiant energy appears to be the necessary stimulus. X-rays, radio waves, gamma rays, etc., have been advanced as a possible cause for the phenomena in question. However, all these types energy lose efficiency through distance and are affected by intervening objects, conditions which seem to have no appreciable influence on extrasensory perception …
To say that these minds are ‘attuned’ to each other [the ‘mass consciousness effect’], is a facile phrase, but it is merely an analogy and explains nothing. We may as well face the fact that the science of physics at the present time has contributed little to an adequate understanding of the nature of extrasensory perception …. [emphasis added].””
“These and the Princeton RNG results ARE, however, totally consistent with a geometric “celestial alignment effect,” peaking on September 11th — just as Flight 11 was precisely timed to hit World Trade Tower 2 at the height of the “geometric window.”
Note the slow build-up of “non-randomness,” beginning days earlier (highly indicative of a slowly changing astronomical “window” effect), and the additional, statistically significant “non-random second peak” two days later — when there were NO major new terrorist events … or, obvious reasons for a resulting “mass consciousness effect.”
This data, however, is remarkably supportive of an enhanced “Hyperdimensional transfer rate,” decreasing the normally random Princeton’s RNGs through temporary increased coherence in the machines.
If we now used a combination of the “alignment model,” and the data depicted in the Princeton graphs, it is entirely feasible that a calamity like what took place at the WTC and in Washington, might be predicted, or even prevented in advance — if only we knew where to look, and what to look for.” (End quotes by Richard Hoagland)
Read more of Richard Hoagland’s excellent articles with great pictures at:
For information on how everything is a hologram, and we are all connected to each other, please read my article on “The Holographic Universe“.
From the information below, obviously something really bad was planned for Sep 23, even worse than for 911, but due to great numbers of people waking up to what is going on, and thanks to the spiritual law that the evil ones must tell us in some for or other what they have planned before they do it, this time many, many good people (like yourself), many of whom possess metaphysical abilities and are favored by God because they do what He wants in their lives, were able to make use of this energy shift, and turn things around towards goodness.
Expect miracles from here on! Continue the fight against evil, in both physical and spiritual realms.
Create the new civilization! Take action so that when you leave this planet, and have your life review, you will see and feel all the wonderful things that happened as a the direct and indirect effects of what you did while here on earth.
Learn how you can make a really big difference on earth from this article.
IMPORTANT: The Satanists have plans. But we have the power of God and Jesus with us. Just because they have plans does not mean we cannot unmake those plans. Please pray against these dates:
Sep 23 – Sep 24 2015: It would appear from the following information that the oligarchs intend to open a portal with CERN to allow Osiris through. Please pray in the name of Jesus and intend that this does not happen.
We assume they will start this at 6pm EST (midnight in Geneva)
Use your spiritual sword, and put your hands in water when you do.
Suggested prayers against CERN.
UPDATES are later in the article
They Told You about It BEFORE IT HAPPENED – See Pics.
The Year of Lucifer: Opening the IXXI DOOR September 23, 2015
2015 04 14 C. Ervana 2
On the back of a one-dollar bill, see the pyramid.
On the base of the pyramid is written 1776 in Roman numerals.
1776 marked the start in history of the secret doctrine of “The Free Masonic Illuminatis.”
It’s purpose is the establishing of a new Atlantis, in anticipation of the coming of their deity, Osiris.
Osiris is Nimrod. Nimrod was pretty much the closet embodiment of Lucifer/Satan back in his day. A near perfect vessel of evil.
Lucifer/Satan is the god behind Osiris.
Masons add 4,000 years to the current year on the Gregorian calendar.
1776 on the pyramid + 4,000 = 5776.
So 1776 at the base of the pyramid is understood by Masons worldwide to be the year 5776.
It’s “The Year of Lucifer, or “The Year of Light” or “Anno Lucis“.
5776 is also the measure of how many inches high the great pyramid in Giza when completed with its capstone.
You can see how they add A.L. (Anno Lucis) on Masonic Cornerstones and/or Plaques, and show it is 4,000 years more than our normal date. Here are examples:
5776 or 1776, represents the year the great work of the Illuminati and secret destiny began.
September 14, 2015
Tishrei 1
Begins “Anno Lucis”
Begins “The Year of Lucifer”
Begins “The International Year of Light”
This is also Rosh HaShanah
The master Masons envisioned that the work would be finished so that Osiris could return to his temple on Tishrei 10 in the Hebrew year 5776, which is 2015.
On God’s calendar, the year 5776 begins on September 14, 2015.
September 23/24, 2015
Tishrei 10 is the 10th day of “The Year of Lucifer,” the day the Illuminati work is completed and “The Crossing Over,” takes place, or the day Osiris returns to his temple and begins the new age
It’s also Yom Kippur.
1X = 9 (in Roman numerals)
X1 = 11 (in Roman numerals). So:
1X X1 = 9-11
Sept 23/24 is IXXI because it’s the TENTH day. They hide it between the “twin towers” (II).
Sep 23 is the day they say the 1X-X1 door will open (by CERN) for the god Osiris to return and begin the new age.
(That’s Sep 23 2015, as explained above)
CERN is an interdimensional doorway. They intend it to open up the IX-XI door on Sept 23, 2015.
YOM KIPPUR / DAY OF ATONEMENT: In 2015 is evening of Sep 22 – Sep 23
To Israelites, Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year—the day on which we are closest to God and to the quintessence of our own souls. It is the Day of Atonement;
For on this day He will forgive you, to purify you, that you be cleansed from all your sins before God. Leviticus 16:30
Crossing over on September 23 & September 24 2015 shown on an SAP Commercial. SAP is the computer system used by 95% of top corporations to run their business. Michael Relfe worked as an SAP Consultant, so this video was particularly interesting to us.
Sep 11 2001 (911) to Sep 23 2015 = 5,126 days
The Mayan Calendar is 5,126 years!
DAVID LETTERMAN’S GRAND FINALE points to 9/24/15 as the start of chaos.
9/11 on the Julian Calendar = 9/24 on the Gregorian calendar.
(More updates at the end of this article)
At around 1 a.m. on Sunday, April 26th, two doctoral students at the Louisiana State University (LSU) were mysteriously found dead at the bottom of a swimming pool. 28-year-old Ishita Maity and 25-year-old Anton Joe were with the schools physics and astronomy department with Maity studying theoretical astrophysics while Anton was a 3rd-year graduate student studying theoretical gravity.
Maity was an author of one of the journal ‘New Astronomy’s’ most popular recent papers entitled “Black hole spin dependence of general relativistic multi-transonic accretion close to the (event) horizon”;
Joes’ most recent paper was … written for the European Organization For Nuclear Research, also known as CERN.
There is much more important information in the rest of this article is excellent. Please go here
The author Stefan Sandford points out that this part of CERN:
reminds us of the statue of Shiva, the god of destruction, which is outside CERN. Why would a so-called scientific establishment spend many thousands of dollars creating such a thing, and put lights around it to make sure you can see it at all times?
All of this reminds us of this really, really strange event:
As if that isn’t weird enough, see the weird dance they performed in CERN. This video gives an excellent explantion for it:
Urgent - Insight into CERN's Time Machine
2015 03 28 17Stormy17
(영상 게시자 설명: The LHC - as Time Machine
"The Penitent Man" Demonstrates what is really meant by "Symmetry"
Decoding the Symmetry film trailer
Embedded time code signaling 13th day of the first month on the Lord's calendar.
The same image used for the 13th day time event is coded into the film, "The Penitent Man")
We have written a little of CERN before, pointing out that the weird lettering could be related to the opening of portals.
(Above) Weird lettering at the $2 billion CERN
Is this lettering related to the weird lettering shown on alien drones that were reverse engineered by the military, like this? –
We would like to pay particular attention to this part of Sandford’s article:
“There are also several recent videos about the possible dangers of CERN including the 2nd one, a documentary from FBCFilms called “CERN: Opening The Abyss”
That word “abyss” is most interesting, because the French Finance Minister used that same very word, when he made the really bizarre statement:
“We are on the edge of a climatic abyss. We have 500 days to avoid climate chaos.”
We Are on the Edge of a Climatic Abyss
2014 05 13
(영상 게시자 설명: Laurent Fabius, Foreign Minister of France: Our focus on the planet is connected to our very survival. We are on the edge of a climatic abyss. In fact, we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos.
On May 13, the Center on the U.S. and Europe at Brookings hosted French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius for an address on France's foreign policy and the role of the transatlantic partnership in an increasingly unstable global environment.)
1) A very frightening or dangerous situation, or one in which there seems to be no hope
2) a bottomless gulf or pit
And remember these guys are all lawyers and every word is important. Remember Bill Clinton when he said
“It depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is”.
Very, very good video for understanding CERN. Must see. (We don’t agree with a little of what he says. For example, the oligarchs are not atheists. They are Satanists. And aliens are real.)
C E R N the Opening of the Abyss?
2015 05 06 SEVENTHVIAL213
(영상 게시자 설명: C E R N the Opening of the Abyss? .......
2015 is being called the International year of Light (LUCIFER MEANS LIGHT BEARER)
2015 also sees thousands of scientists reactivate CERN, the Large Hadron Collider in an attempt to explore the origins of the Universe, Dark matter, Anti-matter, Extra Dimensions, Black holes etc.
Revelation 9 - And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit......
This video examines the possibility that CERN could lead to the fulfilment of prophetic events spoken of in Revelation chapter 9, the unlocking and opening of the abyss where demons are loosed on the earth.
Main preacher through out the video speaking is CHARLES LAWSON
Please note in fairness to Pastor Charles Lawson - some theories or views expressed in this video may not be necessarily shared by him.
for more sermons with Charles Lawson please visit
The comment of the French minister is bizarre, since any kind of climate change is, of course, gradual, and cannot be given a deadline in a matter of days. Or, do they know that something is coming? Did they tell us this with the Georgia Guidestones?
SEPTEMBER 23 2015 / SEPTEMBER 24 2015
That 500 days ends Sep 23/24 2015 (depending on your time zone).
It was no accident he said this. He repeated this same bizarre statement about the 500 days at least 3 times. And it is most interesting that he said this IN ENGLISH.
In the following speech the French minister does not mention the ‘abysss’ word, but see how John Kerry doesn’t even blink when he says the statement:
French Foreign Minister Says 'We Have 500 Days to Avoid Climate Chaos'
2014 05 14
A poster on GLP made this very apt comment:
“Does anybody besides myself find it strange that NOBODY in the mainstream media and none of our leaders are asking the French guy just exactly what he knows and what he meant?
I mean, if he had come out and said that by next September, all Western women will have two extra bodily orifices or that 50% of the children will disappear overnight, we would be at least a bit curious. But he says that we have until September before a climactic event will alter history and our fate, and SILENCE.
So we’re going into the Apocalypse with 25% of the American people still stuffing their faces at McDonald”s and all the rest with smart phone stuffed into their face? Can someone please tell me the exact date when we went from Normal to Zombie-ville?”
Nothing is stranger than the things that have been going on in the world lately. For example, what is going on with the closed Walmart stores, and Jade Helm?
The Pope confirmed that Sep 24 2015 (in the USA) is very, very relevant, because he made the bizarre step of telling us on Feb 5 that he will speak to congress about ‘climate change’ on Sep 24 2015! The same date! What has the pope got to do with climate change? With the USA government? Why did he tell us so such a long time in advance? Was this a signal to certain groups that something is getting ready to happen?
We know that many Satanists dedicate their lives to the Pope, because of what Svali told us.
Because no one believes anything the government says, would a final, last minute, “so long, pal” announcement by the Pope be what they have planned? If he finished his speech and it happened within the hour, no one would have a chance to react?
We know one thing – a giant meteor hit would certainly cause the climate to change! See what just a small meteorite can do:
2013 12 22 SurvivalOhio
(영상 게시자 설명: Russian Military Operatives who have family in the United States have warned of an upcoming event of a large Asteroid that is being tracked by their missle defense systems. This Near Earth Object is arriving along with the Meteor Debris field expected to impact FEMA Region Three. Russia Warns that this Large Asteroid will Impact in the Atlantic Ocean. This will be a Global Incident. This event will change life on this planet as we know it. Good Luck to you and your Family.
Looks Like It Was True...First asteroid impact of 2014 ends in the Atlantic Ocean
For News And Views Join Us At Bunker Report On Facebook
Survival Skills You Will Need
Pope Francis is the 266th Pope. He is arriving to meet President Obama on the 266th day of the year. It takes 266 days from conception to birth of a baby.
What is the dark side seeking to give birth to?
Cern is one of the names of the Horned god in witchcraft, more specifically related to the French people. It is derived from the better-known name, Cernunnos or Karnayna.
So powerful is this association between ancient pre-Christian France and Cernunnos, that various scholars like Dr. Margaret Murray report that the site upon which the celebrated cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris is actually built over an ancient site of worship to Cernunnos.
In fact, the high altar of the cathedral reportedly has a frontispiece on it. It is always covered in recent centuries by gorgeous brocade tapestry. Under that tapestry is a bas-relief of the horned head of Cernunnos.
For many centuries after the time of Jesus, French monarchs were crowned there, and swore allegiance both to the “church” and to Cernunnos. Did these curses help lead to the French Revolution and the guillotine? It seems likely.
BACK TO THE FUTURE predicts 9/11
2015 07 27
In May 2013, on Bill Maher’s overtime, they were having a discussion about Bradley Manning. To quote Moore directly,
“This is disgraceful and historians a hundred years from now, if we’re still here… Pffft after the….” then he points to the sky.
At this point Maher interjects forcefully saying, “NO!”.
Moore immediately stops talking and stares down at his feet.
SEPTEMBER 23 AND “OPEN THE DOOR’ shown in cancelled TV show
23/9 (That’s how you write Sep 23 in most countries other than USA) is shown in a Cancelled TV show.
“Open the Door” is said at the same time.
Nuclear bomb in New York City?
Interestingly, at 2.09 in the above video, they show a picture of THE EARTH in one toroid, about to go into another toroid, which would cause devastating earth changes beyond imagination.
That fits in with the theory that the universe is made of two joining toroids:
What You Missed About the Really Big Universe in School
2011 02 21 The Dual Torus
(영상 게시자 설명: | 2012 REAL SCIENCE Nassim Haramein
"...just remember that your standing on a planet that's evolving, revolving at 900 miles an hour" ~ Monty Python the meaning of life
The second law of thermodynamics applies simply to a physical system that is isolated. No where do isolated systems exist in our universe. This assumption is the root flaw in Quantum Theories and modern Physics.
How can laws based on what does not exist in our universe truly exist?
There is no logic in that. Too much is ignored, unexplained, unaccounted for and forces are simply made up for what cannot be defined (strong force, weak force, black matter, etc.)
Nassim Haramein is trying to redefine physics in fractals from an atom and infinitely below to the solar system and infinitely beyond.
Take a look at his scaling law which is much like Kepler's but applies to the universe and all that is in it (finite TO infinite.) Something Einstein died working on.)
Here is a Biblical reference to September 24th being the start of the Day of the LORD, in the Book of Haggai.
The Jubilee year begins on Sept. 23, 2015, the 10th of Tishri.
It will be the 120th Jubilee since the fall of Adam and Eve.
1990 Film, “By 9/23 the Day of the Lord shall be upon you”
8/9/15 Different Figures were Projected onto the New York Empire State Building
People have said that this is Kali the god of Destruction, but to us it looks like a lot of different aliens. Yes, Kali is in there, but so are a bunch of others.
Is this getting ready for The Harvest of humans by aliens, as shown in “Jupiter Ascending” and “V”?
Either way, it’s a bad sign for anyone living in New York City.
Do these people look as though they are waving good bye?
And why is there a picture of the Pied Piper on the left? (Answer at end of article).
This is the cover of “The Economist” for Jan. 2015.
Click twice for very large version:
This isn’t just any publication. It is The Economist and it is directly related to the oligarchs. It is partly owned by the Rothschild banking family of England.
Its editor-in-chief, John Micklethwait, attended several times to the Bilderberg Conference – the secretive meeting where the world’s most powerful figures from the world of politics, finance business and media discuss global policies. The outcome of those meetings is totally secret.
It is therefore safe to say that the people at The Economist know things that most people don’t.
7 Cathedrals in Europe Warn of 2015
We Wrote this Article well Before 2012. What did the Freemason builders know that you and we don’t?
Malaysian flight MH370
How many people were on that Malaysian flight MH370 that was plastered all over the media earlier in the year?
239 people…. 227 passengers and 12 crew members.
23/9 is the way most people around the world note the date of September 23rd.
The following video report will use Pope Francis’s coming future visit to America, to expand on the recent Earth Grid Ley discussion, showing where Baltimore, MD, Washington, DC and New York city are all located on Earth grid ley lines and that are all contained within a very special 5 sided area, surrounded by ley lines. It is this special area that warrants this video report and expanded ritual discussion.
What makes the new findings a bigger discovery than originally thought, is the observation, that by using the grid ley lines, a coded ritual coded pattern has been revealed, that coincides with Pope Francis and his USA visit, set for later in September of this year.
The coded findings contained within this Pope visit is an observation too far reaching to minimize in any way shape or form, and I am certain, that once considered for its possible deeper involvement and implications in the ongoing NWO manipulation of time, that seeks to create their one world govt and new world order, that many will agree with me.
I would emphasis for those that care to consider the more difficult aspects of this global conspiracy, that the design and layout of the Earth Grid Ley Lines, noted in this video Papal visit report, clearly resembles and is shaped, like the Hat that the Pope wears for his ceremonies. This resemblance to the Pope’s hat in the Earth Grid Ley line lay out and image is not a coincidence and the code that I will present in this latest finding, will prove this point for you to consider.
The dates of 09-21 through 09-24, and other known key dates are still being shown and broadcast, but along with it, other dates will help to show how important this span of days are to the NWO and to the Pope, who will be addressing the UN General Assembly on 09-24.
This is a deep and involved discussion shows us that the Pope’s visit was expected long ago in history and therefore; many elements of the Pope’s future visit are coded into areas that I will discuss.
Pope Francis and the CERN - Earth Grid Ley Line - 09-24 Ritual Conspiracy
2015 05 10 MrCati
(영상 게시자 설명: This video report will use Pope Francis's coming future visit to America, to expand on the recent Earth Grid Ley discussion, showing where Baltimore, MD, Washington, DC and New York city are all located on Earth grid ley lines and that are all contained within a very special 5 sided area, surrounded by ley lines. It is this special area that warrants this video report and expanded ritual discussion.
What makes the new findings a bigger discovery than originally thought, is the observation, that by using the grid ley lines, a coded ritual coded pattern has been revealed, that coincides with Pope Francis and his USA visit, set for later in September of this year.
The coded findings contained within this Pope visit is an observation too far reaching to minimize in any way shape or form, and I am certain, that once considered for its possible deeper involvement and implications in the ongoing NWO manipulation of time, that seeks to create their one world govt and new world order, that many will agree with me.
I would emphasis for those that care to consider the more difficult aspects of this global conspiracy, that the design and layout of the Earth Grid Ley Lines, noted in this video Papal visit report, clearly resembles and is shaped, like the Hat that the Pope wears for his ceremonies. This resemblance to the Pope's hat in the Earth Grid Ley line lay out and image is not a coincidence and the code that I will present in this latest finding, will prove this point for you to consider.
The dates of 09-21 through 09-24, and other known key dates are still being shown and broadcast, but along with it, other dates will help to show how important this span of days are to the NWO and to the Pope, who will be addressing the UN General Assembly on 09-24.
This is a deep and involved discussion shows us that the Pope's visit was expected long ago in history and therefore; many elements of the Pope's future visit are coded into areas that I will discuss.
Music: Sydney's Skyline, by ALBIS, courtesy of You Tube Audio Library
Pope Francis Information:
Francis will be in Philadelphia for the 2015 World Meeting of Families, scheduled for Sept. 22-27.
Francis is set to arrive in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 22. He is expected to visit the White House, celebrate a private Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and
address a joint meeting of Congress.
Francis is scheduled to arrive in New York on Sept. 24. He will address the U.N. general assembly and visit Ground Zero, the site of the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York.
Francis arrives in Philadelphia on Saturday, Sept. 26, for the Festival of Families. He will celebrate papal mass on Sunday Sept 27 on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway outside the Philadelphia Art Museum.
Sept 27. Pope Departs)
“Though we’ve owned this house for 300 years, it is no longer our home since September 23 last.” Go to 5.30:
Note: Svali, an Illuminati defector, said: “My understanding was: The Hanoverian / Hapsburg descendants rule in Germany over the Bruderheist. They are considered one of the strongest lines for occult as well. The British line is just under them, with the royal family. Definitely, they rule the UK branch under the Rothschilds in the occult realm, even though parliament rules the country openly. In France, again, descendants of the royal families are also in power in the occult realm, but the French Rothschilds hold the reigns over all of them.”
While we would like to believe that people are rising in their vibration, and that we are about to break free of this matrix, evidence is to the contrary. It seems more like we are devolving into Idiocracy and Sodom & Gomorrah. For example, how can we have a high and holy vibration when and one porn website in the USA gets 4.4 billion page views a month.
Ron Wyatt proved with laboratory tests that Sodom and Gomorrah really was burned up with brimstone. Please see this video:
It sure looks as though something is coming. We believe that for most people (that is, not the oligarchs), it will be fast and painless. Maybe like this:
1) Make sure you have enough food, water and supplies so you don’t have to leave your house for at least 3-4 weeks, if necessary. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.
Right now store oatmeal & raisins at the very least. You can eat them raw. Plus bottled water.
2) Pray to prevent anything coming through any portals, especially Sep 23-Sep 24 2015.
3) Close portals on all mirrors in your home.
4) Consider these 55 Serioius Reasons Why You Should Homeschool
5) Pray for guidance. Move if God tells you to.
6) Prepare for the next life. Especially pray for –
Forgiveness of anything bad you have done,
Family line curses and
to ensure that if you have to come back again, it’s a whole lot better than this one.
Forgive anyone who has harmed you, to set yourself free, so that you can move on and don’t have to be with that person next lifetime.
7) Know that God loves you and does not blame you for the mess this world is in. The major blame is on Satan, the reptilians and the mind control and massive systems set up by the fallen angels. (For example, they drop aerosolized thought control vaccines on us, as shown by this video from the Pentagon).
Be happy. Have no fear. If we leave our bodies, it will be fast and painless for most of the people on earth. To learn more, learn about how great most people feel when they drop their body, during near-death experiences.
Remember, when the aliens come and pretend to save you,
They are coming for The Harvest, to stock up their freezers and torture chambers:
Please download the free booklet on Removing Alien and Military Mind Control Commands. This is a direct download without signing up for anything. Only then will you understand why this information will never be discussed on any UFO or Conspiracy site and will never be touched by broadcasters like Alex Jones, Jeff Rense or George Noory.
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