I take the bus to work.
I usually take the subway to work.
Hiw long does it take you to commute?
It takes about an hour.
What time do you report to work?
I get to work by 9 o'clock.
I report for work by 8 o'clock.
When does your work start?
I start my work at 9 a.m.
I reached my company late today.
What time do you punch out? 퇴근하다
Usually at 7 o'clock.
It's depending on my work
firm 회사
company 회사
enterprise 기업
corporation 주식회사(법인)
head office 본사
branch office 지사
Union 노동조합
What are your hours of work?
I work from 9 to 7.
How long are your hours?
What position do you hold? 직책을 맡다
What are you in charge of?
I'm in charge of the personnel department.
How do you like your job?
What's it like working there?
How long have you worked there?
I'm behind in my work. 일이 밀리다
I'm up to my ears in work. 할 일이 산더미처럼 쌓이다
I have to work overtime. 초과근무하다
I often put in overtime. 종종 초과근무하다
I'm on duty tonight. 오늘 밤 야근이다
personnel department 인사부
human resources department
finance department 경리부
production department 생산부
general administration 총무부
domastic sales department 국내영업부
overseas sales department 해외영업부
What's the salary like?
Sorry, but I don't want to say.
What's your yearly salary? 연봉
My salary's chicken feed. 쥐꼬리만 하다
What are the terms of payment? 급여기간
How do you get paid? 어떤 식으로 급여를 받다
What will be my annual income? 연봉
What are your salary expectations?
When is your pay day?
Our pay day is the 20th of every month.
What benefits do you offer? 어떤 복지혜택
Do you offer overtime pay? 초과근무수당
How many days of vacation do you offer?
We offer full medical insurance. 의료보험혜택
president 사장
vice president 부사장
director 이사
general manager 부장
deputy general manager 차장
manager 과장
assistant manager 대리
supervisor 상사
colleague/ coworker 동료