Poet Park Jin-gwan's 53 Seonji 18th. 42, August 22, 2003 Memorial Poem at the Garden of Mangyang
Our Joseon hero returning home after 58 years
Poet Jingwan
Koreans forcibly taken for the construction of Gobo Dam in Japan
March 15, 1940 Takano Town, Hiba County, Hiroshima Prefecture
Korean hero who died while working deep in the mountains
In the meantime, Joseon was divided
our ancestors who died in Japan
With the shame of not meeting you
here in a divided country
Cries sadly while hitting the ground.
We are talking about the many workers who died in Japan.
I was not interested, but in this way, by Japanese citizens
The work of finding the bodies of Koreans and sending them back to their hometowns
I can't help but weep without the bodies of the Korean people.
Are they the Koreans who died only at the Gobo Dam construction site?
Somewhere in Japan, I must still have my eyes wide open
What shall we do with the souls of the Korean people?
After liberation, I boarded the return ship
Koreans who became souls in the sea
Should we just watch
All over Japan, the heart is still planted
We need to find the bodies in Joseon.
But Japanese people who speak of things we have forgotten
Japanese who returned carrying the bodies of Koreans who died at the Bogo Dam construction site.
We will not forget the affection shown to our ancestors.
I will say that I will never forget the heart that cared for and comforted our ancestors.
I salute you once again to the people of Japan.
Finding bodies in Joseon still hidden deep in the mountains
In the mountains and streams of the motherland, create a place to be honored in the mountains and streams of hope
We will serve the returning heroes of Joseon
Thousands of Koreans who have not yet returned home
Let's go back to our motherland
Japanese people, forced confinement to Gobo Dam
I salute you once again the meeting of the investigation.
The bodies of the Koreans who have not yet been found
I appeal to you to find it in the mountains and rivers of Japan.
August 22, 2003 In the Garden of Nowhere
December 22, 2022