As U.S. Ambassador to Korea, I have the privilege of hosting many different events – from dinners with visiting dignitaries and Korean friends to musical performances, lectures, and seminars. I enjoy them all, but the biggest and the most exciting event any U.S. Ambassador can host is the reception celebrating U.S. independence on July 4th (or a day close to that on the calendar, since I like to give our employees that day off!).
This is my first time hosting the Independence Day reception as Ambassador, and we are working hard already to make a great event. Today I want to tell you about a special contest related to our upcoming reception. All you need to do is make a video (30-second maximum) about what America means to you. This can be about any U.S-related topic, including American art, culture, movies, history, or even President Obama. You name it, any topic related to the U.S. is fair game. Embassy Seoul’s SNS team and I will then select two grand prize winners. The two winners not only will be invited to our reception but their videos will be shown to the entire audience during the reception and they will have an opportunity to meet and take photos with “Lost” and “Hawaii Five-0” star Daniel Dae Kim at the reception.
If you are interested, read the flyer below and send us your video (e-mail: before June 25. I can’t wait to see your great work and learn what America means to you!