(페이스북, 단톡방에 실린 글입니다.)
교회는 전도의 심장과 함께 고동칩니다.
구성원의 전도로 공급되는 은혜 가운데
그 생명력을 유지하며
제 사명을 감당할 수 있습니다.
훈련으로 잘 단련된 선수가 빠르게 달리듯이
끊임없는 전도로 단련된 교회가
힘차게 달려갑니다.
전도하는 교회가 규모에 상관없이
영적 생산성이 높은 교회입니다.
전도로 좋은 열매를 맺기 때문입니다.
전도의 입을 크게 여십시오.
교회에 각종 은혜의 열매를 채우시는
하나님의 은혜를
분명히 경험하게 될 것입니다.
무엇보다 전도가 교회의 가장 위대한 자본입니다.
♤ ♤ ♤
(제가 암기하여 사용하는
영어권 외국인 전도문입니다.
페이스북에 들어오는 외국인들이
이 내용을 보고 예수 믿어
전도자가 되었으면 좋겠습니다.
플레이 스토어에 있는
구글 번역기를 사용하시면
한국어 해석을 할 수 있습니다.)
I am Pastor Dae-kyung Kim.
Jesus cured my pancreatic cancer.
I am a person who has come back to life
The doctor told me that the cancer cells
had already spread to the lymph nodes
and there was no guarantee of survival.
After that, I spilled blood twice.
I was taken to the hospital emergency room
by ambulance.
The doctor doesn't even know
To my wife, prepare for her husband's funeral.
But a miracle happened to me.
The pancreatic cancer that was driving me
to death has disappeared.
The doctor was also surprised.
I also appeared on TV
I became a famous person.
I also wrote a book called
<Pancreatic Cancer Was a March
of Blessings for Me>,
and many people are reading it
and receiving great grace and inspiration.
Jesus can heal your sickness too.
Pray to Him
And looking ahead to death
Clearly there is heaven and hell.
Believe in Jesus, the savior of mankind.
Jesus is the one who created
the whole world.
You too were created by Jesus.
Jesus is the only savior.
Jesus is God to save you
You must believe in Jesus to be saved
and go to heaven.
There is no other savior except Jesus.
Be forgiven for your sins of believing
only in Jesus
and go to heaven.
Jesus is God to save you
He came in human form.
And Jesus rose from his grave
three days after his death on the cross.
You must believe in Jesus
to be resurrected in heaven.
Let us meet together in heaven.
Be sure to go to church
and believe in Jesus.
May God bless you.
For God so loved the world
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in him
should not perish but have eternal life.
(John 3:16)
Believe in the Lord Jesus,
and you and your household will be saved.
(Acts 16:31)
(Reception prayer)
I received Jesus Christ.
I hope to be saved by the grace of the cross
and go to heaven.
When Jesus comes into me at this time,
I can be forgiven of all my sins
and live happily in true peace.
On the day the Lord calls me,
let me go up to heaven
where there is no more death and live forever.
I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
Amen .