노인의 경우 고관절 골절 합병증으로 사망에 이르는 경우가 많다.
합리적인 영양성분의 공급으로 합병증을 70%에서 15%로 줄인다는 논문
적절하게 한약을 써면 훨씬 효과적일 것이라고 추정할 수 있는 논문
panic bird.....
Nutritional Supplementation Decreases Hip Fracture-related Complications.
Nutritional Supplementation Decreases Hip fracture-related .pdf
Protein energy malnutrition is an important determinant of clinical outcome in older patients after hip fracture, but the
effectiveness of nutritional support programs in routine clinical practice is controversial. We performed a prospective,
randomized, controlled clinical trial to determine if nutritional supplementation decreased fracture-related complications
in a selection of otherwise healthy patients with hip fractures.
- 노인환자 고관절 골절에서 단백질 영양공급은 합병증을 줄이기 위해 매우 중요한 인자
- 본 연구에서 prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial을 시행하여 고관절 골절과 관련된 합병증 감소를 조사
Patients were randomized to intervention or control groups. The control group (n = 40) was given ordinary hospital food and beverage. The intervention group (n = 40) also was administered a 1000 kcal daily intravenous supplement for 3 days, followed by a 400 kcal oral nutritional supplement for 7 days. We recorded daily fluid and energy intake during the first 10 days of hospitalization and fracture-related complications up to 4 months. The total fluid and energy intake in the intervention group neared optimal levels. The control group received 54% and 64% of optimal energy and fluid intake, respectively.
- 환자는 두그룹으로 나눔. 40명 control 그룹은 병원식사, intervention 그룹 40명은 1000 kcal daily intravenous supplement for 3 days, followed by a 400 kcal oral nutritional supplement for 7 days. 총 10일동안 에너지, 영양보조제 투여
- 이후 4개월동안 합병증 관찰.
The risk of fracture-related complications was greater in the control group (70%) than in the intervention group (15%). Four patients in the control group died within 120 days postoperatively. The comprehensive balanced nutrition supplement resulted in lower complication rates and mortality at 120 days postoperatively.
- 골절과 관련된 합병증 위험은 대조군은 70%, 영양을 공급한 치료그룹은 15%에서 합병증 발병.
- 사망율도 훨씬 줄어듬.
Cumulative Number of Complications