3권 8부 Chapter 14
Levin looked before him and saw a herd of cattle, then he caught sight of his trap with Raven in the shafts, and the coachman, who, driving up to the herd, said something to the herdsman. Then he heard the rattle of the wheels and the snort of the sleek horse close by him. But he was so buried in his thoughts that he did not even wonder why the coachman had come for him. He only thought of that when the coachman had driven quite up to him and shouted to him. ‘The mistress sent me. Your brother has come, and some gentleman with him.’ Levin got into the trap and took the reins. As though just roused out of sleep, for a long while Levin could not collect his faculties. He stared at the sleek horse flecked with lather between his haunches and on his neck, where the harness rubbed, stared at Ivan the coachman sitting beside him, and remembered that he was expecting his brother, thought that his wife was most likely uneasy at his long absence, and tried to guess who was the visitor who had come with his brother. And his brother and his wife and the unknown guest seemed to him now quite different from before. He fancied that now his relations with all men would be different. ‘With my brother there will be none of that aloofness there always used to be between us, there will be no disputes; with Kitty there shall never be quarrels; with the visitor, whoever he may be, I will be friendly and nice; with the servants, with Ivan, it will all be different.’ 레빈은 눈앞을 응시하다 가축 떼를 보고는 검은 말이 이끄는 자신의 짐마차와 가축 떼 옆으로 마차를 몰며 가축지기와 이야기를 나누고 있는 마무를 알아보아싿. 그런데 어느새 말이 콧김을 내뿜는 소리와 바퀴 소리가 그의 가까이에 들려왔다. 하지만 그는 자신만의 생각에 너무 빠져 있어서 마부가 그에게 왜 왔는지조차 생각하지 못했다. 마부는 그에게 다가와 형님과 어떤 신사분이 오셨다고 전하른 마님의 심부름으로 왔다고 전했다. 레빈은 짐마차에 올라타 말고삐를 쥐었다. 레빈은 마치 꿈에서 깨어난 것처럼 오랫동안 정신을 차릴 수 없었다. 그는 넓적다리 사이와 말고삐가 스치는 몰덜미에 땀이 흠뻑 밴 살찐 말을 쳐다보고 그의 옆에 앉은 마부 이반을 쳐다보고는, 자신이 형을 기다렸으며 분명 아내가 자신을 걱정하고 잇을 거라는 것을 기억해 냈다. 그는 형과 함께 온 손님이 누구일까 생각했다. 형도 아내도 미지의 손냄도, 이제 예전과 다르게 여겨졌고 그는 앞으로 자신과 사람들과의 관계가 달라질 것 같앗다. ‘이제 형과 있어도 우리 사이에 있던 서먹함은 없어지겠지. 논쟁도 없을 테고, 키티고 다툴 일도 없어. 그게 누구든, 모두에게 다정학 친절하게 대해 줘야지. 이제 모든 게 달라질 거야.’