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Dragon Academy News


Update 14thOctober 2006


If you do not receive your next newsletter after 3 weeks please contact me




Dates for 2006 (NEW)

Stuff (NEW)

Championships (NEW)

Haedong Kumdo

Contact Details






One can survive everything, nowadays, except death, and live down everything except a good reputation.
            -- Oscar Wilde

I write down everything I want to remember. That way, instead of spending a lot of time trying to remember what it is I wrote down, I spend the time looking for the paper I wrote it down on.
            -- Beryl Pfizer

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
            -- Sir Richard Steele

Most people have seen worse things in private than they pretend to be shocked at in public.
            -- Edgar Watson Howe






Dates for 2006/7 - More to follow


Oct 15th Black Belt test 10.30 Sawtry leisure centre

10월 15일 소울트리 체육센타 승단심사


Oct 17th Beginners class and demonstrations

10월 17일 초보자 해동검도 반 및 시범들



Confirmed Instructors :-  Master O'Toole, Master Holmes, Master Giffen, Master Kilby, Mr Griffith, Master Adlington.

10월 22일 드라곤 아카데미 관장및 사범지도자 모임


Oct 28th International meeting with speaker Grandmaster Jacobsen

10월 28일 해동검도 국제 미팅(연사:총관장 에디)


Oct 29th Haedong Kumdo Championships Holland

10월29일 네덜란드 해동검도 대회


Oct 29th Haedong Kumdo Seminars and International meeting with Grandmaster Kim and Grandmaster Jacobsen

10월 29일 해동검도 세미나 및 국제 무술 회의(주최:네덜란드세계해동검도연합회 주관: 총재 김정성/총관장 에디 제콥슨)

Nov 19th Sawtry coloured belt test 10.30am

11월19일  소울트리 도장 승급심사


Dec 8th Student insurance due

12월8일 수련생 보험만기


Dec 10th London coloured belt test 4pm

12월10일 런던도장 승급심사


Dec 17th Xmas champs 9am - 4pm booked and Christmas Curry night with disco at Greystones pub Sawtry

12월 17일  크리스마스챔스(오전9시부터 4시)와 소울트리 그레이스톤 팝에서 크리스마스 카레 나잍을



Jan 7th first class for Sawtry

1월 7일 소울트리 첫 수련


Jan 31st Aderdeen HK seminar and HK Kumdo Testing

1월 31일 에버딘에서 해동검도세미나 및 심사


Feb 11th Coloured belt test Sawtry

2월 11일 소울트리도장 승급심사

Feb South African trip

남아공 출국

Apr South Africa Training tour and Championships

4월 남아공 해외수련 및 남아공 해동검도 대회


Mar 24th UGTSDA British Championships



UGTSDA British Championships Aberdeen





Academy Awards and Promotions


Dragon Academy Hall of Fame for 2006 - Please send me your nominations for:-













Hi GM Mark

Just wanted to say that this is the first Seminar I have attended in about a
year due to ill health and having my operation, but I have to say that even
though I am well out of date with it all and even got the form's wrong
(Ooppsssss!) I really enjoyed it and I think that a lot of people can learn
a lot from a Seminar like todays.

I came away feeling refreshed and alive again after a very rough 12 months,
as you know I have been through a lot both pysically and mentally, but today
I came home and actually felt like ME for the first time in I don't know how
long. Who knows I might get that black belt after all LOL.

Thank you for giving up your saturday afternoon to teach us all these things
I for one really appreciate it. Thank you

You are an inspiration to us all. 


2006/7 Championships



1/ Holland Championships and Haedong Kumdo training

- Saturday October 28th, 2006:
a. 08.00 - 18.00 hr - HTSDO Anniversary Tang Soo Do Championships (Forms, Weapons, Sparring & Breaking)
b. 19.45 - 21.45 hr - Black Belt & VIP dinner (at a restaurant nearby the Hotels in Groningen).
c. Have a drink at a pub afterwards,......LOL
- Sunday October 29th, 2006:
a. 10.00 - 12.00 hr - Holland first International Haedong Kumdo Championships.
b. 12.00 - 12.15 hr - Photo session
c. 12.15 - 13.00 hr - Lunch together with GM Kim.
d. 13.00 - 15.00 hr - Haedong Kumdo seminar for all interested (Taekwon-do, Karate, Hapkido, etc... all welcome)
e. 15.00 - 17.00 hr - Haedong Kumdo seminar only for HK Black Belts & instructors
f.  17.00 - 17.15 hr - Small Break
g. 17.15 - 18.15 hr - International Haedong Kumdo meeting with representatives (UK, South-Africa, Holland, Korea, Greece, Germany, Poland, etc)
h. 19.30 - 21.30 hr - Dinner with the representatives.


3/ Christmas Championships 17th December - Sawtry - BOOKED! (4pm finish)- Followed by an old tradition "Christmas Curry Night" at the Greystones pub. This will include awards and disco. Adults ?10 and Juniors ?7 for the meal. (mild curry, hot curry or a veggie dish)


4/ March 24th UGTSDA British Championships 2007


5/ April South African Championships and training tour 2007


6/ UGTSDA World Championships Holland 2007


7/ UGTSDA British Championships Aberdeen 2008






DBBAI Sponsors


Giffen's Industrial and Domestic Cleaning Company - 07742093325 - HK and TSD classes at the Cresset in Peterborough


Adlington's Window Cleaners - 01487 830601






Contact Details



Thank You

7th Dan International KI DO Association Grandmaster

6th Dan United Goodwill Tang Soo Do Association Master & UK Rep.

6th Dan Dragon Black Belt Academy International Tang Soo Do Master Instructor

5th Dan United World Haedong kumdo Federation Master & UK Rep.

5th Dan W.K.L. Kickboxing Instructor

Yoga, Reiki, Feng Shui, Master.



Master Adlington



Map of Sawtry 






(01487 830601
((44)1487 830601

(07768472384 mobile


* Asgard House

11 Ashdale close
PE28 5SN

Thank You
