<out of> 의 12가지 뜻
1.(운동) …의 안에서 밖으로
I sprang out of bed. (나는 침대에서 뛰쳐나왔다.)
2.(위치) …의 밖에서, …을 떠나서
go out of one's way (옆길로 빗나가다, 딴 데에 들르다.)
3.(원천·출처) …에서, …으로부터; [말이] …에서 태어난
a boy out of the fishing village. (어촌 출신의 소년)
The project was financed out of the reserve fund.
(그 계획의 경비는 예비비에서 충당되었다.)
4.(원인·동기) …에서
out of fear[pity] (공포심[동정심]에서)
5.[능력·제약 등의] 범위 밖에
out of control (제어할 수 없는)
out of bounds (제한(선) 외에; 출입 금지의)
out of reach (손이 미치지 않는 곳에)
6.[정상 상태에서] 벗어나서
out of one's mind (미쳐서, 실성하여)
feel out of place (장소에 어울리지 않는 느낌이 들다)
7.[직업·성질·상태 등을] 잃고
out of a job (실직하여)
out of patience with (…에 참을 수가 없어서)
8.[어떤 상태를] 벗어나서
(속담)Out of debt, out of danger. (빚이 없어지면 위험도 없어진다.)
9.…을 빼앗겨서
The lawyer cheated me out of my inheritance.
(그 변호사는 내게서 유산을 편취했다.)
10.[필요한 것이] 떨어져서, 동나서
out of cigarettes (담배가 떨어져서)
11.[어떤 수·그룹 등의] 중에
one out of many (다수 중에서 하나)
in nine cases out of ten (십중팔구)
12.(재료,수단) …으로
made out of cotton (면으로 만들어진)
I'll make a soldier out of you.
(너를 군인으로 만들 생각이다.)
<예문> Tom is jumping up and down out of joy. (4번 원인, 동기) 탐은 기뻐서 폴짝폴짝 뛰고 있다. Don’t make such a big thing out of it. It’s only a few days late. (12번 재료) 그것을 그렇게 크게 생각하지마. 그냥 며칠 늦을 뿐이데 뭐. I can relax and go home. I’m running out of underwear. (10번 필요한 것이 떨어져서) 난 이제 좀 쉬러 집에 갈 수 있겠군. 속옷도 다 떨어져 가니까 말이야. We gotta talk her out of dating Tom. (8번 어떤 상태를 벗어나) 우리는 그녀를 설득해서 탐하고 사귀지 말도록 했어.
<문제>- 다음 문장을 해석하고 'out of'의 12가지 뜻 가운데 몇번째 의미로 사용되었는지 적어보자.
1. Moreover, it doesn't seem to have a very coherent meaning at all out of context. (더우기 그것은 어쨋든 문맥에서 벗어나서, 매우 일관된 의미를 갖는 것처럼 보이지 않는다.)
2. "We will just have to talk him out of this nonsense." (오빠가 이 웃기는 짓을 하지 말도록 무슨 수를 써서라도 우리들이 말려야 해요.)
3. I want a party, but I don't want to make a big thing (out) of it. (난 파티를 원해, 그러나 그 것을 그렇게 대단하게 생각하지는 않아.)
4. But they don't really want to make a big deal out of it, you know. (그러나 그들은 그것을 갖고 그렇게 야단법석을 떨고 싶어하진 않아, 너도 아다시피.)
5. Come on. It was nothing! Don't make a federal case out of it. I only stepped on your toe. Don't make a big deal about(of/ out of) it. (이봐. 별거아니야! 그걸 갖고 그렇게 법석떨지마. 그냥 발을 좀 밟았을 뿐인데. 그걸 갖고 법석을 떨지마.)
6. I pulled him out of me. (나는 당겨서 그를 나에게서 떼어내다.)
7. Out of love he has for his wife, Tom couldn't imagine saying hurtful words. (아내를 사랑하는 이유땜에, Tom은 상처줄 말을 할 수 없었다.)
8. I wanted to jump out (of) the window! (난 창밖으로 뛰어내리고 싶었습니다.)
9. Please don't try to talk me out of marrying her. (제발 나를 그 여자와 결혼하지 못하게 설득할 생각일랑 마라.)
10. Hey, get your big ass out of that couch and do something! (이봐, 소파에서 엉덩이 치우고 좀 뭐든지 해봐.)
11. I passed out of exhaustion. (나는 탈진으로 기절해버렸다.)
12. She was out of town. (그녀는 시외에 있었다.)
13. He acted out of (a sense of) urgency (그는 절박감(切迫感) 때문에 행동을 취했다.)
14. We gotta talk her out of the relationship with Tom. (우리는 그녀를 타일러서 탐하고의 관계를 그만두게 해야 해.)
15. We talked her into breaking up with Tom. (우리는 그녀를 탐하고 헤어지게 설득했어.)
16. Just as bricks and stones are the materials out of which houses are built, so words are the material out of which thoughts are built. (벽돌과 돌들이 집을 짓는 재료이듯이, 단어도 사상이 지어지는 재료이다.)
17. The early settlers were forced to make tool and utensils out of wood. (재료나 출처) (초기의 정착민들은 나무로 도구와 밥그릇을 만들어야만 했습니다.)
18. People attend a sporting event out of curiosity. (동기,원인) (사람들은 호기심에 스포츠행사에 참여한다.)
(수백만의 사람들은 상상력이 아니라 기억에 의존해서 살아가고 싶어한다.) |
<수능 실전 예문>
1. 2013년 수능 23번문제
To say that we need to curb anger and our negative thoughts and emotions does not mean that we should deny our feelings. There is an important distinction to be made between denial and restraint. The latter constitutes a deliberate and voluntarily adopted discipline based on an appreciation of the benefits of doing so. This is very different from the case of someone who suppresses emotions such as anger out of a feeling that they need to present a facade of self-control, or out of fear of what others may think. Such behaviour is like closing a wound which is still infected. We are not talking about rule-following. Where denial and suppression occur, there comes the danger that in doing so the individual _________ anger and resentment. The trouble here is that at some future point they may find they cannot contain these feelings any longer. * facade: 표면, 겉
① fades out ② copes with
③ stores up ④ soothes ⑤ overestimates
This is very different from the case of someone who suppresses emotions such as anger out of a feeling that they need to present a facade of self-control, or out of fear of what others may think.
이는 외형상 자기 통제를 보일 필요가 있다는 느낌에서, 혹은 다른 이들이 어떻게 생각할까 하는 두려움에서 분노와 같은 감정을 억누르는 사람의 경우와는 매우 다르다.
out of : 원인 혹은 동기를 나타내는 용법으로 ‘~에서’로 옮길 수 있음.
Anger is a normal, healthy emotion, but when chronic, explosive anger spirals out of control, it can have serious consequences for your relationships, your health, and your state of mind. With insight about the real reasons for your anger and these anger management tools, you can learn to keep your temper from hijacking your life. The emotion of anger is neither good nor bad. It’s perfectly healthy and normal to feel angry when you’ve been mistreated or wronged. The feeling isn't the problem—it's what you do with it that makes a difference. Anger becomes a problem when it harms you or others. If you have a hot temper, you may feel like it's out of your hands and there's little you can do to tame the beast. But you have more control over your anger than you think. You can learn to express your emotions without hurting others—and when you do, you’ll not only feel better, you’ll also be more likely to get your needs met. Mastering the art of anger management takes work, but the more you practice, the easier it will get. And the payoff can be huge. Learning to control your anger and express it appropriately can help you build better relationships, achieve your goals, and lead a healthier, more satisfying life.
out of : 능력이나 제약의 범위에서 벗어나 있는
3. 2016년 수능 34번에서
Long before Walt Whitman wrote Leaves of Grass, poets had addressed themselves to fame. Horace, Petrarch, Shakespeare, Milton, and Keats all hoped that poetic greatness would grant them a kind of earthly immortality. Whitman held a similar faith that for centuries the world would value his poems. But to this ancient desire to live forever on the page, he added a new sense of fame. Readers would not simply attend to the poet’s work; they would be attracted to the greatness of his personality. They would see in his poems a vibrant cultural performance, an individual springing from the book with tremendous charisma and appeal. Out of the political rallies and electoral parades that marked Jacksonian America, Whitman defined poetic fame in relation to the crowd. Other poets might look for their inspiration from the goddess of poetry. Whitman’s poet sought . In the instability of American democracy, fame would be dependent on celebrity, on the degree to which the people rejoiced in the poet and his work. [3점] * rally: 집회
① a refuge from public attention
② poetic purity out of political chaos
③ immortality in literature itself
④ the approval of his contemporaries
⑤ fame with political celebrities
Out of : ~에서(원천이나 출처를 나타냄)
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Millions of people choose to live out of their memory instead of their imagination. They let their past control their future. The problem with this approach is that it is very limiting. If we consistently choose to live this way, we will never progress beyond that which we have already experienced. Living with a focus on the past is like trying to drive through life while looking in the rearview mirror. This is a very dangerous way to travel. However, people who understand the power of vision and the magic of a personal vision statement know that the best way to travel down the road of life is to see where you are going and then go there! This method allows you to see across the full spectrum of what is ahead of you. It gives you your best chance of getting where you want to go as quickly as possible.
① Past Experience Never Fails You
② Focus Is All You Need for Steady Progress
③ Live for the Moment and Never Plan Too Far Ahead
④ Break Free from Your Past and Live a Life of Vision
⑤ Inspiration Comes from Everywhere and from Nowhere
Millions of people choose to live out of their memory instead of their imagination.
(수많은 사람들이 상상력대신 과거의 기억에 의존해서 살아가고 싶어한다.)
out of : '의존해서, 수단으로' 와 같이 해석할 수 있고, 의존과 수단 을 나타냄
마지막으로 SteelHeart 의 'She's Gone' 을 들어보자
She′s gone out of my life
I was wrong,
I′m to blame
I was so untrue
I can′t live without her love In my life
There′s just an empty space
All my dreams are lost,
I′m wasting away
Oh forgive me girl
** Lady, won′t you save me
my heart belongs to you
Lady can you forgive me for all I′ve done to you
Lady Oh Lady
She′s gone, out of my life
Oh she′s gone
I find it so hard to go on
I really miss that girl my love Come back into my arms I′m so alone,
I′m begging you
I′m down on my knees
Oh forgive me girl