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지난주 BEST회원

카페 게시글
[면접] 면접전형이야기 영어 어색한부분, 문법틀린것 좀 봐주세요,,, ^^;;
beellen 추천 0 조회 523 09.03.12 21:40 댓글 4
게시글 본문내용
  • 09.03.13 19:13

    첫댓글 면접 준비하는 과정인듯 하네요..우선 간략하게 감사하다는 표현이 좋을듯합니다 First of all, thank you for giving me a chane to have an interview with ur company. My name is ( ) and I will be graduating ( will graduate or am going to graduate) from university on 날짜 I could realize that I am very outgoing and active through school life (university life) I always try to experience as much as I can so I have a social club doing volunteer work for people who need help, which made me able to learn a lot of things especially How important ‘voluntourism’ is to me.

  • 09.03.13 19:14

    (I was immediately fascinated by the feeling coming from helping the people who are in need 정확히 무슨뜻인지 몰라라서 제가 생각한대로 썼습니다.) I also had a part-time job in the international airport that made me able to learn and improve customer service skills. (저축을 햇단 말인가요? 이부분은 없어도 댈듯해서 생략햇음). I`ve traveled in India and Nepal for the last year and I could get a valuable opportunity to learn foreign culture. Most of all, I could realize how beautiful it is (for me) to meet and know new people

  • 09.03.13 19:17

    도움이 되었으면 합니다. 100% 맞다고는 생각하진 않지만.. 강의를 들은적이 있는데 이미 서류통과가 대셨다면 영어인터뷰에서 영어의 유창성을 크게 기대 하지는 않는다고 하더군요 만약 영어를 네이티브처럼 잘하는 사람을 원한다면 교포를 쓰면 댄다고 하면서요. 좋은 결과 있기를 바랍니다..

  • 작성자 09.03.13 19:27

    아,,, 넘 감사합니다,,, 정말 멋지시네요! ^^ 열심히 연습해서 꼭 붙을게용! 정말 감사
