Vitamin B12 and HPV
In general, all B vitamins are involved with cellular metabolism and energy production to varying degrees, which is necessary to provide the vast amount of energy needed for the immune system to fight off infections such as HPV.
Vitamin B12 is thought to destroy HPV and possibly prevent cervical cancer through DNA methylation, which disrupts viral replication.
A 2002 study was published in the American Medical Association's "Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention" and found that circulating vitamin B12 levels were inversely associated with HPV persistence.
In other words, women who had the highest blood levels of B12 were least likely to develop a persistent HPV infection.
The researchers concluded that higher levels of B12 in the blood may play a role in preventing early cervical carcinogenesis.
Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2014 Nov; 7(11): 1128–1137.
Folate and vitamin B12 may play a critical role in lowering the HPV 16 methylation associated risk of developing higher grades of CIN
Chandrika J Piyathilake,
Vitamin D and HPV
A study published in a 2010 edition of "Nature Immunology" found that vitamin D is essential for activating killer T cells of the immune system so they can detect and eliminate invading pathogens, potentially preventing serious infections.
Killer T cells, which are produced in the thymus gland have the potential to eliminate viruses such as HPV.
Minerva Ginecol. 2010 Oct;62(5):389-93.
[Effectiveness of the treatment with beta-glucan in the HPV-CIN 1 lesions]
P Scardamaglia et al.
treatment with beta-glucan in the women with ASCUS-LSIL lesions and HPV-CIN1 lesions, increasing of the regressions rate after 12 months of the treatment of the 15-20%.
Anticancer Res. 2004 Sep-Oct;24(5A):2649-56.
Apoptosis in cervical cancer cells: implications for adjunct anti-estrogen therapy for cervical cancer
Dazhi Chen et al
Estrogen protects cervical cancer cells treated with DNA-damaging agents; UVB, mitomycin-C and cisplatin, from apoptotic death. For indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which induces apoptosis and is anti-estrogenic, the amount of apoptosis versus survival and the level of Bcl-2 depend on the I3C/estradiol ratio.
Front Oncol. 2022 Jun 22;12:881902.
AHCC® Supplementation to Support Immune Function to Clear Persistent Human Papillomavirus Infections
Judith A Smith et al.
Results from this phase II study demonstrated that AHCC 3 g once daily was effective to support the host immune system to eliminate persistent HPV infections and was well tolerated with no significant adverse side effects reported. The duration of AHCC supplementation required beyond the first negative result needs more evaluation to optimize success for durable outcomes. The suppression of the IFN- level to less than 20 pg/ml correlated with clearance of HPV infections and merits further evaluation as a clinical tool for monitoring patients with HPV infections.