For the first time, a major American political party has a
woman as its candidate for president. The Democratic Party officially
Hillary Clinton for the presidency three months ago. But why did it take so long
for a woman to be nominated in a country that works to empower women around the
world? And, do feelings about the place of women affect how Americans
react to
a female candidate? Clinton’s aides believe some people
will not vote for her because she is a woman. Michele Swers is a professor of
American government at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. She co-wrote a
book called “Women in the Club.” Swers says many people are likely to consider
only men when they think about strength and the ability to lead. “And woman
travels in a narrower lane, so that women in politics have to prove both that
they hold masculine qualities of
leadership, but still also hold feminine personality traits that
people assume women have.” Swers
says Hillary Clinton is often criticized for showing
a lack of
warmth in her dealings with others. She also has been criticized for being
calculating – having
self-interest guide her
* political party = 정당/ nominate (sb
for/as ~) = (중요한 역할・수상자・지위 등의 후보자로) 지명[추천]하다/ empower = 권한을 주다/ react to ~ = ~에
반응하다/ aide = 보좌관/ be likely to ~ = ~할 것 같다/ masculine = 남자 같은, 사내다운/ feminine =
여성스러운, 여자 같은/ personality trait = 성격 특성/ assume = (사실일 것으로) 추정[상정]하다/
criticize (sb for ~) = 비판[비난]하다/ a lack of ~ = ~의 부족/ calculating = 타산적인, 계산적인/
self-interest = 사리사욕, 사리 추구
But Sonya Michel notes
that when Clinton does show her feelings, she is also questioned. Michel, a
University of Maryland professor, studies the history of women and gender. “And
the more she (Clinton) tries to avoid those kinds of criticisms, people say,
‘Well is she strong enough? Is she firm enough? You know, how
can she, how can she operate on a world stage?’” Georgetown's Michele Swers says
the United States has not had a woman as president because of its political
system. In her words, “when
it comes to presidential nominations
you need to not just work
your way up through the party, but you need to build your
own coalition, your own
coalition of donors, your own coalition
of connections to various state party leaders. And all these things have been
by men over time, so it’s harder for a woman to have those connections and to
in,” she said. That is likely why Clinton is the first
presidential nominee of a major party. She has many connections from all the
years she was secretary of
state and a member of the Senate. In addition, she is the
wife of former President Bill Clinton.
* question
= (특히 공식적으로) 질문하다, 심문하다, 설문 조사하다/ retired = 은퇴한, 퇴직한/ criticism = 비판, 비난/ firm =
행동・위치・이해가 확고한, 단호한, 확실한/ when it comes to ~ = ~에 대해서[관해서] 라면/ presidential
nomination = 대통령 후보자 지명/ work one's way up = 승진하다, 출세하다/ coalition = (특히 정치적인)
연합체/ donor = 기부자, 기증자/ dominate = 지배[군림]하다/ breakin = 끼어들다[방해하다]; 침입하다/
secretary of state = [美] 국무장관(國務長官)
Does Sexism Affect US Presidential Race - WTS.mp3