I'm sorry to hear you've selected incorrect shipping address for this order #103-0487777-6916246.
I verified you order and see that it has already been shipped, so it's too late to change the address.
Due to an address problem it will be returned to us by the carrier. When we receive the returned package, we'll issue you a full refund. Unfortunately, we're unable to re-ship returned packages.
You may also contact the carrier to deliver your order to correct address. For your convenience, I’ve provided the contact information of FedEx:
Phone: 1-800-463-3339
To track : : www.fedex.com/us/pckgenvlp/track/index.html
Tracking Number : 550168869333
If you haven't received your order or refund after February 15, please let us know. We'll issue full refund for your order.
If you still want the items, please place a new order via One-Day Shipping directly from Amazon.com or order fulfilled by Amazon and write back to us with your order number. We'll waive off or refund the shipping fee completely.
Please visit the following link to provide the information we requested:
You may also want to edit or delete the address if it has become outdated. To do so, go to Your Account (www.amazon.com/your-account) and click "Manage Address Book" under the Address Book heading.
We look forward to seeing you again. |