We begin with bad news for people who bought a wearable fitness tracker
in hopes
of losing weight. A new study finds the electronic device probably
does not help
with weight loss. The study was a project of researchers
from the University of Pittsburgh in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. Fitness
trackers are designed to record your physical activity. They
are usually worn around the wrist, where they measure
a person’s heart
rate. The University of Pittsburgh research team looked at
two groups of individuals. The first wore a fitness tracker and took part in health
counseling. In other
words, they spoke with nutrition and physical
fitness experts to consider the best weight loss plan. The researchers compared
this group with people who only took part in health counseling. The study found
that those who simply had health counseling lost more weight than those who had
counseling and wore a fitness tracker. In fact, those who only spoke with the
health experts lost nearly six kilograms. Those who used a fitness tracker lost
only 3.5 kilograms. John Jakicic is the lead researcher. He is also chairman of
the university’s Department of Health and Physical Activity. He questioned the use of
electronic devices as tools for weight control in place of “effective
behavioral counseling for physical activity and diet.”
* wearable = 착용하기에 적합한 ; 옷 등이 착용감이 좋은/ fitness tracker = 신체 단련
추적기/ in hopes of[that ~] ~ = ~의 희망을 가지고/ electronic device = 전기기구/ help with ~
= ~을 돕다, 거들다/ physical activity = 신체 활동(운동)/ wrist = 손목, 팔목/ heart rate =
심박동수(心搏動數)/ take part in ~ = ~에 참여[참가]하다, 가담하다; 협력하다/ in other words = 다시 말해서/
nutrition = 영양(처리 과정)/ question = 의심하다, 의문을 갖다; 이의를 제기하다/ in place of ~ = ~을
The study involved 470 subjects between the ages
of 18 and 35. Some of them were overweight, while others
were heavier and considered obese. Over
fourths of the subjects were women, and
29 percent were minorities. The
researchers told all the subjects to increase their physical activity. The men
and women also were told to start on a low calorie diet. The subjects were told
to have their weight measured once every six months over the two-year study.
After six months, researchers divided the group into two parts: one continued
with monthly counseling, while members of the other group were given a wearable
fitness tracker. Eighteen months later, both groups "showed significant improvements
in body
composition, fitness, physical activity, and diet,” with no
major difference between groups. However, when it came to losing weight, the
people who spoke with experts lost nearly twice as much weight. Jakicic said the
study’s findings “are important because effective long-term treatments are
needed to address America's
epidemic.” He warned that “questions remain regarding the
effectiveness of wearable devices.” More information is needed, he adds, to
learn how to best use these devices to change “physical activity and diet
behaviors” in adults who want to lose weight. The researchers published their
in The Journal of the American Medical Association.
* overweight = 과체중의, 비만의/ obese = 비만인/ three fourths = 4분의 3/
subject = 연구[실험] 대상, 피험자/ minority = (한 사회・국가 내의) 소수집단; (한 집단의 절반이 못 되는) 소수/
sigificant = (영향을 주거나 두드러질 정도로) 중요한[의미 있는/커다란]/ body composition = (신)체
성분(身體成分)/ address = (문제・상황 등에 대해) 고심하다[다루다]/ obesity epidemic = 비만 유행성/
findngs(주로복수) = (조사・연구 등의) 결과[결론]
Do Fitness Trackers Help You Lose Weight - WTS.mp3