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선교영어 스크랩 (98) < The High Calling and Personal Cost of the Gospel >
바다 추천 0 조회 24 12.12.18 14:29 댓글 0
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   < The High Calling and Personal Cost of the Gospel >

Pastor Benny Hinn In Charles G. Finney's classic sermon, preached nearly 161 years ago, 

 he said: "How little men think of the infinite value of the human soul and 

 what eternal life and death is! 

 If your soul is lost, of what use can anything else be to you? 

 Banished from the presence of the Almighty and 

 the glory of his power how could you enjoy anything?

 The moment you die, you have received all your good, if you have lost your soul, 

 and all the rest is unmitigated and unmingled evil."

 If we truly understand the value of a human soul, especially in light of eternity, 

 we will be overwhelmed with a burden for the lost.

 The High Cost in the First Century

Every man, woman, and child?next door or on the other side of the globe?will spend eternity, 

either in heaven with the Father or separated from Him in unending punishment.

It's time to focus our eyes and our hearts on the reason we are here and understand why the Holy Spirit is 

being poured out on this generation.

This high calling and personal cost of the Gospel was something the first-century Christians lived daily. 

We learn in Acts 2 that when the people in the Upper Room were baptized by the Holy Spirit, 

they didn't have a big party. They didn't keep to themselves as a small, 

intimate gathering of Christ's followers. No!

The immediate result of Pentecost was evangelism, and healing miracles began happening: 

“Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about 

three thousand souls” (Acts 2:41). The word spread quickly. By Acts 4, that number rose to 5,000 new believers!

Religious and political leaders tried to quell the growing movement. 

The apostles were commanded to stop preaching and teaching in the name of Jesus (Acts 4:18).

Peter, John, and the other disciples had seen Jesus Christ crucified mere days before. 

They knew firsthand the cost of spreading God's Word, yet they refused to be silenced. 

And the church continued to grow!

In Acts 5, the apostles were placed in a common prison, then freed by an angel of the Lord. 

They kept preaching. More were added to the church daily. By Acts 6, more and more, including Stephen, 

began proclaiming the Word. 

The cost of preaching the Gospel rose sharply as Stephen became the first Christian martyr for 

declaring the message of salvation. Nothing could stop that tidal wave of evangelism.

Notice, the entire remainder of the New Testament is 

a memorial to the faithful saints who gave their lives for the sake of the Gospel. 

The centuries since that time have filled volumes of testimonies of men and women who dared to offer 

their lives in order that the Word of God might go forth. 

Today, in fact, more believers are being persecuted and martyred in our world than ever before.

 The High Cost of the Gospel Today

Too much is happening too fast not to understand the high call on our lives. 

God is accelerating things. Doors once thought closed forever are now opening to the Gospel. 

It is a responsibility we cannot take lightly.

Our Master Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). 

What a responsibility we have been given. 

God Almighty planned our redemption before the foundations of the world. 

Everything done and said in the Old Testament was for one purpose?the Gospel. 

From the tabernacle to the temple, every detail points to "the Lamb of God, 

which taketh away the sin of the world" (John 1:29). In fact, from Genesis to Revelation, 

the Bible is a revelation of salvation. It talks about one man, Christ Jesus, who is the Savior.

Now we are privileged to share this message with people wherever we go. 

God has not called the angels to preach it. He called you and me. What the prophets could not do, 

we have been given the privilege to do.

And what a privilege it is! Think about it?Jesus could not do what we are able to do. 

Yes, He raised the dead; He healed the leper; He calmed the storm; but He could not stand and say, 

“Look at Me, a sinner saved by the grace of God.” Jesus could not testify, 

“Once I was lost, but now I'm found.” Jesus could not declare, “Once I was blind, but now I see.” 

He could not be His own witness, His own testimony. 

He could not testify of the blood that washed away His sin, for He was without sin.

Instead, He has given you and me the priceless privilege of telling the world about Him, 

what He has done for us and what He can do for every lost soul.

 Our Priceless Privilege

We are called to be His witnesses: “Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, 

and ye shall be witnesses unto me” (Acts 1:8). The Holy Spirit is not tongues, prophecy, interpretation, gifts, 

or manifestations. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ Jesus. Yes, when He comes, miracles do happen. 

 When He comes, there will be manifestations of power. It is His presence that heals, 

His presence that sets us free. But the Holy Ghost is not the gifts. He is the Spirit of the Lord, 

and He anoints men and women so they might be witnesses for Him.

He wants to use each of us to win the lost. 

He has commanded us to preach the Gospel and be a witness wherever we are. 

We must tell the world of the Father's love and His plan of salvation. 

And now is the time to win the lost on a scale unseen in history. 

We may not have a moment like this again.

Whatever you do for the Lord, make sure the end result is the salvation of others. 

No matter what you do in life, let your focus be on the lost. The cry is coming from across the globe: 

“What must I do to be saved?”

Today, God asks the same question He posed to the prophet Isaiah: “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 

Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me” (Isaiah 6:8). 

We must say, “Send me!”

While we rejoice in the glorious victories we continue to see around the world through our telecasts, 

miracle services, and mission outreaches, 

let us also commit today to do whatever it takes to spread the glorious message of God's Word to the world.

Our greatest days are just ahead!

All around the world something truly unusual is happening in the spirit.

 “Here Am I, Send Me,” No Matter the Cost

The nations are calling! They are hungry to know the truth of the Gospel. 

I wish I could tell you some of the places I have been invited to preach?places I only dreamed about before. 

God is truly guiding our steps and granting us favor with the leaders of those nations as we follow His direction. 

We cannot say no. Not now!

We have a high calling to preach the Gospel to the lost all around the globe, but there is a personal cost. 

I say, “Here am I, send me.” To me it doesn't matter what the cost may be. 

Even if it means my life someday, I am willing.

What an honor and privilege we have to take the life-changing and miracle-

working message of Jesus Christ to lost men, women, and children. This is not the time to hold back. 

We must be bold in proclaiming the Gospel.

Please pray as you've never prayed before, agreeing that “with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37), 

that He will pour out His Spirit and bring in an unprecedented harvest of souls.

I also ask you to sow your most generous seed-gift today so I can continue to lift up 

the name of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord wherever He leads. 

I know God is directing many of my partners to increase their giving during this critical time, 

and I know He will bless you in unexpected ways because of your faithfulness and obedience to Him. 

The Lord Jesus promises us, “If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed...

nothing shall be impossible unto you” (Matthew 17:20).

The evangelist and Bible teacher Charles G. Finney said, 

“How little men think of the infinite value of the human soul and what eternal life and death is!” 

May we ever be mindful of our high calling and the personal cost of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

What a privilege we have to win souls for God, 

and I especially count it an honor to be your co-laborer for the cause of Christ Jesus!

Thank you for all you have done for our wonderful Lord Jesus and 

for standing with me through the challenges we have faced.


Now it is time to move forward, for we know it is 

“not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6)...

* From Pastor Benny hinn *
