요약: 5번은 키보드, 6번은 모니터.
출처: http://www.oc.nps.edu/~bird/oc3030_online/fortran/io/io.html
READ(*,*) item1, item2, item3... WRITE(*,*) item1, item2, item3...where ITEMx = a variable, a constant or math expression
Example: WRITE(*,*) 'ALPHA=', ALPHAThe first asterisk (*) means the input comes from the keyboard in a READ statement and goes to the screen in a WRITE statement. The second asterisk (*) means the computer decides how the I/O elements should look based on the TYPE of data in the input/output list. This is sometimes called "FREE-FORMAT".
SPACES may be inserted between components of the statement to add clarity.
The READ statement causes the program to PAUSE and allow you to enter values. The program will not continue until all values have been entered.
Separate values with SPACES when typing data into the program with a READ operation. Make sure you press the ENTER key.
Insert a WRITE statement to PROMPT yourself for input just before a READ statement. This statement should tell the user WHAT to enter.
WRITE(unit#, format, options) item1, item 2,... READ(unit#, format, options) item1, item2,...NOTE: We will restrict our use to TERMINAL and FILE I/O. Typically, you transfer data files to/from tape, diskette, and printer by using UNIX (or DOS on PCs) commands, rather than a Fortran program reading or writing directly from/to the device.
In this form, PARENTHESES are used to enclose information about the UNIT, the FORMAT (if any) and other options.
Again, SPACES may be used to add clarity to the statement.
The input and output lists (item1, item2,...) are composed of constants, variables or expressions, separated by COMMAS.
Standard FORTRAN reserves two UNIT numbers for I/O to user. They are:
UNIT = 5 for INPUT from the keyboard with the READ statement UNIT = 6 for OUTPUT to the screen with the WRITE statementMost versions of FORTRAN will also let you use the ASTERISK (*) for I/O to the TERMINAL. The asterisk can be used with both the READ and WRITE statements, thus there is no need to remember whether 5 or 6 is for input or output.
When I/O is to a file you must ASSOCIATE a UNIT number (which you choose) with the FILENAME. Use any unit number other than 5 and 6. On some computers, some unit numbers are reserved for use by the computer operating system.
The association of the unit number and filename occurs when the OPEN statement is executed.
OPEN(UNIT=n, FILE='filename', options...)This statement associates UNIT n with the file mentioned. All subsequent READs or WRITEs using unit n will be to or from this file.
When doing I/O to a FILE, each READ statement inputs data from a NEW LINE and each WRITE statement outputs data on a NEW LINE. Most files are SEQUENTIALLY organized.
You can't easily go back up in the file, but you can REWIND the file with: REWIND unit_number
When you are finished with the file, you may CLOSE it with: close(10) or close(unit=10) (This is optional.)
WRITE(*,10) 'USING', L2, 'AREA =', AREA 10 FORMAT(1X, A5, 2X, I3, 4X, A6, 2X, F6.2)
In a format statement, there is a one-to-one correspondence with the items in the I/O list, with the exception of certain positional descriptors; X, T, /.
The FORMAT statement is defined only once (for each label referenced) in the program but may be used by any number of I/O statements.
- There are a dozen or so descriptors, The most commonly used are:
Descriptor Use rIw Integer data rFw.d Real data in decimal notation rEw.d Real data in scientific notation Aw Character data 'x...x' Character strings nX Horizontal spacing (skip spaces) / Vertical spacing (skip lines) Tc Tab Where: w = positive integer specifying FIELD WIDTH r = positive integer REPEAT COUNT d = non-negative integer specifying number of digits to display to right of decimal. x = any character n = positive integer specifying number of columns c = positive integer representing column numberNOTES ON DESCRIPTORS:
- Values for I, F, and E descriptors will be right justified.
- You must leave enough space for negative sign in the field width for I, E, F, and for decimal point for E, F and for exponent for E.
- When using the E descriptor, the number will be NORMALIZED. This means the number is shifted over so that the first digit is in the tenths position. A leading zero and decimal are always present and a minus sign, if needed. The exponent always requires 4 spaces; E, the sign and 2 digits.
- If you overflow the space allotted to a descriptor, it will print out asterisks (at RUN TIME) in the field space.
- Character data (A) is also right-justified but if it overflows the allotted space it is left-most truncated.
- The first character of each line of output is used to control the vertical spacing. Use 1X to give normal spacing.
1. Format identifier Given: REAL ROOT1, ROOT2 1. Unformatted or "free format" output: All three are equivalent Print*, root1, root2 Write (6,*) root1, root2 Write (6,*) 'Roots are:' root1, root2 2. Formatted write statements: Write (6,100) root1, root2 100 format (1x, 'The Roots Are: ', F5.1,1x,F5.1) output: The Roots Are: 123.5 789.1 3. Write(6,'(',The Roots Are: ', 2F5.1)') root1,root2 4. Define character*5 FRMT FRMT = '2F5.1' write(6,FRMT) root1, root2 2. Format Descriptors Integer: Iw examples: NUM1 = 123, NUM2 = 456, NUM3 =9 write(6,15) NUM1, NUM2, NUM3 15 format (1x,I3,1x,I3,1x,I3) output: 123 456 9 ^ ^ ^^^ write(6,18) NUM1, NUM2, NUM3 18 format (1x,3(I2,1x)) output: *** *** *** Note: If the number is too large ^ ^ ^^ for #spaces allotted, *** are printed. Reals: REAL NUMBER1, NUMBER2 NUMBER1 = -123.5678 NUMBER2 = -23456.89 A. F format (decimal) Fw.d d=# places to right of decimal w-d > or = 2 (to include the decimal pt and +/- sign) NUMBER1 needs format F9.4 NUMBER2 needs format F9.2 B. E format -- good for 1) large or small numbers 2) don't know the size of number Ew.d w - d > or = 7: need at least 7 places for: e-03 -- 4 places +/- -- 1 place 0. -- 2 places NUMBER1 needs format E14.7 -0.1235678E+03 NUMBER2 need foprmat E14.7 -0.2345689E+05 C. G-format G10,3 chooses between E & F format depending on the size of the number D. D-format Dw.d same as E, but for Double Precision D10.3 1.473D-05 Character Variables: CHARACTER*10 NAME REAL SCORE1, SCORE2 A-format Aw w = # characters read(10,100) NAME, SCORE1, SCORE2 100 format(A10,1x,f6.1,1x,f6.2) read this one line from input file, unit=10 JORDAN____ __98.4 __75.5 write(20,150) NAME 150 format(1x,'Last name = ', A10) output file (unit=20) line is: Last name = JORDAN____ writes out left justified If we write NAME in A5 format Last name = JORDA truncated: not enough characters * When reading in "free format" for a character string, your input needs single quotes around it. read*, name keyboard input: 'JORDAN' * When reading a character string using a format statement, you do not need the single quotes. read(*,50) name 50 format(A10) keyboard input: JORDAN no quotes!! 3. Control of Horizontal Spacing. 1. nX skips n spaces read (10,150) INTEGER1, INTEGER2 150 format (I3, 12x, I3) skips everything in between 2. Tabs! Tc c = column number Great for tables!! format (1x, F7.2, T12, F7.1, T24, I6) starts in Column 12 4. File Types: Sequential: lines of data or records are written in a sequence and must be read in that (Chapter 11) sequence. If you want to ignore 4 lines and then read 5th line . . . Must READ all 4 lines first, then start with 5th line. NO WAY TO SKIP to 5th line. Direct-access files: Records have specified Record Length (RECL). Each record can be accessed individually You can skip to the 5th record. 5. Open Statements p.518 Open (unit=10, file='mydata', status='old') status = old, new, unknown You can use a character variable name, for example: character*30 file1 file1= '/home/usr6/mr2020/lab4.data' open (unit=10, file=file1, status='old', readonly) The readonly option will not allow you to write to unit=10. This protects your file from accidentally being overwritten. To write to files: open(unit=20,file='Lab4.output',status='new') If status='new' and then you rerun the program, the file Lab4.output already exists from the last time you ran the program, so the program stops! 6. Close Statements Close (unit=10) or Close (10) 7. Read Statement - There are three OPTIONS which are useful when READing data from a file, using the READ command. They are: END = label Specifies a label to branch (jump) to if an END-OF-FILE (EOF) is reached (READing past the end of file). Example: read(10,130,end=300) a,b,c 130 format(3(f7.2,1x)) When the end-of-file, EOF, is encountered, control of the program jumps to line 300. Typically, this is used in a "read data loop", which continues reading one new line at a time until EOF is found. The jump to line 300 is your only way out of the loop. ERR = label Specifies a label to branch to if some ERRor is encountered in the I/O. Example: READ(10,140,err=225) a, b, c 140 format(f7.2,2x,f10.5,3x,e12.7) When a read error is encountered, the program jumps to line 225 and continues executing the program from there. Typically, you jump to a section of your program that will notify you, the user, that an error has occurred. This does not tell you WHICH type of error occurred. IOSTAT = integer variable Variable is assigned an integer value to describe the success or error of your READ statement. Integer values: - Zero, means the input data was read without error. - Negative value, means the end-of-file (EOF) mark was read, which signifies the end of the input data file. - Positive value, means there was an error during the read execution. The positive value indicates the type of error, as defined by the computer operating system. Example: read(10,150,iostat=k) a, b, c 150 format(f7.2,2x,f10.5,3x,e12.7) k = 0 means there was no error, nor was EOF encountered. k = -1 means EOF was encountered. k = 2 refers to the operating system read error "type"=2.8. Write Statement p. 528 Output options: 1. PRINT Command prints to the screen only! There are wonderful options of using PRINT (format specification), but it only goes to the screen! 2. WRITE Command writes to any user-specified "UNIT". A "unit" can be the screen (unit=6) or any open file. "Write" is a more flexible command. All the format statement options described for "print" work with "write". If a user wants to write to a file, the user must specify: 1. filename 2. unit number The "OPEN" command opens the named file and assigns the unit number. So when data is written to the file, it is referred to with the "WRITE" command by unit number, rather than filename. Example: filename = 'lab3.output' unit number = 10 to write: WRITE (10,100) temp, pres, density unit # format statement number In this course, we'll emphasize using the WRITE Command Control Characters: These affect the printer. You must write data or any output to a file you intend to printout (hard copy) differently than you would write to data file to be read in by another program. When I write to a file I later intend to print out, I use the 1x option (skips 1 space). 100 format (1x, 'temp = ', f5.1, 1x, 'pres = ', f6.1)
첫댓글 감사합니다 덕분에 I/O에 대한 자세한 이해를 할수 있어 좋았습니다. 그리고 Write는 경로지정 경우를 제시하셧는데 READ도 경로를 지정해서 입력할 수있는지 알려주시고 "Compaq Visual Fortran : A Guide to Creating Windows Applications" 책도 구하고 싶은데 방법을 알려주시면 고맙겠습니다
물론 READ도 경로 지정이 가능합니다. 예를 들어서 MDI 를 사용할 경우에 어떤 창에서 입력하는지 라든가. 등등
Compaq Visual Fortran : A Guide to Creating Windows Applications" 이 책은 제가 가지고 있는 것 같은데. 제가 캐나다에서 있어서..음. 링크 확인해 보셔도 좋겠습니다. 옛날 버전이라 라이브러리 이름이 좀 다르긴 한데...http://crydee.sai.msu.ru/~vab/fortran.doc/dwf6/dvf_pg.pdf
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