"Therefore, Ananda, engage with me in friendliness, and not in opposition. That will be for your long-term well-being & happiness.
"And how do students engage with the teacher in opposition and not in friendliness? There is the case where a teacher teaches the Dhamma to his students sympathetically, seeking their well-being, out of sympathy: 'This is for your well-being; this is for your happiness.' His disciples do not listen or lend ear or apply their minds to gnosis. Turning aside, they stray from the Teacher's message. This is how students engage with the teacher as opponents and not as friends.
"And how do students engage with the teacher in friendliness and not in opposition? There is the case where a teacher teaches the Dhamma to his students sympathetically, seeking their well-being, out of sympathy: 'This is for your well-being; this is for your happiness.' His disciples listen, lend ear, & apply their minds to gnosis. Not turning aside, they don't stray from the Teacher's message. This is how students engage with the teacher as friends and not as opponents.
"Therefore, Ananda, engage with me in friendliness, and not in opposition. That will be for your long-term well-being & happiness.
"I won't hover over you like a potter over damp, unbaked clay goods. Scolding again & again, I will speak. Urging you on again & again, I will speak. Whatever is of essential worth will remain."
That is what the Blessed One said. Gratified, Ven. Ananda delighted in the Blessed One's words.
Tasmātiha maṃ ānanda, mittavatāya samudācaratha, mā sapattavatāya.
Taṃ vo bhavissati dīgharattaṃ hitāya sukhāya.
그러므로 아난다여, 나를 친하게 대하고 멀리하지 말라.
그것이 너희들을 오랫동안 잘되게 하고 행복하게 할 것이다.
tasmātiha: (tasmā(ta的離格)+t+iha這裡)﹐從這裡。therefore
maṃ: [ahaṃ の acc.] 私を.
vata: manner of (behaving like)
samudācarati: [saṃ + u + ā + car + a] behaves towards; occurs to; frequents.
sapatta: [m.] a rival; a foe. adj. hostile
Taṃ:① [ta の n. sg. nom. ] それは. taṃ jīvaṃ taṃ sarīraṃ 命即身
vo: tvaṃ(너)의 pl.nom. acc. ins. abl. dat, gen
bhavissati: [bhavati ~이 되다の fut.] あるであろう, 相違ない.
dīgharattaṃ: [adv.] a long time.
hita: [nt.] benefit; blessing; good; welfare. (adj.), useful; beneficial. (m.), a friend.
Kathaṃ cānanda, satthāraṃ sāvakā sapattavatāya samudācaranti no mittavatāya: idhānanda, satthā sāvakānaṃ dhammaṃ deseti anukampako hitesī anukampaṃ upādāya idaṃ vo hitāya idaṃ vo sukhāyāti. Tassa sāvakā na sussūsanti, na sotaṃ odahanti na aññā cittaṃ upaṭṭhapenti. Vokkamma ca satthusāsanā vattanti. Evaṃ kho ānanda satthāraṃ sāvakā sapattavatāya samudācaranti no mittavatāya.
Kathañcānanda, satthāraṃ sāvakā mittavatāya samudācaranti no sapattavatāya: idhānanda, satthā sāvakānaṃ dhammaṃ deseti anukampako hitesī anukampaṃ upādāya: idaṃ vo hitāya idaṃ vo sukhāyāti. Tassa sāvakā sussūsanti, sotaṃ odahanti, aññā cittaṃ1 upaṭṭhapenti, na ca vokkamma satthusāsanā2 vattanti. Evaṃ kho ānanda, satthāraṃ sāvakā mittavatāya samudācaranti no sapattavatāya.
스승은 제자들에게 담마를 설하고, 연민으로 잘되길 바라고,
이것이 너희들을 잘되게 하고 이것이 너희들을 행복하게 할 것이다라고,
연민으로 (가르친다.)
그것에 제자들은 듣는다, 귀를 기우린다, 마음을 (아라한의) 지혜로 향한다.
스승의 가르침에 등 돌리지 않고 머문다.
이것이 아난다여, 실로 스승을 친하게 대하고 멀리하지 않는 것이다.
satthar:m. [Sk. śāstṛ<śās] 師, 大師, 教師, 教主. (sg.) nom. satthā; acc. satthāraṃ; instr. satthārā, satthunā; gen. satthu, satthuno; loc. satthari; (pl.) nom. acc. satthāro; gen. satthārānaṃ.
sāvaka: 'hearer', i.e. 'disciple', refers, in a restricted sense (then mostly ariya-sāvaka, 'noble disciple'), only to the 8 kinds of noble disciples (ariya-puggala,).
anukampaka: [adj.] compassionate; one who has pity
hitesī: [m.] benefactor; desiring another's welfare
anukampaṃ upādāya : out of pity
upādāya: [abs. of upādāti] having grasped; compared with; with reference to.
tassa::, tassā, ta (so, tad, sā) の dat. gen.
sussūsati: [su + sa; su is doubled and the second u is lengthened] listens.
sota : [nt.] the ear. (m.), a stream; torrent; flood.
odahati: [ava + dah + a] puts down; inserts; is attentive
aññā,(f.) [Sk. ājñā, = ā + jñā, cp. ājānāti] knowledge, recognition, perfect knowledge
upaṭṭhapeti: [upa + ṭhā + e] provides; procures; puts forth; causes to be present or waits one.
Vokkamma: [abs. of vokkamati] having turned aside; having devited from
satthusāsanā: satthu(스승의)-sāsanā(가르침)
vattati: [vat + a] exists; happens; takes place; goes on
Tasmātīha [PTS Page 118] maṃ ānanda, mittavatāya samudācaratha, mā sapattavatāya taṃ vo bhavissati dīgharattaṃ hitāya sukhāya. Na kho ahaṃ ānanda, tathā parakkamissāmi. Yathā kumbhakāro āmake āmakamatte. Niggayha niggayhāhaṃ ānanda vakkhāmi.
Pavayha ānanda pavayha vakkhāmi. Yo sāro so ṭhassatīti.
Idamavoca bhagavā attamano āyasmā ānando bhagavato bhāsitaṃ abhinandīti.
아난다여, 실로 나는 마치 도공이 굽지 않은 그릇에 도취되듯 하지 않을 것이다.
아난다여, 견책하고 견책함을 (잘못된 점을) 말할 것이다.
아난다여, 끊임없이 끊임없이 말할 것이다.
무엇이든 정수만 남길 것이다. (마치 도공이 완전한 그릇만 남기듯)
thatā: (adv.) thus; so; in that way; likewise.
parakkamissāmi: parakkamati의 1sg fut 미래형
parakkamati: [parā + kamm + a] exerts; shows courage.
Yathā: [adv.] as; like; in relation to; according to; in whatever way; just as.
kumbhakāra: [m.] potter.
āmaka: [adj.] raw; fresh; uncooked; not ripe.
matta: [pp. of majjati] was intoxicated; full of joy; proud of; conceited; polished.
(-°) (adj.) [i. e. mattā used as adj.] 「by measure,」 measured, as far as the measure goes
niggayha: [abs. of niggaṇhāti] having rebuked; having censured; having restrained
vakkhati: [fut. of vadati] he will say.
pavayha,(adv.) [ger. of pavahati] carrying on, pressing, urgently, constantly, always repeated as pavayha pavayha M.III,118=DhA.II,108; M.I,442, 444.
ya: [relative pron.] which; what; whatever.
sāra(m.), essence; the pith of a tree; the choicest part. (adj.) essential; excellent;
so: [(nom. sin. of ta), m.] he
ṭhassati: tiṭṭhati の fut.
tiṭṭhati: [ṭhā + a; ṭhā is changed to tiṭṭha] stands; stays; abides; lasts; remains.
(comparative tiṭṭhatu has the meaning; leave it alone or let it be so).
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