Today's Expression
by a hair's breath 가까스로, 아슬아슬한
umbrella [ʌmbrelə]
obesity [oubiːsəti]
opponent [əpounənt]
system [sistəm]
cloth [klɔːθ]
insurance [inʃuərəns]
I want to go cafe. -> I want to go to cafe.
설탕세는 법 five lumps of sugar / many sugar-> much sugar
I'd like to drinking -> I'd like to drink
I asked to my home-stay mother. -> I asked my home-stay mother.
I don't need fat tax. -> I don't think fat tax is needed.
It doesn't affect on sth badly. -> It doesn't affect food badly.
go to somewhere -> go somewhere
A was a red company. -> The company, A was in red.(재정적으로 위기인 상태의 회사)
impose to -> impose on
Denmark people -> Dennish people
cheap 저렴하며 저급 / inexpensive 저렴, 적당한질
by the skin of one's teeth 가까스로
agree to : 정책에 동의
agree with : 의견에 동의
agree about/on : 합의
privatization 민영화
private hand 사기업
covenant 계약
subrogate 대신하다
preferentialism 특혜