Why does inflammation increase when you relax?
The first reason is that they need more oxygen than the average person. When your body relaxes, the amount of oxygen it needs increases. As the number of cells is large, enough oxygen must come in and the muscles must relax, so the nerves move, the muscles move, and the fascia relaxes. What is needed at this time is oxygen, and although the lungs are large, the airway is narrow, and the neck is stiff, so oxygen cannot enter, free radicals are created, and inflammation occurs.
Another reason is that when breathing becomes deeper, it does not continue to deepen once in a while, but there comes a time when breathing is blocked; that is, exhalation continues and inhalation does not work well. It becomes rigid. If you do not continue to relax at this time, oxygen comes in more rapidly when you breathe, or your body stiffens and blood surges to the top of your head. Then, the nerves in the brain do not function properly, and neurohormones cannot be released. Soon, the smooth muscles become stiff.
As inflammation increases, body aches become worse. Normally, the nerves are blocked, and you cannot feel pain even if there is inflammation in the body, but when you relax and the nerves come back to life, you finally feel pain. Therefore, the pain that comes when the nerves revive is also a sign of hope.