1 Corinthians 13 The Message 고전 13장
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The Way of Love 사랑의 방법
1 If I speak /with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy
but don’t love, I’m nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate.
* 자동사+부역전구에서 전치사구는 동작의 양상을 설명함
* 처음 but은 접속사 (if I) don’t love,
* 둘째 But as preposition 전치사로 쓰인 but ; except 의미로 쓰임
We use but as an alternative to except (for), apart from and bar to introduce the only thing
or person that the main part of the sentence does not include.
* Eloquence is fluent, forcible, elegant or persuasive speaking.
* Ecstasy (emotion), a trance or trance-like state in which a person transcends normal consciousness;
* 직독 해석
1 If I speak 말하지만 /with human eloquence 사람의 언변과 and angelic ecstasy 천사의 황홀감으로
but don’t love, 사랑하지 않는다면 I’m nothing 아무것도 아니고 but 단지 the creaking 삐걱거리는
of a rusty gate. 녹슨 철대문에 불과하다
If I speak God’s Word /with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day,
and if I have faith that says /to a mountain, “Jump,” and it jumps, but I don’t love, I’m nothing.
* 타동사 speak+목적에서는 말로 표현하는 대상이 목적이라는 의미가 됨 ; To express in words;
* 부역전구 /with power, 동작의 양상 설명
* 형역 분사구/삽입구 revealing all his mysteries, making everything plain as day,
현분사의 능동 주체인 주어 수식하며 본동작과 동시적인 준동작 상태를 설명함
* 5형식 구조인 분사구 making everything plain as day,
* plain, adjective (CLEAR). C2. obvious and clear to understand:
* 직독 해석
If I speak 말한다면 God’s Word 하나님의 말씀을 /with power, 능력 있게 revealing 드러내면서
all his mysteries 그분의 모든 비밀을 and making 만들면서 everything 모든 걸 plain as day, 대낮처럼 명백하게
and if I have 가졌다면 faith 믿음을 that 그 믿음이 says 말하기를 /to a mountain, 산에게 “Jump,” 뛰어라
and 그래서 it 산이 jumps, 뛰었다 해도 but I don’t love, 내가 사랑하지 않으면 I’m nothing. 나는 아무것도 아니다
If I give [everything () I own] /to the poor and even go /to the stake /to be burned as a martyr,
but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere.
So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love.
* 목적인 명사구 everything (that) I own (목) ; 명사+목적격 관대절 (선행사=관계사=목적)
* 부역전구 /to the poor 방향설명
* the+형용사=복수명사 the poor = the people who are poor
* 부역전구 /to be burned as a martyr, 의도설명
* get nowhere. 1 : to have no success at all in doing something : to make no progress
* 부사 역할인 명사구/숙어 no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do,
형태상은 형+명+의문사절이기에 명사구이나 의미적으로는 regardless of 부사 의미임
원래는 it is no matter what I say, 에서 it is만 빼고 부사적으로 씀
* bankrupt은 쓰인 위치에 따라 형용사, 부사 및 명사로 쓰임
* 직독 해석
If I give 준다면 [everything 모든 것을 (that) I own 소유한] /to the poor 가난한 사람들에게
and even go 가기조차 하면 /to the stake 화형대로 /to be burned 불태워지게 as a martyr, 순교자로서
but I don’t love, 사랑하지 않는다면 I’ve gotten nowhere. 실패자다
So, no matter 상관없이 what I say, 무얼 말하든 what I believe, 무얼 믿든 and what I do, 무얼 하든
I’m bankrupt 파산자다 without love. 사랑 부재의
* stake이 기둥이지만 거기에 묶여 화형 당하므로 화형대로 의역함
Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn’t want [what it doesn’t have].
Love doesn’t strut,
Doesn’t have a swelled head,
Doesn’t force itself on others,
Isn’t always “me first,”
Doesn’t fly off the handle,
* to give up ; to cease making an effort; resign oneself to failure.
* to care ; to feel concern or interest; attach importance to something.
* 목적인 의문사절 what it doesn’t have (목) ; 의문사=관계사=목적
* to strut ; to walk with a stiff, erect, and apparently arrogant or conceited gait.
* a swelled head : an exaggerated opinion of oneself : self-conceit.
* 형역 과분사 swelled 과분사의 수동 주체인 head 수식
* itself = love
* to fly off the handle ; to lose one's temper suddenly and unexpectedly.
* Fly off the handle is an American phrase that comes from the way an axe-head which has come loose will fly off
of its handle in an unpredictable manner and strike any innocent person or object in its way.
* 직독 해석
Love never gives up. 결코 포기하지 않는다
Love cares 염려한다 more 더 많이 for others 다른 이를 위해 than for self. 자신보다도
Love doesn’t want 원하지 않는다 [what 그것을 it doesn’t have 가지지 못한].
Love doesn’t strut, 뻣뻣하지/거만하지 않다
Doesn’t have 없다 a swelled head, 자기기만의 허풍이
Doesn’t force 강요하지 않는다 itself 사랑 자체를 on others, 남에게
Isn’t always 항상 아니다 “me first,” 나 먼저가
Doesn’t fly off the handle, 화를 폭발하지 않는다
Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn’t revel /when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.
* to keep score ; to keep a record of the number of times that a particular thing happens.
* to revel /ˈrevəl/ ; to enjoy (something) very much; She reveled in her success.
* 비교 to rebel /ˈrebəl/ ; to rise in opposition or armed resistance to an established government or ruler.
* to grovel ; to lie or creep with the body prostrate in token of subservience or abasement.
* flowering ; the attainment of an optimum stage of development.
* put up with something ; to tolerate or accept it, even though you find it unpleasant or unsatisfactory.
* to looks for ; hope to get something wanted or needed; search for someone or something;
* to look back ; to think of the past.
* 불자 보어인 형역 분사구 going to the end
* 직독 해석
Doesn’t keep 적지 않는다 score 숫자를 of the sins of others, 다른 이의 죄의
Doesn’t revel 즐기지 않는다 when 그때 others 다른 이가 grovel, 빌빌 길 때
Takes 갖는다 pleasure 기쁨을 in the flowering 번창할 때 of truth, 진리/진실이
Puts up with anything, 모든 것을 참는다
Trusts 신뢰한다 God 하나님을 always, 항상
Always 항상 looks for 찾는다 the best, 최선을
Never looks back, 지난 일을 결코 생각지 아니한다
But keeps 계속 유지한다 going 가는 상태로 to the end. 끝까지
Love never dies.
Inspired speech will be over some day;
praying in tongues will end;
understanding will reach its limit.
We know only a portion of the truth,
and [what we say about God] is always incomplete.
But when the Complete arrives, our incompletes will be canceled.
* 주어인 명사구 Inspired speech 형/분사+명
* 형역 분사 Inspired speech 과분사의 수동 주체인 speech 수식
* be over ; no longer be affected by.
* 주어인 의문사절 what we say (목) about God ; 의문사=관계사=목적
* 주어인 동명사구 praying in tongues
* the Complete에서 대문자로 쓴 고유 형용사 ; 완전하신 분 즉 하나님을 지칭함
* 직독 해석
Love 사랑은 never dies. 결코 죽지 않는다
Inspired speech 감동적인 연설은 will be over 소멸할 것이다 some day; 언젠가
praying in tongues 방언으로 기도하기는 will end; 끝날 것이다
understanding 이해하기는 will reach 마침내 도달할 것이다 its limit. 그 한계에
We know 안다 only a portion단지 한 부분을 of the truth, 진리의
and [what 그것 we 우리기 say 말하는 about God 하나님께 관하여] is always 항상 incomplete. 미완성 상태이다
But when 그때 the Complete 완전하신 분이 arrives, 도착하시면 our incompletes 우리의 미완성품은
will be canceled. 취소될 것이다
When I was an infant at my mother’s breast, I gurgled and cooed like any infant.
When I grew up, I left those infant ways /for good.
* gurgle is to flow with a bubbling sound. 꿀꺽 소리 내다
* 비교 gargle is to clean one's mouth by holding water or some other liquid in the back of the mouth
and blowing air out from the lungs
* to coo ; to speak in a soft gentle voice.
* for good ; forever; definitively.
* 직독 해석
When 그때 I was 이었을 an infant 젖먹이 at my mother’s breast, 엄마 품에서 I gurgled 꿀꺽 소리 내고
and cooed 응얼거렸다 like any infant. 여느 젖먹이처럼
When 그때 I grew up, 성장했을 때 I left 떠났다/버렸다 those infant ways 젖먹이 방식을 for good. 아주
We don’t yet see things clearly.
We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist.
But it won’t be long /before the weather clears and the sun shines bright!
We’ll see it all then, see it all /as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly /just as he knows us!
* 형역 분사구 peering through a mist. 현분사의 능동 주체인 주어 수식 ; 동시동작 설명
* 형역 분사구 knowing him directly just as he knows us 현분사의 능동 주체인 주어 수식 ; 동시동작 설명
* it all = all of it
* 부사구 as clearly as God sees us
* just as : in the same way as
* 직독 해석
We don’t yet 아직 see 못 본다 things 일들을 clearly. 명백하게
We’re squinting 눈을 찡그린다 in a fog, 안갯속에서 peering 응시하며 through a mist. 안갯속을
But it won’t be long 오래지 않을 것이다 /before 전까지 the weather 날씨가 clears 개이고
and the sun 해가 shines 빛날 bright! 밝게
We’ll see 볼 것이다 it all 그것 모두를 then, 그때는 see 본다 it all 모든 걸 as clearly 명백하게
as God 하나님께서 sees 보시는 것처럼 us, 우리를 knowing 알면서 him 그분을 directly 직접적으로
just as he 그분께서 knows 아시는 것처럼 us! 우리를
But for right now, until that completeness,
we have [three things to do] /to lead us toward that consummation:
Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly.
And the best of the three is love.
* 목적인 명사구 three things to do 형+명+형역 부정사
* 부역 부정사구 /to lead us toward that consummation:
* consummation ; the point at which something is complete or finalized.
* 직독 해석
But for right now, 당분간은 until that completeness, 그런 온전함의 전 까지는
we have 가졌다 three things 세 가지 일을 to do 하기 위한 to lead 인도하려 us 우리를
toward that consummation: 마지막 장을 향하여
Trust 신뢰하라 steadily 꾸준히 in God, 하나님을 hope 희망하라 unswervingly, 변개치 않고
love 사랑하라 extravagantly. 지나치도록
And the best of the three 셋 중 최고는 is 이다 love. 사랑
* 오타나 오역은 신속히 보고하여 다시 보이지 말게 합시다
첫댓글 11-16