헤르메스 신의 이름으로부터 유래한 해석학
relating to the meaning of texts and the ways in which they are understood
헤르메스(그리스어: Ερμής - ‘표지석 더미’라는 뜻, Hermes)는 그리스 신화에 나오는 여행자 · 목동 · 체육 · 웅변 · 도량형 · 발명 · 상업 · 도둑과 거짓말쟁이의 교활함을 주관하는 신이며, 주로 신의 뜻을 인간에게 전하는 전령 역할을 한다. 올림포스 12신 가운데 두 번째 세대에 속한다. 행운을 발견하는 것을 헤르마이온(hermaion), 국경에서 이방인의 언어를 통역하는 사람을 헤르메네우스(hermeneus)로 불렀다. 숨은 의미를 해석하는 학문인 해석학(hermeneutics)이 헤르메스에서 유래했다.
What does hermeneutics mean?
Where did the term originate and how is it used in day-to-day life? Jens Zimmermann, author of Hermeneutics: A Very Short Introduction, tell us 9 things everyone should know about hermeneutics.
Hermeneutics is all about interpretation in fields of study, such as interpreting plays or novels, but also in day-to-day life, when we interpret actions of our friends or try to figure out what a job termination, for example, means in the context of our life story.
Hermeneutics is the art of understanding and of making oneself understood. It goes beyond mere logical analysis and general interpretive principles.
The word ‘hermeneutics’ comes from the ancient Greek language. Hermeneuein means ‘to utter, to explain, to translate’ and was first used by thinkers who discussed how divine messages or mental ideas are expressed in human language.
Hermeneutics is also the name for the philosophical discipline concerned with analysing the conditions for understanding. Hermeneutic philosophers examine, for example, how our cultural traditions, our language, and our nature as historical beings make understanding possible.
Hermeneutic thinkers argue that understanding is the interpretive act of integrating particular things such as words, signs, and events into a meaningful whole. We only really understand an object, word, or fact when it makes sense within our own life context and thus speaks to us meaningfully.
Philosophical hermeneutics refers to the detailed and systematic examination of human understanding that began with the German philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900-2002). He argued that our perception of the world is not primarily theoretical but practical. We don’t assess objects neutrally from a distance, but they disclose themselves to us as we move around in an already existing totality of meaningful relations.
Modern hermeneutic also has to ask how the digital revolution changes the conditions for understanding texts. For example, text encodings are already an interpretation and different search parameters represent texts through a particular, pre-selected focus.
The ancient Greek philosopher Plato (427–347 BCE), used the word hermeneutics in dealing with poets as ‘hermeneuts of the divine’, and his student Aristotle (384–322 BCE) wrote the first extant treatise on hermeneutics, in which he showed how spoken and written words were expressions of inner thoughts.
Hermeneutic thinkers claim that our modern consciousness has been shaped in such a way that we imagine ourselves as ‘islands of awareness’ floating in the grand ocean of life, disconnected from other selves. The Canadian philosopher and hermeneutic thinker Charles Taylor labelled this specious self-contained consciousness as a ‘disengaged self’.
As readers of detective fiction, however, we are potentially much less prone to such existential and hermeneutic anxieties.
There is not much that is novel in this to anyone familiar with hermeneutic and phenomenological criticisms of social science.
사회과학에 대한 해석학적이고 현상학적인 비판에 익숙한 사람들에게 이것에 새로운 것은 많지 않다.
There are both musical and hermeneutic consequences to this recomposition.
The hermeneutic approach gives an alternative perspective on crying, as this methodology goes deeper and analyzes implicit messages, the whole and the dependent parts.
Here, however, the gap between scenic representation and hermeneutic attitude is collapsed.
To begin with, there is the famous hermeneutic circle between modern civilization and prehistoric cultures studied by archaeology.
The result is numerous 'readings' of immanent meaning, hermeneutic strategies of breadth (rather than depth) and an overriding concern with the processes of symbolic representation.
After several hundred pages of detailed discussion of hermeneutic techniques, symbolism, associations, and censorship, we find that psychoanalysis cannot be reduced to an interpretive practice.