Archer: Initial class for Preserve - No bonus
Archmage: The effectiveness of all spells increases by 20%
Assassin: The Speed and Movement of the hero are increased by +3
Barbarian: Initial class for Stronghold - No bonus
Bard: Hero always has maximum Luck
Battle Mage: The force of the spells Magic Fist and Ice Bolt are increased by 20%. Magic Fist is automatically learned (if not already known)
Beast Lord: The effectiveness of the spells Summon Wolf and Summon White Tiger increase by 20%
Beastmaster: The effectiveness of the spell Summon Wolf increases by 20%
Cardinal: Hero obtains +5% to the Resurrection skill
Crusader: Hero always has maximum Morale
Dark Lord: Melee attack reduces the Morale of the enemy to the minimum
Dark Priest: Hero gains Vampirism: for every 2 HP Damage to the enemy, 1 HP is recovered
Death Kight: Initial class for Necropolis - No bonus
Demonologist: Increases the effectiveness of the Summon Imps, Summon Cerberi, Summon Venom Spawn, Summon Ice Demons, and Summon Devils spells so that they summon +50 XP more creatures
Druid: Initial class for Preserve - No bonus
Enchanter: The effectiveness of all Summoning and Illusion spells is increased by 20%
Field Marshal: All units gain a 10% increase in Ranged and Melee Attack
Fire Diviner: The effectiveness of all fire-based spells increases by 20%
Fireguard: The hero gains complete immunity to fire-based spells. Fire-based attacks inflict only half damage
General: All units gain +1 Morale
Guildmaster: Hero has a certain chance of stunning an enemy in melee fighting. Stunned enemies cannot do anyting (including retaliate) for one turn
Heretic: Hero gains the ability to ignore all effects from Wards
Illusionist: The effectiveness of Illusion spells increases by 20%
Knight: Initial class for Haven - No bonus
Lich: Hero can temporarily age enemies: Aged enemies have their Attack reduced by 25%, their Defense reduced by 20%, and their Speed and Movement reduced by 50%
Lord: Initial class for Academy - No bonus
Lord Commander: All units gain +2 Morale
Mage: Initial class for Academy - No bonus
Monk: Hero gains Chaos Ward: 50% resistence to Chaos spells and 50% protection (increase to Ranged and Melee Defenses) against Chaos aligned units
Necromancer: Initial class for Necropolis - No bonus
Ninja: The weapon of the hero becomes poisoned: the posioned enemy takes damage every round from the time of injury until the end of combat
Paladin: Hero gains Death Ward: 50% resistence to Death spells and 50% protection (increase to Ranged and Melee Defenses) against Death aligned units
Priest: Initial class for Haven - No bonus
Prophet: Hero has Spiritual Armor which increases Ranged and Melee Defense by 25%
Pyromancer: Hero constantly has a Fire Shield which inflicts damage on any who attempt a melee attack
Ranger: Hero gains the ability to shoot (if it didn't already) and gains +5 Ranged Attack
Reaver: Hero constantly has Bloodlust (+25% Damage)
Seer: The radius of vision of the hero increases by +2
Shadow Mage: Hero is constantly surrounded by a cloud which interferes with aiming, increasing Ranged Defense by 50%
Sorcerer: Initial class for Asylum - No bonus
Summoner: Increases the effectiveness of the Summoning Skill: Hero can raise +20 XP more creatures per day
Thief: Initial class for Asylum - No bonus
Warden: All units obtain a 10% increase in Ranged and Melee Defense
Warlock: The Spellpoints of the hero increase by +10 and Spellpoints regenerate +1 per day
Warlord: Hero gains +5 Melee Attack
Witch King: Melee attack induces Fear: the enemy does not retaliate and flees several spaces
Wizard: The cost of all spells is reduced by 2
Wizard King: Melee attack reduces the Luck of the enemy to the minimum.
아크메이지-마법 효과20% 증가
암살자-속도+이동 3씩증가
방랑시인-히어로행운이 언제나 최고
배틀메이지-마법의 주먹 주문과 아이스볼트주문의 위력+20%. 마법의 주먹주문을 안배웠다면 그냥 배움.
비스트로드-늑대소환&백호소환 마법 +20%효과
비스트마스터(옛날것과 비슷하다고 생각마십쇼)늑대소환마법+20%효과
추기경-부활능력에 5%추가
십자군(크루세이더) 히어로사기 언제나 최고
어둠의 군주(-.-); 히어로의 직접공격은 맞는것의 사기를 최소화함.
어둠의 승려(-_-;;) 뱀파이어특수능력 비슷한걸 배움..상대방이 2달면 자기는 1회복..
악마연구가-임프,케르베로스,베놈스폰,아이스데몬,데빌 소환주문을 쓸때 50포인트(hp,경험치와같음)만큼 더 소환함..
인챈터-소환과 환영(welcome 말고) 마법 효과+20%
필드 마샬-모든 생물 장거리+근거리 공격+10
불의 예언가-불과 관계된 마법 효과 +20%
파이어가드-불마법 면역,불공격(피닉스,이프릿,블랙드래곤)50%만 받음
길드마스터-히어로가 근거리공격을 하면 마비가능성-마비되면 1턴동안 아무것도못함.
헤레틱($.$);; 워드(타이탄의 카오스워드같은거..) 의 효과 무시..(?!)
환상가-환영마법 +20%
리치(?!)히어로는 잠시(?)동안 적을 늙게만들수있다.늙으면 공격25% 감소,방어20% 감소,그리고 속도&이동 50%감소한다.
로드(아니면 경)기본 영웅
로드커맨더-유닛 사기+2
몽크(수도사) 혼돈마법에 50% 면역,어사일럼 생물에 대해 장거리&근거리 방어력이 50%올라간다..
닌자-근거리 공격할때 독공격을 한다..독걸리면 계속hp준다
팰러딘(성기사)몽크와 같지만 죽음마법과 언데드를 상대로임..
예언자-스피리츄얼 아머가 걸려있다. (근거리&장거리방어가25%오름)
불 점쟁이-히어로에 언제나 파이어쉴드가 걸린다.
레인저-히어로는 장거리공격을 할수있게된다(만약 못했다면) 장거리 공격이 5오른다..
약탈자-블러드러스트가 걸려있다(데미지25%+)
선지자-히어로는 2+ 더 멀리볼수있다.
쉐도우 메이지(?!) 장거리 방어 50%증가
소환자-소환술할때 하루에20(hp,경험치)씩 더 소환한다..
감시자-필드 마샬과 동일(유닛장거리,근거리공격+10)
워락-마나한계+10,하루에 1씩 더오름.
군사지도자-히어로 근거리 공격+5
위치킹(마녀왕?!)근거리공격은 공포를 포함. 공포되면 반격못하고 되로 몇칸 후퇴함.
위자드-스펠가격-2(1렙들은 그냥 가격이2인데?!..그리고 이제는 5렙도 12만 써서 더 효율적입니다.
위자드킹-근거리공격을 하면 맞는것의 행운이 최저로..
다 썼습니다...
다음에는 기술과 클래스 를 소개하도록하져..
틀린점이 있으면 리플달아주시면 감사하겠습니다..